The gospel today was about Jesus showing up when two of his disciples were preaching and freaking them out. He asked for something to eat and they gave him a baked fish. How about that.
Anyway Father Cashman preached about how some people tell him they are good Catholics even though they don't go to church. He told a story how someone told him that at his old parish and he was gentle in correcting them. But his pastor took him aside and told him not to let them off the hook so easily. You don't have to hammer them but don't tell them it's no big deal. See that s a recurring problem for me. When friends or family want to make a big show at a religious observance like a christening or a communion and they never go to church. I mean we were exhausted today but we dragged our ass out of bed. I don't want any credit for that. It was you are supposed to do. But I don't want to listen to anyone's bullshit because no one is busier than us and no one is more exhasuted.than us. So get your ass out of bed and go to church you lazy fucks.
My Sunday message to you. Amen.
Anyway Father Cashman preached about how some people tell him they are good Catholics even though they don't go to church. He told a story how someone told him that at his old parish and he was gentle in correcting them. But his pastor took him aside and told him not to let them off the hook so easily. You don't have to hammer them but don't tell them it's no big deal. See that s a recurring problem for me. When friends or family want to make a big show at a religious observance like a christening or a communion and they never go to church. I mean we were exhausted today but we dragged our ass out of bed. I don't want any credit for that. It was you are supposed to do. But I don't want to listen to anyone's bullshit because no one is busier than us and no one is more exhasuted.than us. So get your ass out of bed and go to church you lazy fucks.
My Sunday message to you. Amen.
And having showed up, don't spend the entire time chit chatting with your buddies like the three assholes sitting behind us last week, or text messaging like the college students sitting in front of us recently.
I feel uplifted and kicked in the ass at the same time!
Fucking A!
Simon I emailed you back.
You know, sometimes I feel like that guy in Plato's cave.
I'm sitting here reading the blogs and commenting and everyone else is corresponding privately. No wonder I'm so clueless.
Eh, who am I kidding? I'd be clueless anyway.
My Sunday message to you is that on this Sunday, a very hot Sunday, there were many exposed tits in the city today.
I saw jiggling, bouncing, sweating tank top wearing, no bra wearing tits.
I saw some nipples too. Nipples that were exposed and sweating through tankeys.
I was offended yet a little titillated by the overbundance of tits walking around today.
I saw tits in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors today.
For eight months walking the streets of NYC we don't get to see much of the tit but come 80 degree weather and you realize that we are blessed with so many tits.
Tits wanted to come out and play this weekend and they did.
We have really beautiful women in this city too.
In all shapes and sizes.
I love our women. The best in the world.
Thank you.
I am watching The Night of The Hunter.
What a fucking good movie.
Robert Mitchum is a preacher so that ties in nice to the pew post.
Robert Mitchum and the old bag, who has a gun, are now singing Lead On Jesus.
Tour De Force by all actors including the children.
Shelly Winters is murdered and sitting on a boat under the water. What is it with Shelly Winters and getting killed on boats in movies?
I know of three movies where Shelly Winters got killed on a boat in three movies.
Lord Save The Children.
They Abide and They Endure.
The End.
Thank You.
Directed by Charles Laughton-who was a fag.
I know "christians" who don't even go to church on holidays. Even I tell them they should go and I'm an atheist.
Trooper, thanks for the heads up - as you surmised, it went to the spam filter for some reason.
Hey, we Methodists were working on the same scripture.
I like to watch the Catholic channel once in a while, you guys have lots of rules and some of the fathers are pretty blunt. I like.
My favorites though are the Jesuits - take no prisoners.
Went to church this morning too. When he mentioned a baked fish, I immediately thought of a nice fish taco. Go figure.
Went to luch with some folks at the Italian joint. On sundays they make Escarole and Bean Soup; the best.
Yeah, since we started going to a more conservative church we rarely miss a Sunday anymore. What is the point without it? We are better when there is more than one of us.
I'm with Jason.
But I really like the way you can be a cafeteria Roman Catholic, believe in abortion, birth control and adultery and still look the Pope in the eye as Speaker of the House.
At least with Islam you know what's coming. Those fuckers really believe.
Doc, but if it makes you feel any better, accounts that I read suggested the Pope gave her a fairly stern talking to.
So if you get out of bed and go to church on Sunday, you're a good Catholic, and that somehow covers you for posting a picture of JC above a paragraph you've written that includes "ass" and "fuck".
Sorry, I'm not getting it. Not much different than a photo in a beaker of urine, in my opinion.
Si, I don't really care. I don't believe in anything but me, I am just tired of the hypocrisy of supposed xtian and jewish believers. I lived in the KSA for six years, I love those guys, and I admire the mindless belief they have.
Before I am accused of being an Islamic apologist, I admire all who are really practicing their religion of choice. I admire, but cannot believe in such absolute certainty about anything.
My Mom is the best xtian I know. I love her. She loves us too, and is certain we are all going to hell.
That's cool.
How can ass be disallowed? I hear Mary rode Joseph's ass the whole way to Bethlehem.
Michael, my Jesus is a regular guy. Not a holier than thou kind of guy. The kind of guy you can have a beer with or better yet he will turn your Poland Spring into wine. So a few curse words are not gonna get him all upset when he knows we are using them for effect. He knows where I am coming from.
PS: the best priest I ever knew would curse up a storm (albiet in Italian) and then ask God for forgiveness while he was booting us in the ass.
Trooper, I'm not trying to kick up a big fuss here. I just thought this thread was out of character for you, having read and cheered your strongly worded comments at Althouse when someone posted an anti-Catholic or an anti-BVM rant.
I know Michael. We have to agree to disagree. Stong words are over the Bible. The curses they used were not always the normal ones but the ones that were more elaborate and understandable in the venacular of the times. I think that you have to be fearsomely blunt and tough much like my hero Bishop John Hughes who really was responsible for the foundation of the Church in New York City. He was know to let off an explectative or two in his day. Context is key.
I thought the only really bad cursing, traditionally, were blasphemies?
You know, like "God's wounds!" (which because "zounds!" over time).
I have a question regarding weekly services: I see the value of it and understand the re-enactment of the last supper.
Is there any scriptural requirement behind it? There is the commandment to keep the sabbath holy, but that is never spelled-out beyond taking a day of rest.
Also, I realize that the Catholic Church has established holy days of obligation and this includes Sundays. But Catholic theologins are nothing if not through and my bet is that the command has biblical roots. But what?
I started to write a long theological disquisition on Sabbath-keeping, but realized all this is readily available online to anyone who is interested. And I've made a resolution to cut down my internet comments.
What isn't online is the story an old priest once told me about how Cardinal Cushing once told him, "Father, get your ass down to Needham!" with many other colorful expletives to emphasize the urgency of the situation, which I will not repeat, lest they offend the sensibilities of those not used to recollecting the clergy who served the Irish-American post-Tridentine Catholic Church all those many years ago.
I guess it's an east coast thing Theo, but the priest and the brothers that I grew up with were an earthy bunch. Not the nuns of course. They were the heart and soul of the church with their piety and grace. Not to say they wouldn't bop you in the head with a metal ruler. But the priest and brothers had a more masculine view of their faith and were willing to tell you what was what without editing. I mean a lot of that was lost in the sixties when the gay influence really started to take over the seminaries and the faith became much more feminized. Kind of what is happening to all of society now.
Father Mulcahey was driving home, weaving back and forth along the village roads. He was stopped by the constable.
Constable: AH, father, you are driving a wee bit erratically.
FR.: Now sun, it just these winding village roads.
Constable: Father, have you been drinking.
Fr. Nonsense, lad. Me, a man of the cloth, drinking?
Constable: Father, what is that bottle rolling around on the floor of the car?
Fr.: Laddy, that is a water bottle.
Constable: It looks like a wine bottle to me.
Fr.: Jaysus, he did it again.
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