A shocker on the Idol last night as Adam Lambert was in the final two. They did that cheesy thing they always do when there are five people left. Put two on each side and ask the really popular guy who should be safe to pick which is the "safe" group. Well he did pick out who was safe but what he didn't know was that he was in the bottom three. And then he was in the bottom two. I bet his sphincter tightened up right there. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Now he didn't deserve to be in the final two off of his performance but he is a little full of himself. Sometimes the voters figure that the favorite is safe and will vote for other people to keep them in and the favorite can slip. The only other factor I can possibly think of is the "gay one." I mean Adam is obviously a gay man and I wonder if that effects the voting. I would certainly hope that it doesn't but you never know. A lot of the stuff on Idol flies under the radar in the fan sites and on the Internet. The people who follow it know the details of almost every aspect of the contestants lives and who knows how that changes the voting. Since all of American votes you can see some strange results. It could just be a function of people voting for their favorites. I certainly hope that no one is voting against someone because of who they are. I guess we will see if he is back in the top group next week and we can write this off as a blip. But it was still interesting don't you think?
They never said Adam was in the bottom 2, they simply let Kris go sit down first.
And, I have my doubts that he was even in the bottom 3. The producers can do whatever they want to stir up controversy and get people to tune in next week.
I hope you are right. But I thought that Matt and Adam were the bottom 2. If Kris sat down first he should have had more votes. None the less there is no way Adam should not be leading. I think it was just a case of everyone thinking everyone else would vote for him and so he was in the bottom 3. Hopefully that will change because he really deserves to win.
Adam's performance was pretty self-indulgent so I wasn't that surprised with the low finish. Maybe people are getting tired of him. I still think he'll win.
I thought Danny won the round. It was his best performance of the competition.
I think it's mainly that people vote repeatedly to try to save the ones they think are in danger. Adam looked too out-of-danger to panic over. Now, he'll easily win the show because his fans understand that he is vulnerable.
I think that is exactly right. They might even have done that on purpose to pump up his vote total. The only question is why do they need to do that? I mean he is far and away the best. I am going to predict that he doesn't win.
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