Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I don't want to infuence your vote but a picture is better than 1,000 words.

I don't want to load the dice or influence the outcome so I decided to let the Minnesota Supreme Court rule on the winner if it gets too close. That should work out fine.


Penny said...

You can have the girl, Troop. Mind if I hold that cone for you? You seem to have your hands full.

ChocolateGodzilla said...

All that eye shadow makes her look so slutty, no?

ChocolateGodzilla said...

I mean, the inky shoulder and 4 earring holes and the eyeliner and the bra on the outside are so classy and tasteful. Do you suppose she realizes some pervert might see her pose as suggestive and splash it across the entire internet?

ChocolateGodzilla said...

And that other perverts such as myself might agree?