Friday, April 24, 2009

Trammell and Whitaker on Magnum PI

Who are those losers? What great actors.


Jason (the commenter) said...

Wow, I watched Magnum PI before and I never remembered seeing an episode where a gay couple picks up Magnum in a skeezy bar. Thanks for showing that Trooper. The show was way ahead of its time.

Darcy said...

You did this for me, didn't you, Trooper? Aww. My Tigers!

I'm touched. Loved them. Lou Whitaker is my favorite Tiger ever.

Magglio Ordoñez is creeping up there. Love Maggs.

Baseball been berry berry good to me.

Trooper York said...

Admit it Darcy you only rooted for the Tigers because Magnum wore a Tigers hat. I know how you girls are. If Bobby Sherman was a an A's fan you would have been wearing green and gold. Luckily Bobby only liked ice skating.

Darcy said...

Ha ha. Nopes. I watched Magnum because he was a Tiger fan.

Baseball/Hockey/Tennis chick.

Hee hee. Bobby Sherman. I had the 45 of his (only?) hit song.

save_the_rustbelt said...

I'm here to defend Darcy.

Having been a Tiger's fan since the late 50s, I have the senority to do that.


Darcy said...


Thank you, rustbelt. :)

blake said...

It's the moustache. I want to grow a '70s Selleck moustache but I'm lucky to get a '60s Gomez Addams moustache.

David said...

Selleck--Guyest guy ever to star on TV. The Rock Hudson of his generation.