The last extension is in the mail and you can stick a fork in this years tax season at 4pm on
April 15th. This year was the worst and I hope it can be my last and I can work in the store full time. The tax bills next year especially for New York State will be horrendous and I don't want to deal with the crybabies and bullshit. The funniest shit is that the most liberal douches who want to spend on every fucking program are the ones who squeal the worst when they have taxes due. Well I hope that next year I can tell them to go screw.
Amount individual taxpayers spend preparing their taxes: $27.7 billion.
Lost amount of hours per taxpayer preparing their taxes: priceless.
How lovely: we've all paid our taxes for the year. And by this time next month, the feds will have spent every cent of it!
And on spending, Freeman Hunt and Blake both twittered this video. Searching for a video it reminded me of that I knew I'd posted at SF (this one), I ran across another post of mine from election eve, imploring readers to "[g]o out and elect John McCain. If we lose, we lose, but do not make yourself complicit in this catastrophe." In truth, I was in a bad place - psychologically and physiologically - when I wrote that, and I've backed away from a lot of what was said in those few months. Well, from some of what was said. I must admit, though, that even now, given the deluge of bad choices by our new insect overlords, it's awfully tempting to see that election in such terms: Who won and who lost as less important than which side you were on.
It's a temptation that would be better resisted, I mean to say.
This is about the same observation my boyfriend has.
He was at a labor law firm in San Fran-
Anyways these businesses would get sued and he would have to listen to them.
They would go on and on for about twenty minutes about how "progressive" their business was.
Then he would tell them about how many different ways from Sunday they were about to get sued and they would suddenly turn more right winger than Attila the Hun...
Or some such shat-he tells it better.
I was speaking to Trooper's observation here:
The funniest shit is that the most liberal douches who want to spend on every fucking program are the ones who squeal the worst when they have taxes due. Well I hope that next year I can tell them to go screw.
Troop: New Archbishop...any relation?
No, but I am telling everyone that he is. And he is in Manhattan which is a different diocese than Brooklyn/Queens where I am at. But I already told the Mafia guys I have an in for some big time indulgences.
I just got back from a Tea Party. What I didn't see there were any members of either the lower tax eating welfare class or the progressive professoriate upper middle class that has shaped progressive taxation, in other words, the enslaving class. What I did see was a sea of middle class had the shit kicked out of them all their lives from above and below class. Why they didn't scream for blood is beyond me. Maybe that's next. Or maybe Americans are such a domesticated people that they'll accept enslavement from now on -- they'll "adjust."
The new archbishop was recently ours here in the Milwaukee Archdiocese.
You're gonna like the guy, I guarantee. Catholic with a capital C.
His family is in St. Louis. One of his siblings was a radio talk show host in Milwaukee before his brother move here, and the Archbishop became a regular guest on his brother's show. Great sense of humor, witty, fun guy, but with a clear understanding of doctrine, without any ad hoc modifications.
Hey my niece may be looking for an apt in Brooklyn. She is a great kid, Fordham grad, teaches at a charter school in NYC now for 4 years. Any ideas or recommendations?
Yeah AJ. She should check on Craig's list and be careful of the real estate brokers because they charge a lot. If she looks in Carroll Gardens or Park Slope or Brooklyn Heights she will pay a lot of dough, although it has loosened up a lot since the begining of the year. Fort Greene and Bed Stuy are where the hipster kids are going these days but you have to have balls to live there especially in Bed Stuy. But lots of people do so who am I to say anything. Just find a place close to a Subway line and she shoud be ok.
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