Sunday, May 3, 2009

You pronounce it "Spear-a-dell" you hipster doufous douches!

I guess other then Peter the rest of youse guys are tourists. I mean you never heard of a "Sfogliatelle." Of course it is pronounce "Spear-a-dell" which in Italian means
"Many Leaves" or as we used to call it in the neighborhood "The Venetian Blind."

It is primarily a cannoli cream filled pastry with an orange-ricotta flavored filling in puff pastry with layers that looks like the Venetian blinds you were supposed to have hanging in your window. My grandmother, heck all the grandmothers in Carroll Gardens marked you as lousy if you didn't have Venetian Blinds. I mean there was one Jewish family that had shades and everybody called them the same thing. Beatniks. If you didn't have Venetian blinds you were a beatnik and smoked funny cigarettes and didn't wash. Disgracia!

Anyway nothing is more comical than to watch yuppie assholes or tat covered hipster doufuous douches go into Court Pastry and try to order a "Spear-a-dell." The only thing that is funnier is when they go to Mastellone's deli accross the street and ask for "Broccoli Rabbi. Disgracia!


blake said...

I mean you never heard of a "Sfogliatelle." Of course it is pronounce "Spear-a-dell" How on earth does THAT work out?


is how I'd pronounce it.

Trooper York said...

In Brooklyn nothing is pronounced as it is spelled. Because we can't spell for shit. The immigrants corrupted classical Italian and since they were all from Naples and Sicily and Bari they were all considered louts and gavone's anyway it didn't matter how they talked. But trust me. Ask for a Spear-a-dell in the bakery and you will get what you want.

Penny said...

I can't do it. I CANNOT walk into a bakery and ask for a spear of any sort looking like the German I am.

I am off to Blake's bakery with the others of us who stumble through our Italian pastries phonetically.

Penny said...

Actually, now that I think about this? Still going with blake, but plan to order the old-fashioned way.

"I will have one of THOSE, please."

And Troop? Don't you DARE tell me that finger gestures are not perfectly "Italian expressive".

Trooper York said...

Hey don't worry Penny. I am sure when you walk into the Italian bakery the guy behind the counter will be perfectly happy to give you the spear. So to speak.

Peter V. Bella said...

"Don't you DARE tell me that finger gestures are not perfectly "Italian expressive"."

Actually, the finger thing is French; cocksuckers.

Italians are more expressive. We use arms, elbows, hands, crotches, etc.

In Sicily we use guns, knives, shotguns, garrotes, etc.

Italians are much more expressive and use many more body parts that the slimy French finger waving pussies.