Sunday, February 7, 2010

Welcome to the NFL

Leonard Tose was another NFL owner whose gambling got the best of him. A frequent guest at the casinos of Atlantic City, he gambled and drank and gambled and drank to the point that he lost millions upon millions of dollars. He suffered from chronic depression which is understandable since he lived in Philadelphia and had to root for the Eagles. Drinking did not help the situation and the casino plied him with more and more alcohol to get him to lose as much as his team normally did. When he finally sobered up he had lost all his money and was forced to sell the team. He sued the casinos to recoup some of the money they got off of him by getting him drunk but lost his case in the famous Supreme Court Landmark Decision of Donald Trump Et al vs. Johnnie Walker and associates. There was a rumor to the effect that the five to four decision turned on some photos that Donald Trump had obtained of Justice Souter’s vacation at the Taj Mahal when he visited a memorabilia show and was seen in the company of Burt Ward also know as Robin the Boy Wonder and Adam West TV’s Batman. Supposedly there is a photo of the Justice sliding down the Bat Pole. However this speculation has never been confirmed.
(Reverse the Call on the Field, The Secret History of the NFL, Doris Kearns Goodwin, ESPN Press 2010)

1 comment:

Peter V. Bella said...

That Adam West swung a mean bat into that Robin dude. Not that there is anything wrong with that.