Thursday, March 15, 2012

Look out you Cat's it's time for Tweetie

I held out as long as I could but I am advised that I have to start tweeting because of the show. It seems that social media is a big part of what goes on today so they think it is a good idea to tweet to bring up page views and get people talking and thinking about the show.

I won't be tweeting as Trooper York at this time even though Darcy had so kindly reserved that name for me so long ago. I will be tweeting as Lee Lee's Husband which after all what I will be know to America since it looks like I won't be saying more than one or two words in the show.  So can you guys please follow me and tell me if I am tweeting it good  or what.



chickelit said...

Looks like you could use an avatar: link.

How about the TY logo?

Chip S. said...

Eh. He's a good egg.

MamaM said...

Lee Lee's Beau

AllenS said...

I don't know a damned thing about the Tweet. Can a person tweet without a tweeter?

Anonymous said...

No comments about who I'm following. Well one of them is Garage Mahal.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ok.... for us older people who have held off on Tweeting or Twittering, mainly because the name sounds stupid and do you Tweet or receive Tweets or Twitter.

Trooper is a good husband.

AllenS said...

How many tweets in a dollar?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Hey...Allie....Let's go over to the "other place" and clutter it up!!

We could have a public cat fight over NPR.


Kidding. Too much work.

Anonymous said...

I never actually tweet, but following is great, you can get the latest news before it ever hits the news outlets.

Anonymous said...

DBQ, funny, but we may get ourselves deleted, lol.

Michael Haz said...

Glad that you're on Twitter!

Allen, it's free. Just go to Twitter dot com adn sign on.

And remember, if your tweeting in Europe you need to use the metric tweets.

Darcy said...

Followed! I am @uncommentari

Titus said...

How sad that you have to tweet.

I believe tweeting is overrated.


Hi MamaM.....tits.

Michael Haz said...

You can tweet naked, by the way. Just stay away from the windows.

Darcy said...

I always tweet naked!

MamaM said...

Lee Lee's Knot

Lee Lee's Mess o' Yarn

Lee Lee's Support Hus

rcommal said...

I don't tweet anymore but I have continued one account set up and always used as a "wire feed." I would add you to the followed but can't find you. Can you or someone repro the handle exactly as written, i.e. @xxxxxx .

Trooper York said...

Tweeting takes up too much time. I will have to limit my time and just use it to convey information.

Michael Haz said...

Darcy: We know, and thanks!

rcommal: @leeLeesHusband

Darcy said...

@Haz: My pleasure!

@Troop: You tweeted up a storm today and it was very you. But yeah, you don't want to get sucked into the Twitter vortex too much.

rcommal said...

Thanks, done.

windbag said...

I can barely comment and blog. I still haven't figured out Twitter. I would follow you if I had any inkling of how to do that. Is that a computer thing or a smart phone thing? I have a dumb phone. The day I sell my business is the day I throw away my cell phone. I like being a missing person.

rcommal said...

Will the show or you be on FB, too? I mean, not as Trooper. I know you're there now as Trooper but don't actually do FB. Which I DO do under real name.

MamaM said...

Oh Shucks. Turns out the Twitter name selection is a done deal. Lee Lee's husband seems like a dull choice, but maybe that makes for a fun contrast and a good surprise when the fans start reading and discover the real deal. It certainly works for conveying the TY style, maybe an even better forum for the one-liners that were initially disregarded or cut out of the show. Seems like a good opportunity to tweak the image and reveal another layer.

Be careful of naked tweeting though. MamaM's eyes got burned pretty badly once when someone was strutting their stuff in front of an open window. Less than lovely it was, with some weird and long lasting side effects.

Not a fan of Twitter myself, but maybe it's time to evolve. We sent 40 banker boxes of books away to the book seller this week. Change is in the air.

Chip S. said...

I always tweet naked!

Melissa Clouthier's not gonna like that.

But who cares about Melissa Clouthier?

Pics, or it ain't so.

MamaM said...

Hi MamaM.....tits

Tits to you Titus!! You had MamaM laughing today, when she realized all that talk about Near Death Experiences yesterday seemed to have stirred up a corresponding but sadly unfulfilleable desire for a Near Birth Experience. I'm glad Margaret Blume was there to help!

Anonymous said...

Darcy! O_o

BJM said...

I don't use FB or Tweet.

I've been online since the late 80's and my real name doesn't come up in search tools. I want to keep it that way.

Trooper, Insty and Ace are the only bloggers who have a email address that doesn't point to a bozo bin.

BJM said...


We sent 40 banker boxes of books away to the book seller this week. Change is in the air.

We did the same when we moved to this house. Some of those books were shipped around the world twice. *G*

However, ya never knows what's lurking in your "junk" boxes. A friend recently cleaned out his storage locker and found a stack of old hero comic books among a box of magazines. He put them in the toss bin, then thought better of it and did a web search.

He has a 9.2 grade copy of Hulk's in a safe deposit box awaiting auction.

BJM said...

Didja know that fashion designer Adam Kimmel is also known online as Leelee's husband (Leelee Sobeiski)? Just sayin'

Ask the douchebag producers for a show specific avatar, or better yet, use the store's logo, you need to reinforce your brand or it's pointless to tweet.

I'm kind of surprised that they haven't offered any design input. It's the least they can do since you're tweeting to hype the show.

Just my two cents...FWIW.

windbag said...

Lee Lee's Lackey?

MamaM said...

Lee Lee's Lackey?

Loving Lackey would add a Bit o' Honey and double the L's!

Titus said...

is @titsandhogsandloafs taken?

MamaM said...

Just received word from chickenlittle that short is better than long in the Blue Bird world.

SonM found an old Life Magazine as we were packing the books. "I can see why you liked these, the pictures are really big!"

MamaM said...

@titsandhogsandloafs taken?

LOL That's all TY needs showing up on his friends list!

TitsandClouds would leave more to the imagination

Is Hossaroni taken?

The Dude said...

Dibs on "Byro".

Anonymous said...

Ah ha, so you are Byro, huh Sixty?

The Dude said...


She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Lord Byro

windbag said...

Loving Lackey would add a Bit o' Honey and double the L's!

True, but I can't use four-part alliteration. I violates the oaths I took when I joined the Amalgamated American Alliance Always Alligned Against Awful And Annoying Alliteration Affecting All Announcements.

Darcy said...

That's beautiful, Sixty.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the guys are waxing poetic today, nice!

The Dude said...

Yeah, it is. George Gordon Noel Byron, also known as Lord Byron, could certainly put words together in a shapely fashion.

Anonymous said...

There are some good movies on Netflix about Lord Byron, he was quite the character, he beat his wife and was bisexual, but he had a way with words.

blake said...


Twitter is manageable once you get the hang of it. Sipping from the firehose (TWSS) and all that.

blake said...

Aaaand you've killed comment subscription.

That seems to be the trade-off: Nested comments OR comment subscription.

chickelit said...

Lord Byron was a Luddite and probably would have hated Scott Walker.

Titus said...

Who you guys picking for March Madness?

I get really horny watching these games.

All those dark men with their long hogs bouncing up and down the court.

Could you imagine being in the locker room after and seeing swinging cocks?

So fucking hot.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I guess I'm going to have to tweet too.

Thanks for not making me do the verification trooper.. its a pain in the ass.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I'm @Lemang01

MamaM said...

he was quite the character, he beat his wife and was bisexual, but he had a way with words.

Byron was repeatedly sexually misused and beaten as a child. Although this awareness doesn't excuse his adult behavior choices, it certainly does account for the anger/rage he experienced and the solace and dependability he found in beauty, nature, animals and word patterns.

For the last several years I've been the recipient of an abstract picture sent by mail every 2-3 months from a woman who was raped at 3 and again at 15 by her drunk father. She'd spent a number of her early years in state mental institutions, and when I met her she was an older adult, functional enough to live on her own, but unaware she could safely express feelings through art. After showing her how and supplying her with a pack of 30 Sharpies and a pad of water color paper, she was off and drawing. Her early pictures appear bizarrely chaotic and unsettling but the later ones bear a strong resemblance to stained glass. I find them beautiful beyond words.

AllenS said...

Ok, I'm @Algonquin173. I can't figure out how to send a tweet.

The Dude said...

I searched and got the following message "No people results for @Algonquin173."

I thought you were a people.

I guess I don't know how to handle my tweeter.

AllenS said...

Sixty, what is your twitter name? I'll try to send you something. I think that I was able to send one to a friend from high school. But, who knows.

The Dude said...

I am @Byro_Jay.

Hey, I wrote that I had dibs on it!

AllenS said...

I'll try and send you a tweet, Sixty. I sent one to Darcy, I think.

The Dude said...

Darcy and I have been able to tweet back and forth. I sent one to Trooper, but have no idea if it arrived.

Anonymous said...

Funny, all you new Tweeters.

The Dude said...

One must respect one's tweeter, just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

No playing around with the new tweeter, right.

The Dude said...

Might could snap that sucker clean off!

AllenS said...

I see no big redeeming value to this tweet stuff. Maybe you need a cell phone or other device to make it relevant. Email is like totally way more better to communicate with.

The Dude said...

AllenS - there must be value to some, as it is wildly popular. The 140 character limit is curious, and I sure can't figure out how to add people to the thing, but maybe, with time, I will move away from being the grouchy old dude yelling at the children on my yard. Maybe...

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm following Chickie, Darcy, Allen, Sixty, Ruth Anne, Trooper, anyone who doesn't want me following them , it's OK to dump me. I don't ever tweet any political stuff, actually I never tweet. But if we discuss Downton Abbey, I'm in.

Oh I'm @OopAllie.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Well here is a question you can tweet!

ndspinelli said...

I have an old twitter account, @ndspinelli. I tweeted a few times and had hookers following me trying to get a "date". Since I don't "date" I quit tweeting. If it's still active I'll try again. If Lee Lee's Husband tries to get a "date" as a follower I'm fucking done!!

Titus said...

No tweeting for me.

Too much information.

I am very private.


chickelit said...

AllieOop said...
OK, I'm following Chickie, Darcy, Allen, Sixty, Ruth Anne, Trooper, anyone who doesn't want me following them , it's OK to dump me.

Why would I dump you as a follower? I just found out yesterday that you were on Twitter. You have a private account too I noticed which I always found weird.

I have over 20k tweets and have been around there since Jan 2009 or so. It easy to rack up a dozen or so tweets when a fun hash tag game comes along or when you're trying to keep gallop with vbspurs. I've layed off Twitter for awhile for no other reason than it's terribly addicting.

Darcy said...

I followed everyone.

I guess I may as well own up to my real name, too. It's Tari. I don't have a good excuse as to the "Darcy" moniker, except that it's been a longtime online name and it just stuck. Plus, it's the name of one of my favorite literary characters. And it sounds Irish, which is very me. :)

I don't think it's weird to have private accounts. I've off and on toyed with the idea for a few good reasons. People are very aggressive online, and it's distressed me a couple of times on Twitter.

Chip S. said...

Hey, you can't go changing names on us.

Next you'll tell us that you don't really tweet naked.

AllenS said...

Wait a minute, so Darcy doesn't tweet naked, but Tari does? I added a picture to my tweet account.

chickelit said...

@Darcy: I suppose you're right. But you're a higher profile tweeter than me plus you get some nasty anti-Fed preverts attacking you.

AllenS said...

Also, I had to throw a block on someone already.

Anonymous said...

I have a good reason to go private, I might change it back and see what happens. In the meantime I'll be weird.

Tari, I love your name.

Darcy said...

Okay, maybe not always. :)

chickelit said...

@Darcy: Plus Tiggy cloaks you. ;)

Darcy said...

LOL. Don't be mad at me, but I had to throw Tiggy in the wash, chick. I spilled coffee!

chickelit said...

Remember that time you gulped a cocktail and missed? Tiggy took one for the team!

If you washed Tiggy, you've comprised his eBay value.

chickelit said...


Darcy said...

Tiggy has taken a lot for the team. ;-)

Chip S. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Trooper just tweeted that Darcy and my picture is on NSFAA, what's NSFAA?

Chip S. said...

Oops--My last comment was in reply to chicklit, not Sybil.

chickelit said...

NSFAA = Not safe for Ann Althouse?

Beats me.

Chip S. said...


Good times ahead for you, Allie!

chickelit said...

Chip-- get your mind out of the gutter.

Tiggy is a Detroit Lions Snuggie

chickelit said...

Darcy has never actually even posted a photo of Tiggy--that's how protective she's been.

Tiggy is legendary among her followers.

chickelit said...

"Lions" lol!
Feline failure

I meant Detroit Tigers snuggie

chickelit said...

@Darcy: Right?


Anonymous said...

I'm off to a Barbeque with stuck up Californians who think our Wisconsin steaks are not real steaks because they come from cow, instead of steer, I say who cares? My Porterhouse is always delicious.

They're usually half in the bag by they get there anyway, always bring their own wine.

Chip S. said...

That would have taken me 1,000 guesses.

Re the gutter: It's not easy bein' clean.


Chip S. said...

Damn, I've gotten used to comment-branching, even tho it screwed up everything.

Darcy said...

I've meant to post a pic of Tiggy! I will soon.

chickelit said...

Make sure you @chickelit when you do.

The Dude said...

chickenlittle wrote...

"I have over 20k tweets" - what's that, about 600 total characters?

chickelit said...

Something like that, yeah. It's all cogent, pithy stuff too. So dense most people can't get through it.

TTBurnett said...

Hey,"Tari:" I've been following you on Twitter under your tari name since you changed it, but it doesn't seem to work any more. Not sure about private account stuff, or why that is.

Please follow me under @TTBurnett, and I'll return the favor.

That goes for Allie and anyone else here. I seldom tweet, but I read it every day. And, who knows? a familiar face or two might distract me from the astronomy links I'm always looking for (just a hobby).


blake said...


Needless to say, a hot chica like Darcy's gonna pick up a few more stalkers than some old roosters like us....

blake said...

Haaaaating not having comment subscription.

rcommal said...

I'm still able to subscribe via mobile, if that's an option for you, Blake.

The Dude said...

There, all better...

TTBurnett said...

Twitter has turned into a link-feast and not a conversation. That's OK if you're interested in specific things

I'm kind of an amateur astronomy nerd, so I really like Emily Lakdawalla, the Planetary Society's blogger and Twitterer: @elakdawalla.

Emily Lakdawalla is a Venutian geologist who decided that being one of three experts in the world in her area wasn't as good a deal as being a public face for and advocate of planetary exploration.

I love her, because she's a scrawny, geeky, female science nerd with a certain L.A. style that's hard to describe. And she does a damn good job advocating and explaining planetary exploration. Go Emily!

So, Twitter is a haven for people and things like this: Interested in something? Twitter will have your links.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I love Twitter. I love Downton Abbey. I love simul-tweeting with Victoria and Ron and ChickieLit during MadMen and the Oscars and PanAm and most any crap Sunday show that we 'watch' together.

I've taken the liberty of following those of you who were kind enough to put your Twitter name in this thread.

And not calling Tari 'Darcy' is still rather difficult for me.

rcommal said...

What I want to know is, will there be FTTY lists (akin to FTA) and hash tags and so forth? Because that sort of thing is enduring and it is precious (in the treasure sense, not the pejorative one), and I kid you not. Because I'm here to tell you, that is the sort of thing that makes it all worthwhile, even if you later decide it's not the best thing for you to do.

Go for it, Troop/ @LeeLeesHusband . Plunge.

Ruth Anne Adams said...


I just created a list, containing 19 profiles so far, called 'Friends of Trooper' and it's a public list. I will update if anyone got overlooked. It's just a first attempt.

You're welcome.

Ruth Anne Adams said...



Good times. *sniff*

rcommal said...

I treasure both #cowmats and "tungsten in cheek" and will never forget 'em, thank you very much, my friend. ; ) Which thing was precisely my blunt point, bless you, and thanks for putting the fine thing on that point.


rcommal said...

In case onlookers don't know, that's not snark, not by the longest stretch possible. "Met" Ruth Anne in 2005, and seven years later, we're [still] friends. And by that I mean, even if we never encountered each other on line again. (I'd still be in touch.)

: )

TTBurnett said...

The Twitter website works about as well as Bank of America's.

I'll spare you the details, but I couldn't find Tari/Darcy (that name change takes a LOT of getting used to) anywhere. Then, suddenly, she's there, and we're following each other. That's on the website.

I generally use Twitter for Mac, and on Windows it's TweetDeck (which is far too busy). But then there are those times you need the website, and I think you'll commend my philosophy, when I tell you that I have not yet thrown my laptop across the room on either Twitter or Bank of America.

Anonymous said...

TTB, I have the Twitter App on my iPad, I don't know if I like it, it doesn't have all the functions. But as much as I Tweet it will do.

The Dude said...

Ruth Anne, I would sum up my career on Twitter as #twitterfail. I can't find your list, assuming you put it on twitter.

On a totally unrelated note, did you ever meet an attorney from Raleigh named Mark Sullivan? He was a friend of mine back when I was in need of family law work, and IIRC, he was somehow involved in JAG work.

The Dude said...

Okay, Ruth Anne, I followed you (that sounds odd) and found the list. Thanks.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Sixty Grit:
I have not had the pleasure of meeting your friend in Raliegh. It's been a very long time since I did any JAG work...about 20 years now.

Where did that time go?

Also, I went back and added you to the Friends of Trooper list.

That will make it much easier to see the conversation on Twitter, unclutter by whomever else is in your Twitter stream.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Raleigh. D'oh.