Thursday, March 1, 2012

RIP Andrew Breitbart

I want to express my condolences to the family of Andrew Brietbart who just passed away yesterday. He was someone I really admired and who I thought did a lot of good work. He was never afraid to afflict the comfortable and challenge the powers that be in the corrupt mainstream media. He was one of the few who would stand up to them and beard them in their own den.

You don't have to agree with someone's politics to feel for the family when they pass. I admit that I often joke around about people who I don't like when they croak so I won't delete or critizie anyone who does the same. I mean I have no respect for a crack head like Whitney so people can say whatever they want to say.

I do wonder about the circumstances of dying while walking alone late at night. It sounds like the cheap plot of every crime series on TV. I expect the Mentalist or the chick with the tank tops to start investigating it and finding out that Obama poisoned him or something. I hope they do an autopsy and find out exactly what it was. It is scary that he was so young. He is more then ten years younger then me and he dropped dead.

That's enough to make me put my fourth donut back in the box.

May he rest in Peace. He will be missed.


chickelit said...

He was one of the few who would stand up to them and beard them in their own den.

Breitbart had broad beard.

@Troop: why does your blog clock PST time?

Darcy said...

Just devastated about this, and I didn't even know the guy. What a loss of a great warrior.


ndspinelli said...

Breitbart has 4 kids which makes it even sadder. He has a history of heart disease so I wouldn't go all Oliver Stone about his death. While we certainly have some control over our health, so much is genetic..but we all must play the hand we're dealt.

ndspinelli said...

Maybe our boy is having a sit down w/ some Hollywood suits?

AllenS said...

I admired people who stand up and say what the fuck they think. What a terrible young age to die, especially with a wife and 4 children. RIP.

AllenS said...

Chick, he's probably on the west coast on a secret mission.

Anonymous said...

I won't be disingenuous here so all I will say is that I'm sure his loss will be felt by those who loved him, his family and admirers. He died too young.

MamaM said...

Andrew Breibart's character, integrity, beliefs and humor made a difference.

To stand firm in a rushing stream and not lose balance, be undermined or swept away by the the current requires endurance and fortitude. To turn and walk upstream against the flow requires strength, courage and perseverance.

A faithful journey matters. His death is a shock and loss to all who loved and respected him.

windbag said...

Huge shoes to fill.

windbag said...

I found out something about him I didn't know today. His father-in-law was Orson Bean.

blake said...

Andrew Breitbart was Batman.

Batman can't die.

Trooper York said...

Thanks Allie. That why all us conservative guys like you. You are a classy broad.

Trooper York said...

I don't know about the clock thingy. I will check. It must have happened when I changed the comments when chickie told me to change the format.

I will figure it out.

Trooper York said...

The time thingy says Eastern time.

What am I doing wrong?

ndspinelli said...

Wow Allie, While I apprecciate your candor most of your brothers and sisters @ the Huffington Post were less terse.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Not to be a link whore...BUT...I'm going to anyway....I wrote about this in context of something that my husband and I have been thinking about for some time.

Like some others, I have been having dreams about dying or being dead. Why? Who knows.

Mortality is something that we don't think that much about until we either come face to face with it in the form of friends or family who have died or who are dying....or in ourselves if we are honest about aging.

RIP Andrew Breitbart. You made a difference.

Anonymous said...

DBQ, I went and read your blogpost. You so eloquently say what we older folks need to come to the realization of, that the time we have left must not be squandered, it's so precious and time passes so quickly at our age, everyday seems to just fly by. I don't remember this phenomenon when I was younger and didn't appreciate the vast amount of sand in the top of that hour glass.

When people die so suddenly at such a young age it brings home the point that we aren't promised tommorow at any age and this should be especially evident to those of us with dwindling sand. I know what Breitbart's wife and kids must be feeling today, my heart goes out to them.

Poignant blog post, well worth reading and contemplating.

windbag said...

Great post, DBQ. "Enjoy every sandwich." Warren Zevon.

windbag said...

This seems like the place to post an update on Piper, the little girl with leukemia. Her mother's words say it all: "If this doesn't cure my girl, there are no other rabbit trails to follow."

blake said...

Are we sure that the comments aren't reflecting the reader's timezone? Troop, are you seeing Eastern time?

I mean, given that Google knows everything about everyone, changing the TZ to reflect local time for the reader would make sense.

Anonymous said...

Blake I'm seeing Pacific time, I should be seeing Central.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If the new format shows the commenters own time zone, it's still wrong.

Anonymous said...

Windbag, keeping little Piper in my thoughts and prayers.

chickelit said...

@DBQ: Love your post and the hourglass metaphor.

I chose an hourglass to symbolize precious time running out for a German soldier at Stalingrad who wrote to his sister?/girlfriend? about his hoped-for reunion: link At the time I posted that I recall looking around for a photo of a German calendar from that time (1942-43) but I failed. So I went with the hourglass photo to symbolize the man's time running out.

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...

Andrew Brietbart spoke at a huge rally at the state capitol in Madison at this time last year. The weather was horrible - cold, windy, sleeting and snowing.

We went to hear him, and also Sarah Palin, and to be part of the crowd that stood up against the screaming, profane Bolsheviks who believe conservative voices must not be heard.

Brietbart was a force of nature. He stood on a platform in a snow storm, no coat, no hat, and took the liberals apart in fifteen minutes. The Tea Partier cheering drowned out the drums, whistles, chanting and horn-blowing
the commie fucks were blasting at us, and at Brietbart.

At the end of his speech he pointed at the worst of the hecklers and screamed "GO TO HELL!!" at each of them. The crowd joined in.

Protesters 0, Brietbart 1.

He is deeply missed. There is no one like him.

dbp said...

I say, "Eat that 4th doughnut, it might be your last chance"!

chickelit said...

No wonder garage mahal hates Breitbart so much on TOP today. He was there too IIRC--heckling Palin--and Breitbart must have told him to go to hell.

Wisconsin is hopelessly divided.

blake said...

Oh, well, Allie. I guess that's beyond Google's powers.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am shaken by all of this bad news. But a 43 year old with a wife and four daughters. That is the worse day of their lives. My heart goes out to them.

Titus said...

I don't follow politics as much as youse guys but what a tragedy someone so young who died taking a walk?


How terribly sad.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am feeling low today, but I find watching this helps (a bit)

As for the plan by some Kossacks to get the Westboro Baptist Church to protest Breitbart's funeral, I am pretty sure Andrew would say: Bring it on! If only that they revealed again how vile they really are. I think he would treat such a protest as a badge of honor.

I wish this was all an elaborate hoax and Andrew Breitbart will surprise us in October with a bunch of great stuff. Sadly that is not the case.

And David Frum...I will not speak badly of you. You are dead to me.

rcocean said...

Excellent Post DBQ. Well said.