Saturday, March 31, 2012

Shit Brooklyn People Say


Anonymous said...

LMAO! Hey dat girl is laughin' at youse, who iss ? Whoiss did he just call us Whoiss? Whoiss =whores? Translate.

Titus said...

Butter, there is an assistant in my office that all the reps call Butter. But her face. Great body, but her face.


Poor Girl

The Dude said...

Ah, memories. My ex- said "hua" in her feeble attempt to pronounce the word "whore".

Spaldeens was another one - can you read what's written upon the surface of the ball? Apparently not.

Friendliest people on de face uh de oit. Well, I can't argue with that.

In any case, what goes around comes around. That is the milieu in which my son now finds himself. Good luck, son, you are going to need it.

ricpic said...

The greatest thing about Brooklyn is all the people who act aggressive but you know it's all bluff.

Except for the Brooklynites who eat chuchifritos and say, "Poppy?!" I'm not so sure about them.

Save your pity, Titus. Those buttafaces sleep around and eventually settle down with a buttahisface.

ricpic said...

Brooklynites are deeply conservative. Do you know it's a big decision for a Brooklynite to go from a Spaldeen to that hard little black ball used in professional grade handball? Some never leave the beautiful pink Spaldeen. It's called loyalty. Discuss amongst yourselves as I'm all verklempt.