Friday, March 2, 2012

Sorry but I was very busy...almost as busy....

As a one legged guy in an ass kicking contest.

Of course I can't kick ass the way I want to as the wife wants me to chill out and not go crazy about all the stuff that is happening.

They keep us going every day even though they have seemed to cut me out of most of the show. It was not what we envisioned but we have to go along with it. It is turning into a make over show which really is just about Lisa and the customer de jour.  Which is fine so I don't care all that much. The comedy bits and the family and neighborhood things have been almost nonexistent. I have to be on call at all times even if I am not in the scenes. So I have to sit in the back. But the fancy intertube modem is fucking everything up so half the time I can't even get online.

Anyhoo I haven't had time to do a lot of posting.

I will try to catch up as soon as I can.

No charge.



ndspinelli said...

Now we understand when actors, directors, etc. talk about "artistic control." In virtually all endeavors one must pay their dues..looks like you are in spades.

Trooper York said...

Yeah I wish I had more black people working on the show.

There is only Damon and he is a pretty cool guy. Just sayn'

Dust Bunny Queen said...

It is too bad. Sounds like the so called "creative" people haven't got any sense of creativity. They don't want to take chances or think outside of the box.

Instead of a 'reality show' with some depth of story, a background using the rich ethnic mix of a big city, local color, quirky characters, background on an interesting industry and a cool niche business......they are going to turn out another clone of making over women.

But WAIT----> they say. This time we will be different and it will be large (aka fat) women. WOW. That will be different. (Hopefully they won't use the tired, insult and tear down the client..make 'em cry first routine.)

But. Not to rain on your parade. The difference will be the people in the show and when you and your wife's personalites shine through it will be great.

Plus there are plenty of ample women out there who would like a constructive and real..reality show that isn't all artificial conflict.

Trooper York said...

Well there is good news on that front. The powers that be agree with me. The real powers. So a change is gonna come. I have to be patient but it will be a lot different than what we have filmed.

I have to have faith and be optimistic. I think it will be pretty good. Not the over the top great show I know I could make. But it will be good enough to get us season two.

Then we shall see what we shall see.

Trooper York said...

Lisa is great with the girls and I think a lot of people will love it just for that and would want to come to the store just to get the same treatment. Which is our ultimate goal anyway.

More business.

ndspinelli said...

I like your style, dude.

blake said...

I like yours, too, man. The whole cowboy thing.

blake said...

So they won't have TY's humor, just Lisa's charm.

She's up to it.