I have some important news for all of you. The stress of this world has just become too much for me. Getting and spending has laid waste my powers. As much as I love my wife and my life I find I need something more. So I have signed everything over to her and have abandoned my clients and will enter a monastery today. This will be my last post. A life of silence and contemplation is what I need to survive. Farewell and thank you for your friendship for these many months.
1 – 200 of 255 Newer› Newest»I've got a hair shirt I can loan you.
You are giving it all up for a life of monism? Ernest Borgnine realy got to you huh?
Will someone explain this to me before I cry? :) I'm sure it is a joke, but I'm not putting it together...
Darcy, here's hoping it be da April fooly type a thing dere.
Aww...crap! I'm so literal. Not to mention gullible. And clueless. Hee.
Thanks, Pogo.
But if he's serious, I hope he hasn't sworn off pie. Or beer.
I would have expected Trooper to enter a convent, not a monastery.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
But if he's serious, I hope he hasn't sworn off pie. Or beer.
No worries. Trappist Ales are some of the finest brews in the world, which I'm sure Trooper already knows. I'll betcha he does take some time off though, just to heighten the suspense.
If he does, let's all descend on blake's place shall we?
If he does, let's all descend on blake's place shall we?
I'm in! :)
btw Darcy, the last thing you are is "clueless" :)
Don't feel bad Darcy, if you lived in my world where everyday is a sort of "April Fools Day", you'd miss the joke even after it was pointed out to you..
Aww, chickenlittle. :)
Hey, SteveR! I'm in good company, then. :)
I guess this means that poor garage mahal will really never get a tag at Althouse now.
I'm thinking of starting a new blog to handle these weighty discussions, thinking about naming it-
-Drooper York's Place -
'The Hung and the Dressless'.
That should leave plenty of room for everything from pinched loaves to antlered women in bathtubs.
A life of onanism is not so bad. Well, except for the blisters.
P.S. Can I have your porn?
Let's at least wait until tomorrow before moving on with the crisis/opportunity thing.
We could instead eulogize the man.
Trooper York:
Thank you for all the laughs you brought us here, which seemed so effortless on your part, but which I'm sure was truly inspired effort.
Thank you for all the wonderful pictures and photos.
Thank you for all the attention that you lavished on each one of us who landed here, and for reminding us that it was all in good fun.
Lastly, thank you for providing the time and blog coordinates for bringing people closer to together.
Forgive me Trooper for I have sinned... Hey, I kinda like that!
A vow of poverty may mean Brother Trooper may not OWN a computer; however teh vow does not say he cannot BORROW a computer.
Likewise vow of silence onlt stills the vocal voice, and not the written one.
I do fear the vow of chastity means we have seen the last of Betty Ruble's butt.
I did not know monasteries accepted blogging maniacs.
Make sure you get put in charge of the laundry. You can put lots of extra starch in their robes and they'll think of you when they chafe. Hot!
There are some Trappist monks in Kentucky that make bourbon fudge and a mean fruit cake. Maybe Troop is headed there.
There are some monks in upstate New York who are allowed to marry. Some marry civilians, but many marry nuns who are part of the same order. To my Catholic mind, this seems like a reasonable thing to do.
I am aware of this religious order because the nuns make the most incredible cheesecake on the planet. We order some for each Christmas.
The monks, on the other hand, breed and train hunting dogs, and make dog training DVDs.
Pretty good thing, all around.
The Nuns
The Monks
The truth is Troop and I met and fell in love.
He will be moving to Chelsea and we will have a fabulous organic garden that we tend to daily.
I can't wait to introduce him to all the queens I don't talk to.
We will be having a commitment ceremony and are registering at Niemies.
Sorry, Darcy it would of never worked. My hunger for the hog is overwhelming. I tried reparative therapy from Dr. Helen but it didn't work. I am still a big old fag.
I hope it isn't a fight for the top with Troop and I.
You see, we haven't consumated our relationship yet.
We did pinch loaves at the same exact time though and it was pure heaven.
Titus might be on the level. Didn't trooper do a post on hog wrestling recently?
Thanks for the Nuns link. I'm always on the lookout for good cheesecake. I think I'll give them a try.
There are some monks in upstate New York who are allowed to marry. Some marry civilians, but many marry nuns who are part of the same order. To my Catholic mind, this seems like a reasonable thing to do.
This is because they are not Catholic, they are Orthodox. The Orthodox are allowed to marry.
This is because they are not Catholic, they are Orthodox. The Orthodox are allowed to marry.
Right. I didn't say they are Catholic, but I did say "to my Catholic mind..."
chickenlittle said...
"We could instead eulogize the man."
"I guess that we're all thinking how sad it is that a man of such talent, of such capability for kindness, of such unusual intelligence, should now so suddenly be spirited away ... before he'd achieved many of the things of which he was capable, and before he'd had enough fun. Well, I feel that I should say nonsense: Good riddance to him, the freeloading bastard I hope he suffers. ... [Because] he would never forgive me if I didn't.... Anything for him but mindless good taste."
@Bushman - We stop at the place highlighted below every summer when we are riding motorcycles in the U.P. of Michigan. It's also a monastery, monks only, way the heck up in the U.P.
Their store, the Jampot, is open seasonally and sells cakes, cookies, jams, etc that are made by the monks. They grow and pick much of the fruit used in their jams.
I think you can order year 'round. Their products are exquisitely good.
New Skeete
Titus, I totally understand! Thanks for letting me know. And so publicly, too. LOL.
And I'll have to point out to The Usual Gang of Idiots, that it's now several months on and Darcy and I are as one in our sublimely mutual decisions to not get married! Come early August I invite you all to celebrate our even longer non-marriage!
Isn't it so, my sweet?
(Besides Trooper has promised me Joan Holloway over Simon's dead body! Done!)
There are no gratuitous bath tubs at monasteries.
And everyone knows it.
Do any of you really believe this monk-ey business? Heh.
Guys, everybody knows that Darcy is really blake's girl. She said so herself the other day.
And even though she hinted that she wouldn't mind a threesome with me and blake, it ain't gonna happen. btw, where is blake?
@Simon. I think your showing up here just put Trooper over the top. I really don't think he had much more to blog forward to. :(
OMG, Troop and I are watching South Park, and braiding each others hair, and Terrence and Phillip have been replaced by The Queef Sisters. The Queef Sisters queef on everyone. It is disgusting.
Queefing is now catching on.
Martha Stewart just put little fireworks by her cooch and queefed. I guess it was festive but it was gross.
There is Queef Abuse going on all over South Park tonight.
Ron, You can count on me to bring a non-gift to your non-reception this summer. Just tell me where and when it won't be.
Anyhow, I was just watching Cops on the teevee. The Las Vegas cops, mounted on horseback, were chasing some chubby guy in a suit down the strip. The guy was running, carrying a red dress (plus size, it appeared to be) and yelling 'Adrienne!' at the top of his lungs.
They tased him and he was yelling something about 'not in the cannoli, bro.'
Jeez, I go away a few days and the whole place goes to hell.
Guys, everybody knows that Darcy is really blake's girl. She said so herself the other day.
Wait, what? Where?!?! HOW DID I MISS THAT?
(Sorry, ladies, I'll be returning your applications to you later in the week. Thanks for your interest.)
We smoke reefers
We're queefers
Get used to it.
I'm betting Trooper went off and joined the Mystic Monks. They have the most awesome coffee.
Personal to Mrs. Troop: I know you'll be pining away for that awesome Irish smoky link. Please know that I am praying for you during your time of grief and separation from the man with prosciutto balls. *Hugs*
You are funny Ruth Anne.
Michael: I proudly don't invite you to our non-nuptials!
Blake: I have been authorized to trade Darcy for a commenter to be named later, a good fielding shortstop, or some pastrami from Katz's!
Darcy has optioned me to Toledo, so I'm just a Mud Hen now!
Ron, thanks. Count on me joining you by not being there.
Will there be a non blogger meet-up beforehand? Or a blogger non meet-up? The protocol is a tad confusing.
OK, Troop, you can stop masturbating now. April Fool's day is amost over. Ernie Borgnine wil understand. BTW, Titus is claiming you for himself.
Of course, that is better than hdhouse, who is trying to date lambchop.
Holy crap...are y'all drunk?
I'll SO not be there for us to celebrate, Ronski! Cheers!
And that's right chickenlittle. No Blake - no threesome. ;-)
Speaking of threesomes, can I be frank?
o/~I did it myyyy waaaay....~\o
No, I don't mean Sinatra.
Back to the threesome, I'm really not interested if I'm not both the guys.
Oh, who am I kidding? I pretty much need to be all three people.
What can I say? I love myself! (Often.)
Now if Trooper was actually running away to join the cloistered life, we could look for him here.
Although if he's sippin' some brandy, this is the monk he'd like to do it with.
I'd like to point out, Darcy, that I ty-ped nary an unkind or suggestive syllable about you. It was those other ne'er do wells whut done it.
I know how to treat a lady of proper and upstanding character like yourself.
*hugs Michael*
Don't fall for it, Darcy!!
He just wants you for your hue! He has no red!!!
*Blake Shhhhhhhh! Stoolie.*
Darcy, please disregard what that crude person said.
You were a minute to late to point this out, Blake!
Holy crap...are y'all drunk?
Darcy, I'll have you know I've been voted most valuable drunk on several occasions. And trust me, it was easy to do.
And that was meant to be *too late.
I'm convinced. Drunken. All of youse.
Hey gang, have you noticed that we behave the same way when Trooper is away as we do when Althouse is away? Except, some of Althouse's *other* commoners insist on mucking things up with politics and the usual complaining and ranting.
We are consistent in our regression to the norm when unsupervised.
LOL, Bushman.
We're certainly regressing to the subnormal here, yes.
That's right, Michael. I think we are a good measuring stick for "norm" here. :)
What can I say? I love myself! (Often.)
If you also like to cook, then this book may be right for you.
I miss Trooper.
Plus, I am so not going to the not-wedding.
Plus, we never drank beer or broke bread together.
Plus, two plus two is four.
Plus, monks have itchy robes.
Well, old Ernie looks pretty good for his age and he brags that me'in and me'in is what keeps him young. So, if you want to join the monist or onist life maybe you can live forever.
Of course you have to decide what to do with Mrs. Troop. Or she has to decide what to do with... nevermind.
I believe they're going nowhere on their noneymoon.
Hey Darcy and Ron, where aren't you planning on going for your honeymoon after the non-nuptials?
blake, is that the middle of nowhere?
Bushman, I am not thinking of Madison!
However Paris doesn't fill my thoughts and dreams either...
Perhaps Times Square is a perfect location for a non-wedding...plenty of non-witnesses, much drinking nearby...
I'll have you Ostragoths know that I have the utmost respect for Darcy, that I can give her some of my better leg-pulling on Trooper Fools Day! [Palin wink to Darcy]
We'll be having a non-supper soon, where she'll actually gnosh! :)
Ruth Anne, I tip my hat in respect in your direction...you inspire that!
Ron & Darcy:
So I guess I can return my non-gift to youse?
Forgive me. I meant no disrespect.
Wait a minute. Blake, are you saying that I'm not hueish enough?
That sounds like an Ezra Kleinish sorta accusation.
I'm plenty hueish alright. I'm just not as hueish as Darcy.
Look, I'm not saying you don't have some greens working there. And blues.
But I ain't seein' any reds.
What a coincidence that you just happen to start wooing the girl with the red avatar, eh?
Completely innocent I'm sure. I'm sure it has everything to do with her being a hot blonde and nothing to do with her red avatar.
I may have something confused here.
chickelit: Your non-gift goes over on the noumenal table near the non-flowers, but after the non-chicken liver pate swan!
But I ain't seein' any reds.
Good. I thought we were tippy toeing toward a Joe McCarthy moment. Darcy could be a commie, you know.
Aww, chicklit! And Ron, too. You were just fine. All of you guys are. :)
Funny thread!
I second Pogo, though...I miss Trooper!
I love our non-wedding plans, Ron. What else could a girl ask for, seriously? ;-)
I'd really like to not go to Toledo. It's one of those places that I've always avoided. I can't even dream of it.
This is remarkable. I have never met anyone on this thread, never spoken, couldn't pick anyone out of a crowd except Darcy because of her avatar photo.
Yet here we are exchanging bits of conversation like we are old friends.
There are things about the internet that I truly dislike, and other things, like the opportunity to have fun with others on this and other blogs, that are simply wonderful fun.
It's like having a room in my house where interesting people hang out, and I can walk into and out of the room whenever I choose, the conversation continues, and I can rewind it to hear what was said while I was gone.
Michael Hasenstab said...
"This is remarkable. I have never met anyone on this thread, never spoken, couldn't pick anyone out of a crowd except Darcy because of her avatar photo. ¶ Yet here we are exchanging bits of conversation like we are old friends."
Well, to some extent, we kind of are. I know some of the people here better than I know some of my colleagues, and I would bet I'm not alone on that. We've been virtually getting together and shooting the breeze on a wide range of topics for two, three, four years. Some friends are newer than others, but communities develop that way. It's a good cast of characters. (And it's one I don't want to leave, FTR.)
I agree Simon. I think I have been wasting a bunch of time (heh) for about 3-4 years since I stumbled onto Althouse (in the ethernet sense not the biblical way). Heh.
Couldn't have said it better, Michael (and Simon, AJ). I'm really grateful to Althouse and Trooper for making the space.
Who climbed the elephant's trunk, making him sneeze and fall to his knees?
"I'd really like to not go to Toledo. It's one of those places that I've always avoided. I can't even dream of it."
Hey, my mother was born in Toledo, and my wife is from Toledo.
Apology accepted.
I'm assuming that Trooper will conduct a poll in which we select the monastery that he joins.
Erm...sorry, rustbelt. :) I do like Tony Packo's Pickles!
Pike Bishop: You boys want to move on or stay here and give him a... decent burial?
Tector Gorch: He was a good man, and I think we oughta bury him.
Pike Bishop: He's dead. And he's got a lot of good men back there to keep him company.
Lyle Gorch: Too *damn* many!
Dutch Engstrom: [removes his hat] I think the boys are right. *I'd* like to say a few words for the dear, dead departed. And maybe a few *hymns'd* be in order. Followed by a church supper. With a *choir*!
Lyle Gorch: You crazy bastards. Both of ya.
I think Mort should wake the hell up and call Troop a Trappist.
I do like Tony Packo's Pickles!
Oh, you deserve so much more that a gherkin!
I gotta plane to catch but I think you guys should gossip about Troop till you flush him out.
This is sorta like an Irish Digital wake.
This is what is done to make sure the corpse is really dead...
Oh cripes one more thing-
What the hell is up at Althouse?
The place smells like Hippies.
Meade is chasing rh hardin around telling him he's sure Althouse wants to hug him-and it's creeping me out just to read it.
Imagine how rh hardin feels?
[OK maybe ,not}
Man you just know Meade and Ann are sittin' around reliving their hippie youth.
Gawd I HATE the Beatles-there I said it.
OK now I really have to go.
This is sorta like an Irish Digital wake
I'm starting to feel like one of those people who leave flowers and mementos at the front gate when a celebrity passes away. I hope Troop comes back soon.
This is sorta like an Irish Digital wake.
I like that idea. It's too soon in the day for me, but Trooper left a fully stocked bar behind. I wonder how long before that word gets out.
Now I am starting to feel bad.
93 Comments and counting!
Imagine what the count could be if he had mentioned Sarah Palin!
He's at the office with Plaxico trying to work out a plea deal that keeps him outta the can. Won't work.
93 Comments and counting!
Somehow, I think this thread is just beginning.
He's at the new Yankee Stadium checking out A-Rod's bat with Titus.
He's in London with King Barry I, helping Her Majesty with her new I-Pod.
LOL, chickenlittle. That did sound kinda...hmmm. :)
Why are you feeling bad, Pogo?? Oh...about Trooper? I'm holding back tears, too. *sniffle*
Hey!! Madawaskan! :)
I wish Trooper's comment sections were more searchable. Also, I can't link to specific comments like on Althouse.
I had to do this in two comments; it didn't seem right to Mention Gov. Palin and a wake in the same sentence.
Wait, did that come out right?
Anyway, if we are conducting a wake, if not for the Trooper himself, at least for the blog, at which we have spent many happy hours, then of course reminiscence is in order.
I have been reading Trooper’s blog since before he knew how to do pictures. And then he could add videos (ah the memories of the mammarys), through the various polls (all conducted fairly I’m sure, as befitting a future man of the cloth, except for perhaps his use of images to spur a particular course for a voter) including the current one, in which my favorite (pumpkin) is sure to lose again.
Farewell, fair blog; we hardly knew ye!
And after he finishes with Her Majesty, Troop gonna swing up in the big tree outside Amy Winehouse's crib and paparazzi her skinny ass for tomorrow's gratuitous bathtub post. I can't wait.
He's holding the forceps while they circumcise Freeman Hunt's child.
Anyway, if we are conducting a wake, if not for the Trooper himself, at least for the blog, at which we have spent many happy hours, then of course reminiscence is in order.
Imagine if you will, a commenter vortex so large that it sucks in bloggers too.
Now that would be outta sight!
I know none of you people.
"This is like an Irish digital wake"
Agreed but you'd think Trooper would have been considerate enough to have it on a Friday so we could start cocktail hour early.
In his memory natch!
Troop was a good bowler, and a good man. He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors. And bowling. And as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and up to Pismo. He died--like so many young men of his generation--he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364. These young men gave their lives. And so would Trooper. Trooper, who loved bowling. And so, Trooper York, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean, which you loved so well. Good night, sweet prince.
(ashes blow back in blake's face)
CG said: He's holding the forceps while they circumcise Freeman Hunt's child.
Why do you assume that's happening? I made sure my son wasn't.
AJ- do intend to start the cocktail hour early (about 4:00 today as a matter of fact), because as a TRUE devotee of the Trooper and his work, I took tomorrow off to grieve.
So while you fail to comprehend the true gift that the late, lamented Trooper has given us, I am taking full advantage.
And bereavement leave!
Bereavement leave- great idea he was like family to us!
I wonder if I can get maternity leave. I'm pretty sure Trooper York got me pregnant.
I doubt Trooper has joined the fudge-packing monks or the fruitcake Trappists. I wonder, though, if he has not sought solitude at the monastery in Cana, most famous for the 7½ Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth as told by Brother Ty in his blockbuster best-seller, God is My Broker.
I'm pretty sure Trooper York got me pregnant.
Did he knock-up your page views?
Trooper: You've made your point. Now get back to your station, behind the bar in this cyber-saloon. You damn Mick.
He knocked up my page views and filled my comments section with perverted things, attracting the scum of the 'net.
Which, actually, is kind of cool.
Ruth Anne: You go, girl! I'm starting to freak.
Now see what you did Trooper?
I hope you're happy now you meany!
Troop, please come home. I am bored and need to vote on my favorite 1960s tv show.
It's no use guys. We're all alone.
We've been abandoned.
Quick question: Who here has read Lord of the Flies?
Lord Of the Flies? Cool. Gandolf rules.
I know this is just a cynical plot by Mr. Trooper York to see how many comments he can gin-up by April 15th. He will be too busy to do any posting before then anyway.
Well, I for one will not fall for his--awwh!
Did somebody say gin?
I'll have a gin and tonic please. Oh, I see it's help yourself. Don't mind if I do then. It's 5 o'clock somewhere.
Blake: I'd love to be a leader here, but my asthmar prevents it. But you can use my very thick coke-bottle glasses to harness fire.
Please don't hurt me.
Mind if I join you?
I was just getting to know this MONK ey, and I miss the big ape already!
Looks like the visitation is still underway. I think I'll celebrate the passing of Trooper's blogging life with a bottle of Smithwicks. He would have wanted it that way.
Jadsfjasdkljovsnad cocktail party. Then p;ajodshaja;sad gin martinis. But, jadfjoiasdhfewqh, fell off chair. Bakjfasdjfoj Trooper please adfosdjfowqj.
What is this Smithwicks I never heard of before? If you would like to share, Bushman, I would be happy to try some. It's getting a little cold over here.
It's strange that Althouse hasn't stopped by to pay her last respects. Maybe she knows that we already finished off all the wine.
Swithwick's is an ale. It seemed appropriate for the occasion. Here is the wikipedia definition:
Smithwick's (pronounced /ˈsmɪθɪks/ "SMITH-icks" or "SMITT-icks") is an Irish red ale style beer from Kilkenny in Ireland. Smithwick’s was originally brewed in St. Francis Abbey Brewery in Kilkenny, known as 'Smithwicks Brewery' until c.2000. The brewery is situated on the site of a Franciscan abbey where monks had brewed ale since the 14th century, and has ruins of the original abbey on its grounds. It is Ireland’s oldest operating brewery, founded by John Smithwick in 1710 on land owned by the Duke of Ormonde.[2] It is the major ale producer in Ireland. It was purchased from Irish Ale Breweries in 1965 by Guinness and is now, along with Guinness, part of Diageo. Smithwick’s for the domestic market is brewed in Kilkenny and the higher strength export variety is brewed in Dundalk. Smithwick's is listed in the top five best tasting beers by the McHale beer rating club of Ireland.
I think I remember how to make a cafe Lutz. Would you like one?
When Dolores Hart gave it all up to join a nunnery it was cute;
But it's not the same when the same stunt's tried by a big galoot
Who's committed on this earth a daily blog to run.
Heaven can wait, Troop, you've had your fun.
You better be kidding.
Don't make me break out some of my world famous nun jokes.
That's what I get for not looking at the damn date.
Christ it's a wonder I made it to 21.
What do the bruthas wear under neath those robes? And why do they always have their hands in their sleeves?
"This is like an Irish digital wake"
Maybe, but I'm drinking an analog Guinness. Or four.
Okay, ya big mick, joke's over, ollie ollie all home free.
Darcy, send him the 'get back here' flash, okay?
Come on Trooper. There's beer to drink and bras to fit. It's time to get back to work.
Suppose TY doesn't show up tomorrow. Then what?
The tradition mus continue. It would be a fitting tribute.
I have a blog site that's going nowhere, mostly because I don't have the time to do it justice.
I would re-name it the Trooper York Memorial Dive Bar if the gang would split up the administration duties. Maybe every person takes one day a week, or one day every two weeks, depending on the number of those who participate.
We'd have a place to meet and commiserate.
Send me a message if you'd want to participate.
After a decent interval, of course.
I think we need to wait a year.
Otherwise, we're sluts.
LOL, Blake.
Darcy, send him the 'get back here' flash, okay?
I'll give it a go. Ok, maybe not just yet. It's only been a little over 24 hours?
I'm refusing to believe he left us!! The flashing thing would be, you know...desperate. ;-)
We'll look the other way. Sorta.
Pay no attention to those webcams.
If I aim my cell phone your way the reception is better.
It's sad to confess this...but I have, in fact, gone all Hannibal Lecter on Trooper York!
He was quite tasty, invoking the terroir of Brooklyn with the piquant aromas of an Althouse Farms product. (Chili/Cheese!)
A little stringy though...
[belch!!!!] 'scuse me! Not bad manners, good Trooper!
Happy April 2nd!
Ron!!! You didn't!
And lol, you guys!
Ron, you had me going until you described him as "stringy". We all know that Trooper was well marbled and aged to perfection.
But Ron, that of course means you'll be producing some "Trooper Loaf" soon.
OK, I'm drawing the line at Trooper Poop.
Sorry I went there blake. Somebody would have sooner or later.
Adrian! Adrian! Adrian!
[That's what we wail in Philly when we lose someone.]
Who put poops in my breakfast?
Oh, the loaf I'll leave for Titus tomorrow! Like a Junior's cheesecake...only denser!...with the marbling!
hey, why haven't we used ABBA's "Super Trooper" in a paean to the dude running this blog? We should!
It's "Super Trouper" and the trouper is the bad guy in the song! The singer claims that only the undying love of her fans allows her take the punishing beams of the Super Trouper (her lighting guy). Maybe the lighting guy lit her wrong once and this is payback? Because you know the stalkers in the audience are ready to kill at ABBA's demand.
I think he would enjoy Big Girl better.
Most excellent riff Jason!
I'm having another G & T on that one.
It's "Super Trouper" and the trouper is the bad guy in the song!
Oy, ABBA purism I'm getting now! What's next, vintage years of RC Cola?
The song is anthemic; like the still-digesting blogger!
Come back to the five and dime, Trooper Dean, Trooper Dean.
If not, I will book Adam Lambert to, uh, "sing" at your on-line wake. Does LeeLee's sell Eye Liner?
I'm gonna try singing first.
Any commenters live in or near NYC? Mebbe someone could drop in at Lee Lee's and find out if it is, indeed, farewell.
Your last song message sounds like you're pining for Troop.
There's always the convent option if you want to be closer to Troop in spirit.
Just sayin'
*smacks chickenlittle upside the head* :)
Forehand or backhand? You've probably got a wicked backhand form all the tennis.
That must have left a mark.
Darcy, did you happen to notice the first video underneath yours?
(I'm wondering if it's the same as the one under mine).
I think Trooper would enjoy it.
Ha ha ha. I did just now, Michael.
And it's the forehand that is wicked. Backhand stinks, but please don't tell anyone.
Ouch, Darcy that really hurt! I guess I asked for that, but you bruised my beak. Now please kiss it and make it better.
Sure. I'll give you a peck, but not on the beak, you fresh chicken, you!
He's still not back?!? I'm getting worried. Should I defrost a chicken casserole for LeeLee/Lisa?
Whoops! That wasn't Michael, it was MadisonMan who noticed the breasts. Sorry! (Hee) :)
On youtube.
you fresh chicken, you!
Hey Darcy, I'll bet chickenlittle would go great with a citrus marinade and a good white wine... ;)
Well, at least it took us over a couple of days to start eating each other.
LOL, Bushman and Blake!
Please uninvite me to this Donner Party!
I think we were thinking more Koo-Koo-Roo, CL.
Oh, I much prefer El Pollo Loco, or as Darcy once called it: El Pollo Lobo.
OK, I think we were more thinking "El Pollo Pequeño".
double yikes then!
chickenlittle! That was a deleted tweet. *pouts*
So if I delete AND apologize we're OK?
Nah. Just teasing ya. It was kinda funny. ;-)
Now for some real news. The New York football Giants kicked Plaxico to the curb this afternoon.
Ok where the hell is he?
Dog Charlie Fox do you copy?
Until he returns (like Frederich Barbarossa!) perhaps we should all take turns being "Trooper York", kinda like The Great Pirate Roberts!
Darcy, first up! You have some Amy's Garden to post, no? Bathtub pics? Food polls to run?
Food polls to run?
If you were going to eat someone, what body part would you eat first?
Any preferred cooking method?
Great idea, Ron! If someone starts posting for Troop, I will pretend to be him in the comments. Can't use the same name of course, but I could use something close enough...Rooter York, maybe or, Trooper Dork? Open to any suggestions here.
My plan would be to welcome everyone for sure, but then I need to do some s t r e t c h i n g to think a little down-n-dirty.
Darcy, first up! You have some Amy's Garden to post, no? Bathtub pics?
Oh Ron, you bad boy ;-)
Jason, I recommend slow roasting over charcoal...to get that "off the bone" effect! And a dry rub, natch!
Not that I know anything about all this..
I'm just sayin'...
"...perhaps we should all take turns being "Trooper York",..
I'll pass on that tough challenge, but if there is to be a reincarnation (reinblogation?) of the Troop somewhere, I want come as a commenter named Alferd Packer.
Normally, I'd agree with Ron's excellent preparation suggestion, but I think one needs to prepare the homo sapiens with delicate attention to ethnicity.
Trooper York is Irish: He should be corned and boiled with a mess of cabbage.
If you were going to eat someone, what body part would you eat first?
I believe Ed Gein was partial to heart--at least that is what was on his stove when he was arrested.
Sounds like we're heading for a Donner Party poll.
Donner Reed
Lou Reed
Fuck you, I'm not picky
In humans wouldn't the buttock be the same as the drumstick? Maybe we could include ribs in the list? I hear people taste like pork, so we have to try ribs.
(Disagreeing with the poll choices: another Trooper York tradition.)
blake said...
"Trooper York is Irish: He should be corned and boiled with a mess of cabbage."
You know, as earnestly as I try to reproduce my mum's sunday roast in the winter, I have only very rarely done cabbage (a mainstay of my childhood Sunday roasts). Cabbage! Who the fuck eats cabbage?! People trying to avoid coronary heart disease, that's who - the wussies!
It's funny, I grew up on home cooking. I didn't realize until years later that the reason we always had home scratch-cooked meals as because we couldn't afford to eat out or buy ready meals back then.
I didn't realize until years later that the reason we always had home scratch-cooked meals as because we couldn't afford to eat out or buy ready meals back then.
I think a lot of families could have afforded to eat out or buy ready meals, but they didn't to save money.
I also think a lot of people nowadays don't know how to cook, or darn, or a dozen other money saving things. Hell, they barely know how to save money. They're stuck in an expensive lifestyle.
That is right. He is gone. He has left us. He claims to have entered a life of monism or onanism; ala Ernest Borgnine. He will no longer be among us. Some say he is dead, some say he is with Elvis, Morrison, and JFK.
There is an Obituary:
Trooper York, bra fitter and semi-famous blogger drowns. Trooper York drowned in a vat of beer while valiantly trying to fight off efforts of rescue personnel to pull him out.
We do not know the truth. But, for now, he is gone.
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