Every once in a while two people who considered friends or who you at least consider as really cool dudes get in a knock down drag out fight. Usually it is about politics or religion or something that is all over the news like Penn State Kid Touchers or Herman Cain. So they get into it and start spewing back and forth calling each other out. You might agree with one of them or think they are both crazy or maybe just not give a shit. But you just hate when they go at it hammer and tongs and it brings out the worst in both of them.
Some people dig that shit. It floats their boat. It's like a broad in high school who likes to have guys fight over her. It makes her feel special.
I have a good friend who is very liberal while you know I am pretty conservative. Luckily we are both arrogant enough not to care what anybody else thinks so we can discuss stuff and not freak out because we both think we are right. I think that is the attitude to take. You don't ever convince somebody by out shouting them. They think what they think. A scorpion is a fuckin' scorpion.
Girls just like to have fun. Just sayn'
Knock yer block off or block yer knock off?
I'm obliviers to that of which you speak.
Twitter has been fun lately.
Three weeks gone from Althouse!
Good stuff.
This dude we met at the birthday party has been sober for 14 years. That is quite an accomplishment.
This was just an observation about an argument at the party. Two people were going at it and they didn't need to go there. Luckily I jumped in and changed the subject.
That's what a friend does you know.
That's what a friend does?
What, no cage fight?
Oh, wait, that's what a PT Barnum would do...
I had to step in and get everyone focused on what was really important!
Drinking and eating!
They both agreed and enjoyed the rest of the night and hugged it out when they left like the two bitches that they are!
I just chalk it up to the times we are in. I lost a friend because I dare send her cnn news that 'mentions' Obama unfavorably. (rarely)
Some of those emails were about AGW, too.
If I remember correctly the last straw was an email re: the Sea Level measurements being manipulated.
She said; that "all my emails were bummers and felt that they pointed at her decision to vote for Obama... couldn't I just send her emails with kitties or animals that had nothing to do with politics, like her other friends do?"
I must have had a higher opinion of her than she of me.
I thought you were talking about Shouting Thomas and ndspinelli over at ebl's house.
John, Just standing up to a bully.
joepa is fired and saintshoutingthomas is crying. I'll sleep well
I have a lot of liberal friends (some of which I love like family), but I do not bring up politics to them. Why bother. They are wrong. I am right. But I can't change them. They may change themselves one day. I just listen to them blather about various liberal candidates and Obama. They invite me to fund raisers, but I beg off.
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