"Remember me? You tried to stick a pepperoni in me when I was trying to get that lawyer job with Godfathers Pizza. You said you wanted to be my sweet sweet toppings. Com'om pizza man you remember me. Well you will soon because Gloria Allred and I are coming to see you about an nice fat settlement. You see the job market is about as dry as my twat nowadays and you can help a girl out. I know you want to Pizza Man."
"Com'on now you remember me Pizza Man. Whose that girl?"
She looks too tall to have been harassed by pizza man.
I mean she may have kneaded some dough or even slathered some paste in her day but she's not exactly deep dish.
Sofa Khamel, the PeeDee who loved the Sofa King Kop.
I went out to dindin with a friend of mine for Italian food.
I had gnocci.
Some guy hit on me, and I wasn't interested, and he said, it is because I am black isn't it?
I said no.
What I didn't tell him is I wasn't interested because he was fugly.
Please, I am a dinge queen from years ago. But they do have to be hot.
Veronica Hamel....played tough-as-nails lady lawyer Joyce Davenport on Hill Street Blues. Married to Captain Furillo.
I worked for the real-life one.
Daniel J Travanti is from Kenosha, Wi. as is Alan "The Horse" Ameche. There's a little enclave of dagos in Kenosha.
You worked for the real life Davenport or the real-life Furillo? The former, I'm guessing?
Say, isn't there a Lily Munster connection here, Troop?
Indeed there is. Veronica once tried to fill the green bustier of the great Yvonne De Carlo in the 1995 flop calle "Here Comes the Munsters" in which Herman is an assistant coach at Penn State.
It was a film ahead of it's time.
Veronica Hamel played Jack Shephard's mother on Lost
Herman Munster was played by Edward Herrman. I wonder how he is related to Carol - is her real name "Herrman"? That could explain a lot. ALOT!!!
I worked [clerked] for the real-life Joyce Davenport whose husband was a Captain in the Chicago Police Department and of Itallian descent.
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