Tuesday, March 4, 2014


No that's not what Archie said to the Meathead. That was my wife yelling at me today. You see I have naturally curly hair and the wife hates it when it gets too long. So she sends me out to get it cut. She is getting her hair cut tomorrow and I hate to tell you how much that is going to cost. We are going to the City to get it done and she wanted me to get my hair cut there. NO WAY!

I can't justify spending that kind of money on a haircut. I got my same seventies razor cut the Damien used to give to Scott Baio back in the day. Drives her crazy. Which is a feature not a bug. But I am not going to pay a ten times more to get my hair cut in the City.


MamaM said...

You and Doc H, both getting ready for whatever's next.

The Dude said...

I usually get two haircuts a year, whether I need them or not.

I am way overdue but I am cheap. Need a ricpic kind of setup.

ricpic said...

Hammacher Schlemmer, baby. If I may be so bold.

ndspinelli said...

I can't imagine how curly your pubes are.

windbag said...

You skipped the opium and Chinese hooker part, right?

The Dude said...

If so, then he missed the good part!

The Dude said...
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