Monday, March 24, 2014

This is what abortionists are all about.

I followed a link from Legal Insurrection to a story on Breibart about England. It seems some hospitals in England have been using aborted babies as fuel to heat their hospitals. They are taking the broken tortured flesh of human beings who were ripped from their mothers womb and throw in with the general trash. Paper. Tissues. Cardboard. Babies. All grist for the mill.

This to me is what pro-abortion people are all about. They have no respect for human life. In any respect. They are monsters. Monsters.


windbag said...

They'll be so low in Hell, they'll have to look up to see Hitler.

rcocean said...


blake said...

If you put in a fiction book, people would say you've gone over the top. Too preposterous.