Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Marilyn's Diary

We never went on many vacations when I lived with Aunt Lily and Uncle Herman. Since we lived in Southern California we did touristy things. We went to Disneyland once but Uncle Herman scared the children. Well except for this one little Jewish kid named Katzenberg who wanted to take photos with Uncle Herman and kept calling him Shrek for some reason. We would go to Dodger games mainly because Uncle Herman tried out for the team. Oh and Grandpa was a really, really good friend with Sandy Koufax. He used to sleep over all the time. He even stayed in the same coffin with Grandpa which was kind of weird.

Our favorite place to go was SeaWorld. We were there so often that they even filmed a commercial for the theme park. Uncle Herman loved to swim with the dolphins. Aunt Lily was a succubus so she was very comfortable in the water. The only problem was my filthy cousin Eddie. He spent all of his time in the garbage can in the Ladies room hoping to see women pee. He was a crazy little freak.

I always was interested in the sea. I loved salty things. That is why I loved it when Uncle Herman would come into my room late at night and he would stick his thing in my mouth and this delicious salty cu....errr.....I loved my Uncle Herman.


chickelit said...

Aunt Lily was a succubus so she was very comfortable in the water.

With a moniker like that you'd think her mouth woulda been glued to Greyhound's tailpipe.

ndspinelli said...

Animal wackos are trying to close Sea World.