Friday, March 7, 2014

I am glad I didn't watch the Oscars

It just got too weird for me.


MamaM said...

This is weirder and more difficult to process that Brother Bear and Betty is a Dirty Girl combined.

MamaM said...

I have to entertain myself with these.

Crack, wearing Freedom's white flowing gown finds himself welcomed and adopted by Althouse as the new voice of black and white truth (replacing Ritmo as the dominant force of thread control) while Inga/Oop is forced to retool herself as the Madison Ma'am and squeeze into something slinky so she can stand at the sidelines coyly clapping, as Titus, coming in third in the bid for TOP Oscar reinserts himself into the middle of the scrum with another smarmy round of the same blather he's been dishing for years, as if it was freshly squeezed for the occasion.

How close it that? Be glad you're not watching, because you're not missing much. In fact, I'd be willing to bet you could write the script.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...
