Monday, August 17, 2009


I just want to state for the record that I did not want to insult any of the fine commenter's from Wisconsin who post here when I stated that nothing good ever came out of Wisconsin.

I just thought that as a blogger you were supposed to insult your commenter's and piss them off as per the modus operandi of certain big time bloggers. You know it drives traffic and gets you comments.

But I was just kidding guys. You know I think Lenny and Squiggy are really cool.


An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Ya know when I was in basic training in San Antonio our drill instructor said to one recuit from El Paso that "The only things that ever came outta Texas were steers and queers; which one are you?"

He responded: "Neither; I ain't left Texas yet."

Kinda left the DI speechless...

Which was a good thing...

blake said...

Michael McKean and David Lander are both New Yorkers, of course.