Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's all there in black and white

"So boys are you waiting for an appointment with Trey. You can go first you know. I like it when he goes in deep.....I mean in depth."
"No we are not here for therapy."
"Hey eyes up here Nesmith. Then why are you here."
"Oh because he is our uncle."
"Oh that figures.....ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha."


chickelit said...


Check out #7 on this list.

blake said...

Trey is a monkee's uncle?

chickelit said...

Then of course there is this.

Is it time for me to write a blog post on bizarre patents?

TMink said...

That is too funny! But that is not a drawing of Julie Newmar in the patent!

And monkey's uncle is the best thing I have been called all day! And it is only 10 local time.


TMink said...

Chickenlitte, I think I could have gone all week without seeing that technology! Maybe all my life!


chickelit said...

And to think that there is an overworked bureacracy in D.C. (the US Patent and Trademark Office) that processes and handles that nonsense. There is a barrier to patentability called utility (usefulness) that is set way too low.

chickelit said...

I followed up on the status of the butt-kicking machine (above). The inventor apparently abandoned the application after receiving a rejection letter from the Patent Office stating that his machine was anticipated by other known butt-kicking machines, including this, which is patented.

TMink said...

OK, I really did laugh at loud at the prior patent! That type of amusement is not so amusing to me!


I'm Full of Soup said...

Titus has the manually operated butt-kicking machine on his Xmas list.

TMink said...

I have vowed to never tease or make fun of Titus again. Honestly, the loaf posts make me uncomfortable, breeder that I am. I gather that is the point of the posts, to parody homophobia, still, they make me uncomfortable. But when Titus writes from his heart, he is a fine poster and I appreciate what he says.

I was taking it on the chin over at Althouse because I said it was not my business to tell someone who wanted to not be gay that they could not want or ask for that, Titus understood my point and was kind and supportive when others were just bashing me out of their own fears.

It was why I stopped going to Althouse actually. The bashing, not Titus. Now again, to try to avoid more bashing, I do not need for gay folks to not be gay, I do not practice repairative therapy and am not at all convinced that it works. But I am also not the kid of person to tell another what they should want or need just because I do not understand it. That is called tolerance and humility.

So thanks Titus, I count you as a friend who supported me. I hope you post here again.


chickelit said...

Geez Trey, no need to get all apologetic. I always found Titus interesting mainly because he grew up in town about 20 mi from where I grew up. He knows a lot of the quirky little mintuniae that comes from having lived there, particularly as a child.

I think Titus may have gotten bored with his own shtick. Ever notice that whenever he tried to say something serious, people over there accused him of being a fake Titus? That's gotta suck.

Trooper York said...

Titus has kind of dissappeared from here. He hasn't posted in months.

A lot of people have left that blogger ladies joint. For many different reasons. No need to go into them. Just enjoy yourself thats what I say. When it stops being fun going somewhere than its time to move on. That seems to be what Titus did.

TMink said...

Sorry, I did not mean to get all serious. I just gained a lot of respect for the guy, then he disappeared.

I guess I just learned to appreciate him, then he left.

But sorry for the bummer.


The Dude said...

I read that he lost his job, which had to crush his fabulousness - after all, he was all about bragging on how much he made and how much he spent, not to mention all the guys he fucked up the ass.

In any case, he bailed out of Althouse's place when she got married - he was there, then she got married, he wrote that he had a husband too, some illegal alien or something, then the rumors of his trouble at work were written, then nothing. Maybe he is no longer able to pinch loaves. Maybe riding bareback caught up with him. Maybe he is lurking, employed, healthy, happy and secure. I think that last sentence will be proven untrue.

blake said...

Well, that's a shame, if any of that bad stuff is true.

He was a troll (at Althouse) but he was apparently not a sock puppet and often actually contributed.

Trooper York said...

I think that was all rumors. I think he is there posting under another name, cause that persona may have run it's course. That is a perfectly valid thing to do in my opinion.

Trooper York said...

Sometimes you want to post something but you want to not be associated with your prior opinions and stances. You might be consistent with those ideas but you might want to express it in a different way.

Trooper York said...

I think sock puppetry is something different. That is where you post agreement to stuff you had said as though many people are agreeing with your premise. As long as the persona you adopt is a perfectly coherent personality it is fine.

At least thats what the voices in my head tell me.

Trooper York said...

Also, I think it is fine if Trey wants to go back to Althouse now and again and drop in a comment or two on a subject that entices him or he has firm opinions on.

We start commenting that way in the first place so it is not a problem if you want to do that.

I believe in breaking all the rules.

Trooper York said...

For example I think the blogging cockroach and Sir Archy and another well know commenter are all the same person. Each is a well formed individual seoperate and distinct. Not sock puppets but characters.

dr kill said...

it's so hard-

for us old motherfuckers to keep up with the street shizzle. And I did promise myself not to say anything bad about those other folks, the ones I avoid since last Sept. So I won't even say I told you so.

I also miss Titus, I like to think he is serving in King Barry's tent when Khadaffi comes to visit. Nice.

dr kill said...

There is nothing those A-rabs like more than some youthful male ass. Only the catcher is considered queer. The pitcher is simply a normal horny kid.

More detail would just be pornographic. TMWFI.

Anonymous said...

I miss Titus, too. I always thought he was an alter-ego of some sort. I didn't take his escapades seriously. His persona was humorously and sometimes brilliantly played out.

Over at the blond lady's blog...well, things diminished, especially after Urkel took office. I never contributed on a large scale there, but I did enjoy some of the conversation that went on. It was one of the saner and civil places where actual discourse took place. I'm much busier now, don't care to look at the political news, and certainly don't care to discuss it on-line.

I do like discussing important matters, such as adult beverages. Side note from a conversation today.

blake said...

Yeah, you and I differ on this, TY.

Sir Archy and bc are characters; they don't expect to be taken literally. Titus used to tell us his real-life woes, some of which were quite horrible.

Dunno. Sits wrong with me.

The Dude said...

You might be correct Trooper, but no one writing there has a similar voice to the one Titus had. But that is an interesting idea.

He bolted for a couple of months last year - prior to the election, as I recall, he was not their for the 1000 comment night, that much I do recall.

Oh well, he may wander back by, tell us of his adventures. Althouse certainly likes his work, so he will always be welcome there.

Trooper York said...

Well there was a serious strain in Titus and when he dropped his gay minstrel act he was very serious and matter of fact. So much so that he reminded me of downtownlad.

It's fun to think who is who and who is hiding behind what mask. I mean the Luckyoldson/Michael/Jeremy
thing was obvious. And some of the newer frequent contributions seem like old voices in a new wrapper. But it wouldn't be cool to try to
"out" anyone or speculate who they are.

Let your freak flag fly is what I always say.

Trooper York said...

I miss the old gang but it is not worth it to be yelled at continously by Sister Mary Elephant.

I mean I did twelve years of Catholic school and enough is enough ya know.

The Dude said...

Now that made me laugh. She has aimed some heat at me, but what the hey, it's her blog, and I am not particularly circumspect when I comment. I think Meade has mellowed her out a bit, if that is possible.

In any case, most of the old gang is long gone. The trolls, such as Gene Olson are still there, and there is the new blowhard LE Lee who is rude, relentless and a racist.

There you have it. Your place is much nicer, the pictures are better, and I only occasionally write stupid shit here, unlike over there.

Trooper York said...

Hey everything we write here is stupid shit. That's the whole premise of this blog.

ChocolateGodzilla said...

I feel violated. Why didn't someone tell me the stupid shit premise of this blog?

I always felt I was healing the National divisions, and voting for some colored guy made me feel special in an oh-so-educated-ivy-league way.

Now you say I suck?

Trooper York said...

Well somebody has to now that Titus is gone.

chickelit said...

It was one of the saner and civil places where actual discourse took place.

Some of that discourse turned into full-blown intercourse--NTTIAWWT

Trooper York said...

Now that is an assumption not supported by any known facts sir.

chickelit said...

I guess that was impolitic of me, but aren't you in turn implying that Meade is impotent?

The Dude said...

He's impo'tent to her!

Trooper York said...

No just that it is unlikely anyone is blowing on the fuglehorn if you get my drift.

Just speculation on my part of course.

Trooper York said...

In other words, "full blown" would not apply.

Trooper York said...

So to speak.

Trooper York said...

Not that it is any of our business you see.

Trooper York said...

I hope those two crazy kids are very happy.

Trooper York said...

Hey you ever notice how close "happy" is to "Harpy" when you are typing really fast?

Trooper York said...

You see Chocolate Godzilla, this it the level of discourse we try to maintain around here.

Shape up.

chickelit said...

Geez Troop, I guess I was using the Clintonian version of what constitutes intercourse.
I'll try and be clearer in my thinking and words in the future.

TMink said...

DTL was/is a frackin mental case. Titus did not bleed all over everyone like DTL did. I appreciated Titus' more serious posts. I never read a post of DTL that was not venomous.


chickelit said...

DTL was a hypersensitive little twit. He could often add to an argument, but I don't miss him at all.