Monday, August 24, 2009

Ya gotta believe!!!!!!!!!

Hey the Mets ended their game yesterday when they were the victim of an unassisted triple play.

Jerry Manuel is some manager.

He is doing the work of three men.


Anonymous said...

I figured that news tidbit would show up here. As a long-time Mets fan, let me point out that they suck this year on a level that Dante forgot to describe.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The Stooges are in Cubs uniforms! Maybe this is the real Cubs jinx!

I was watching the Phils when that triple play happened. The Mets are still bringing Manuel back! Maybe Bernie Madoff has cast a spell on the Wilpons and his crappy unteam. That is the Mets problem - they have not played like a team for 5-6 years. Big bucks free agents seem to have fouled the team concept.

wv = I see a Phils vs. Yanks series.