Saturday, August 1, 2009

Its all there in black and white

"Why are we all gathered here in the dining hall?"
"I don't know, I think they want to make an announcement. Say aren't you the Catwoman?"
"Yes I am. Who are you?"
"You can call me Simon."
"So why did they lock you away in this asylum Simon?"
"I don't know. I was enjoying my life and suddenly it all went wrong. It just took a terrible turn for the worst. Why are you here?"
"It seems they are all against me. I don't know why they have turned on me. I have come to believe that it is the fault of my therapist. I know he is one who is turned on. He had me committed for his own nefarious purposes. He wants me you see. Ever since he was a boy."
"It is tough when you don't get what you want. Can I ask you a question Catwoman?"
"Of course Simon what would you like to know?"
"Have you seen a propeller laying around. I lost it off of my beanie and I haven't been the same ever since."
"No but I will be on the lookout. If you ever need to find a pup tent in pants though, I will be happy to help."
"Thank you Catwoman."
"You are welcome Simon."


ChocolateGodzilla said...

I bet it's there in pink, too. NTTAWWT. O'Conner Pink is a lovely shade.

chickelit said...

Sometimes you're just hard to figure CG. :)

dr kill said...

Members of the NY grand jury deliberating on the Antonio Pierce and Plaxico Burris shoot-myself-in-the-nuts case.

Is this a great country or what?

Kill a guy with your car while drunk- 24 days in the county slam.

Kill a couple of dogs in your backyard- 24 months in the state can.

Shoot your own stupid ass in the thigh- 3.5 years in the state can.

The Dude said...

Vick was convicted on federal charges and did time in a federal penitentiary.

Burress shot himself in the thigh, didn't report it, the gun was not registered and he had the bad luck to be in NYC where the prosectutor is trying to make a name for himself. Being a crime fighter and hardnosed law pimp is the route to the governor's mansion.

As for the drunk who killed the other drunk, meh, who cares? The driver said he was sorry, and isn't that what really counts these days?