Friday, August 7, 2009

It's all there in black and white

"Why are you sitting all the way over there Selina?'
"Why I have an itch Trey. Did you ever have an itch? Sometimes I can feel it...feel it so much that it takes over my mind....I itch...I yearn to have that itch scratched...sometimes I have to do it by myself...back and forth rubbing that itch...hoping to get satisfaction....yes I have an itch."
"Why do you have an itch Trey? Because a cat has long claws. I can scratch an itch. Ha,ha,ha,ha!"


TMink said...

Ok, that is the best one yet!

Let me tell you a true story about the underwear model I had as a client. Yes, she was an underwear model. Really fetching, she gave me a copy of her card, I read it, but it said Lingerie model. She had been in some national catalogues. I recognized her.

I took her information and started writing up the intake when it started. I could smell her like she was sitting in my lap. Her perfume, it was very powerful, intoxicating even. I went to the chair where she sat, but that was not where the lovely aroma was coming from.

Damn! I was obviously fixated on her and thinking I could smell her. That was VERY embarassing, and completely unprofessional to say the least. There was only one thing to do, I put a call into my supervisor. He was not there, so I left a message that I needed to talk to him to transfer a client to him.

I needed her contact information, so I looked for her card and found it in my shirt pocket. As I got it out to get the number, I realized that she had drenched her card in perfume. I was not hallucinating! I was not having an uncontrolled sexual transference! I had passed the test and done the right thing!

My supervisor, a former priest who left the priesthood when he fell in love with a nun, called me back and we laughed about the situation for weeks.

But I passed the test.

I wonder if I said "Hamana-hamana-hamana-urrrph!"



chickelit said...

It's all there in whack and blight, florally speaking.

Trooper York said...

Dude how do you think I feel talking to beautiful women all day about their bra sizes and how to make their ass look good in a dress.



TMink said...

Trooper, I feel your pain brother.


blake said...

Oh, the pain! The pain!!