Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tell Me the Truth

Tell the Truth. Aren't all of the girls from More to Love so much hotter than a skinny camel toe skank like Donatella.
I mean she is a fashion icon to so many people in the fashiion industry. What the fuck?


XWL said...

As frightening as she looks in photos, she's at least twice as scary up close and personal.

That's a sight I wish I could unsee, but alas, the memory lingers.

Trooper York said...

I know but look at some of the lucious babes that these douches are trying to ridicule in this dating show.

I mean that is some woman to hold onto man.

XWL said...

I agree, many of the women on that show are extremely attractive (and not in a, 'if only they'd lose a few', sort of way, for some it's the opposite, it's 'hope they don't get it in their heads to get skinny, cause damn, those are some delicious curves' sort of way).

Can't get past the extreme low self-esteem, though, seems like the women on this show are extra troubled, even when compared to the other sad sacks that show up on like shows.

Michael Haz said...

Woman looks like a walking petri dish.

Penny said...

So do you think it's the fame that makes people go freakish, or the money that fame brings? I suppose it could be the company you keep. Who knows?

dbp said...

Ms. Versace is just weird looking, I guess one could say she was born with a scary-face disposition. I don't know if she has tried plastic surgery but given the radical changes we've seen in other well-known people, I would suspect she hasn't or maybe her doctor has an odd artistic sense.

Based on the pictures you have posted, (I don't watch the show) the More to Love ladies are certainly more attractive than Donatella V. They drew a decidedly mixed-hand in the game of genetic poker: A tendency to be heavy in a culture that currently favors thinness has got to bite, but they happen to look very pretty as they are.

Ms V and heavy girls are kind of in the same boat: The scary-faced girl could get surgery, but that is scary, painful, expensive and the results uncertain. Equally so, heavy girls could be lighter but that would involve a lifetime of denying themselves a central pleasure in life. So, I don't blame any of them for opting-out.

One thing they can all do is wear clothes that flatter what they have got: Plus-sized items from Lee Lee's and a veil for Ms. V.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I think DV inherited her fame from her brother. I know she inherited her looks from a plastic surgeon.

Darcy said...

Oh God, yes.

I enjoyed the little showcase you did of the More to Love women. Maybe if the show is a hit, you could make a pitch for your store to dress the women next time, Trooper!

blake said...

Er, dbp, that's nice of you, but no, DV's looks were purchased, astonishingly. Probably at a high price.

She's often been a cautionary tale.

Oh, and don't click if you have a weak stomach--you can't unsee it, as XWL points out.