Saturday, June 21, 2008

Have you got my Coat Tex?

Paris Hilton: My cooch hair coat. The Coat of Dreams. The ultimate fur coat, that was denied me by that cabal at Althouse those disgusting feminists who insist on cultivating their hair, for which I have lost THREE YEARS OF MY LIFE! I had to search for cooch hair everywhere. Luckily we had access to Selma Hayeks shower drain and Bill Clinton’s tooth brush! Corey, we're going to make them pay.
Corey Haim, Paris Hiltons Butler: Yes. How much?
Paris Hilton: Dipstick, she called him. What fiendish justice! He escaped me, but I shall wreak my vengeance on the next generation.
Corey Haim, Paris Hiltons Butler: Sounds wonderful. But Dipshit? What does Freder Federson have to do with anything?
(101 Spots on Her Cooch, or Herpes if you want to get Technical, 2008)

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