Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Jokers on You Pal...Part Two!!!

Over the moonlight sky of a sweltering Gotham City, a huge symbol is illuminated in the night sky. A pair of painfully thin stick figures standing on top of a big pot of money. It is the Olsen Twins symbol.

Two painfully thin women wrapped in rags that make them look like anorexic bag ladies pull up to Police Headquarters in a Mini Cooper festooned with stickers from Tiger Beat and Seventeen Magazine. It is the Skankmobile. It is the Olsen Twins.

Commissioner Gordon: Girls thank God and the sweet Baby Jesus you are here. The Joker is running wild. He left his family in Brooklyn and is tearing up the clubs and making a mockery of law and order here in Gotham City.
Ashley Olsen: Well what about Batman. Can’t he do something?
Commissioner Gordon: You know he is gay in real life. The Joker was only joking around in that cowboy movie. No, it is a job for a girl. Even better two girls. Twins. But tiny ones. If we put you together you can make up one whole woman.
Mary Kate Olsen: I don’t need any help. I can handle this myself. I will just use my sex-u-al-ity.
Chief O’Hara: Jesus, Mary and Joseph…you will slice the poor sod to ribbons with your boney twat…at least have a sandwich before you try it dearie.
Ashley Olsen: Leave her alone you drunken Mick. She knows what she’s doing.
Chief O’Hara: May the Lord have mercy on us for what we are doing….

To be continued…….

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