Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My clients are busting my balls again.

I keep trying to make appointments to do the sales tax and everyone is blowing me off. I know they don't have a clue about the fact that I have had enough about them but I still have to knock out the returns. I will never leave anyone hanging. But what a pain in the ass.


blake said...

I don't get it.

Do the sales tax? Do you prepare payments to the state tax service for people? (I would think that's automatic.)

Trooper York said...

Yes in New York every store has to make out a sales tax return every three months. It's the worst tax there is because it is a gross value added tax. The client collects it but he often spends it before he has to pay it to the state. Hence the problem. Nothing is worse than telling a business that is on the edge that they owe $20,000 due in a week when they don't have it because they can barely pay the rent or utilities or payroll. I have seen it turn the hippiest flower children into Republican tax cutters.

blake said...

Would that it were more effective.

We have to do that here, but I think you generally keep the money in a separate account, so you don't ever get the impression that, you know, it's yours.