Monday, December 26, 2011

If you run a Marathon shouldn't somebody give you a drink?

We have been lazy today. Just hanging around watching TV and not doing any work. Everything is closed today. Even "Good Food" so we are having leftovers today. So we are just flipping around and guess what we found? A marathon of "The Kardashians take New York."

It is pretty amazing. As you might know, Kim Kardashian married Kris Humprhies a ball player on the New Jersey Nets. They are all over TV as they have about six tv series about the Kardashians. It is ridiculous. Their wedding was a hour long special that was run over and over again. But what was crazy that they were only married something like 72 days before they announced their divorce. You see the seeds of their divorce in this show. The Hump lives the NBA lifestyle so it was nothing for him to throw a big party in his place. But Kim and her sister freaked out and it caused a big fight.

So they are getting divorced and poor Kris Humphries is getting slaughtered at the game. They were chanting "REGGIE BUSH" in the style that they used to do to Daryl Strawberry. Now Reggie Bush was the football player who used to bang Kim before he wised up and dropped her like a bad habit. When they shopped her twat to the rest of professional sports the best they could come up with was a back up player on the New Jersey Nets.

It's funny. The announcer called Kris "the most hated man in the NBA." Wow. Poor bastard.

I think they should hate that fame whore Kim. Actually calling her a fame whore is wrong. She is just a whore.

Somehow the guy always get the blame.


The Dude said...


The Dude said...

What do you know - there was a post!

Trooper York said...

Sorry. I slipped a disk or something.

chickelit said...

I so don't get the Kardouchians.

I skip every every post and homage you give them and jump right to comments without finishing.

Honest to Blog

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The guy always gets the blame...

Hmmmm. Lawnboy should have eyes on the back of his head. Because I could go all mad cow and just gore happens.