Tuesday, December 27, 2011

This story is so terrible I actually wept as I read it.

A nine year old girl was murdered by her babysitter who was a sex offender living in a town of sex offenders. She moved to this trailer park with her mom who was there to take care of her father who was also a convicted sex offender and who knew the murderer from being in jail with him. 15 other sex offenders lived in this trailer park in "almost every other trailer."

This nine year old girl had a lot of physical and mental issues. Imagine what it must have been like for her. And they let these people live. The actually release them from prison so they can do this again and again.

You know who does this? Lawyers. They are the ones who plea bargin down sentances and get the charges reduced. This murderer had a sex record in Indiana where this took place. Just pleaded to lower counts like trespass and assault in places like Florida.

How can this happen? How can the scumbag ambulance chaser who got this guy out live with himself?

I actually couldn't believe this story when I read it. Follow the link to the story if you want, it is just too upsetting to me.
How can they let people like this live?


Anonymous said...

WHY did this woman take her children into such an environment? Was she so messed up herself that she didn't recognize the danger she put her children in? Keeping the innocents safe trumps Filial Piety.

chickelit said...

Lean times should translate to more cursory trials when both the State and the public defenders are cash-strapped.

The party mom trial in Florida was kinda the last straw for me. Is she a celeb or doing porn yet?

Trooper York said...

I agree.

But how do they let this nest of vipers exist?

It is unbelievable to me.

Trooper York said...

These guys should just get two behind the ear and be done with it. It's that simple.

Darcy said...


windbag said...

I skip news stories like this. My wife just read this one to me. I hadn't heard of it before this evening. Liberals seem to content to overlook the rights of the victims in these cases, preferring to ensure the rights of the criminals are respected. I say let the family have the creep for 15 minutes, then let the court system process whatever remains.

Anonymous said...

Windbag, this liberal thinks sex offenders need chemical and physical castration.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

How could children be allowed anywhere near such a place? No parole officers, no regular police patrols? This is absolutely infuriating.

I am not going to condemn defense lawyers. Could you imagine a world of Nancy Graces out there prosecuting who ever they deemed in bad faith? Becareful what you wish for.

But I do agree victims rights need to be made more paramount than they are. And children need to be protected.

TTBurnett said...

For a perspective from someone who has actually been an abused child, read Elephant Girl by Jane Devin. It's breathtaking, the best memoir I've read.

If you want to know what it's like to be sodomized for child pornography at about this girl's age, or lose your virginity to rape when you're 15, or have your face bashed in by a baseball bat shortly after, read, if you can, this book.

Then there's the rest of her life, which is the story of someone who has, in fact, fallen through the cracks, or maybe into the abyss, out of which she's been trying to crawl ever since. Thank God Jane didn't wind up like the little girl in the story, so she's still around to write about it, and, frankly, to repay the hurt she's experienced with love and faith, after everything, in human goodness.

Her book is written in a plain, simple, spare style. There's not a hint of self-pity anywhere. And you can't put it down.

Along with a lot of other people saying the same thing, I wrote a review on Amazon you can find at the link.

Seriously, this book is a masterpiece. If you care about kids, if you're a parent, or if you had a rotten childhood and want some perspective, read this book.

Jane Devin also did a little blog series, "Finding my America," sponsored by General Motors, which is well worth checking out.

windbag said...

Careful, Allie, they might kick you out of the club.

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, I have worked too many cases like this as has my bride. That's why I go ballistic when someone says the sex offender laws are just feminists gone wild. I don't like when people talk out of their ass, but I let a lot of it go. But not on this topic. This is why I have to take extra blood pressure meds when idiots talk out of their asses on this issue.

Thanks..I'll calm down in a few minutes.

ndspinelli said...

Thanks for the link, Tim.

ndspinelli said...

EBL, Phillip Garrido the scum who kidnapped and raped Jaycee Dugard over decades had a parole officer who visited the house regularly. My bride was a Federal PO and I was a juvenile PO. We'll both be the first to tell you there are way too many lazy idiots holding those important jobs.

Dugard righteously got a big civil cash settlement from the State of California for their negligence.