Saturday, December 17, 2011

Now I can cancel HBO for two months.

Now that "Boardwalk Empire" is over there is nothing I want to watch until "Game of Thrones" starts in a couple of months. I don't watch any of the other series as they are pretty lame. You have to begrude paying for something you don't really use anymore.

Boardwalk was interesting to me because they showed the gangsters like Al Capone, Meyer Lansky and Charles Lucky Luciano in their early years when Prohibition just began. They also feature Arnold Rothstein who was the major figure in organized crime of that time. It was very engrossing except for the silly subplot with Jimmy Darmody and his weird realtionship with his mother. Now that Jimmy was killed in the final episode they will move on to some less barque themes like gangsters and Prohibition. Boardwalk is writtin by the same people who did "The Sopranos" and they fell into the same traps. By trying to do "art" they started to lose sight of what people wanted to see. The gangsters.

Sunday night viewing will have to go back to only "The Real Housewives" and the stuff we missed during the week that we recorded.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I may be a cow, but I like HBO. I do like Boardwalk Empire.

I will keep my subscription just so I can catch up on episodes I missed on line.

BTW, this is off topic but Barack Obama declared himself the 4th greatest president in American History! Wow, you would have to have been a cow to have voted for that guy.

Trooper York said...

Some people are full of themselves. They think that everyone loves them as much as they love themselves. The fact of the matter is that a lot of poeple are laught at them. Not with them.

We all need to be humble.

Anonymous said...

Well EBL, maybe we made a boo boo, my President would've been even more liberal, don't hate on me, it's OK if you think I'm insane, I won't get mad.

I still love youse guys, liberals are full of love for their fellow humans:)

Anonymous said...

And bovines.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Allie, we love you. Listen, I have plenty of liberal friends and family/herd members who visit and I do not hate them. I may disagree with their politics, but I still consider them dear friends or loved ones. And I know plenty of people who may share some political views with that I would never want to be around.

I just found that comment by Barack Obama funny, in a completely disconnected from reality way. I was not alive for FDR and I barely remember LBJ, but from what I can read about them they were realists.

But you have to remember certain blogs recently were declared the top 40 conservative blogs. How many of those bloggers listed voted for Barack Obama?

Hmmmm. I can think of one.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

And while I disagreed with FDR and LBJ's policies, I never doubted they were patriots and loved this country.

Anonymous said...

Oh EBL I just knew we could be friends!

chickelit said...

We watched an episode of "Boardwalk Empire" last night and were disappointed.

The whole gangster genre as presented by Scorsese bores me. He can spellbind a lot of people but he can't get everybody. I really do appreciate his music stuff recently--he gives lots of overdue recognition.

So shoot me already.

cliff claven said...

ebl, i have to say i'm getting jealous. remember in our interspecies counseling prior to marriage we discussed that homo sapiens are different than your breed. there is no homosexuality in the bovine community. remember how you learned the hard way when you married a penquin, not knowing so many are gay. well, i've watched this allie for awhile. she is flirty, boring and insipid. and, i think she likes to hit from both sides of the plate. you get insanely jealous of my female lawn clients and i respect that. please respect me.

Anonymous said...

Boring and insipid, perhaps, but hitting from both sides of the plate, Mooo, no. Hey wait a minute! I am not boring or insipid! My calf is home back home, safe in the barn, I have to go and bake a spinach quiche.