Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Man Needs A Maid



Trooper York said...

The Jamacian Mary Poppins just did not work out.

Back to Craigs list.

ndspinelli said...

The best way to find a good maid is word of mouth.

Fred4Pres said...

Sorry about that. Do you have any friends with maids who have a free day for you and your wife?

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry Troop, bad luck. What happened she didn't show up? Should I send Nanny McFee over?

Hey so much good music today on Trooper, Im putting in a request for my favorite Niel Young song, Harvest Moon.

Trooper York said...

I need someone for five days a week. Two in the house and three in the store. And I am paying good money.

I don't get it.

Trooper York said...

To start she was 45 minutes late.

We had meetings all day and all that was finished was one room and the laundry. We still had to fold the clothes, vacumn the rugs, make the beds and throw out the garbage.

Why do I need a maid that I am paying all this money.

She lasted one day.

Trooper York said...

I hate to complain about having a maid but we have too much to do for this to make extra work for us when we are paying top dollar. It just sucks all the way around.

Anonymous said...

OK that's pathetic, how long does it take to clean one room?

You need a German maid, my mother used to look like a whirlwind cleaning on a Saturday, we kids got out of the house or we would've been sucked up in that monstrous vacuum she had.

Trooper York said...

It was the kitchen and she took everything out of every cabinet. She was very thorough but even so it isn't all that clean. The floor wasn't washed and the rugs weren't vacumned. The wife was pretty upset especailly as we are doing the work now that she should have finished. It just isn't working out.

But I do have the cleanest salt shaker in the tri-state area.

Titus said...

How were her tits?

I might of given her a break if she had nice tits.


chickelit said...

The term "vacuum cleaner" sounds almost clinical compared to vivid imagery of Staubsauger (dust sucker) in German.

Not everything about German sucks.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lee Lee should write a list, to do first, etc etc. areas not to bother with until all the main stuff is accomplished. Sometimes it needs to be spelled out, although a good housekeeper should know that instinctually.

Titus said...

Was she legal?

I might of pulled a DSK while she was cleaning and see if she was up for it.


Trooper York said...

That's just it. We gave a very specific list including all those things. It is a time management issue. We even stayed home but were so busy with meetings and emails and stuff that we didn't hover over her. Which you don't want to do anyway. It just didn't work.

Which really sucks because we wanted it to work out.

blake said...

I keep thinking of the phrase "jobs Americans won't do."

And then I think of those jobs, and how much they tend to pay, and the fact that you can get food and shelter and healthcare...

It's not hard to see why Americans won't do them.

chickelit said...

It's not hard to see why Americans won't do them.

It's not hard to imagine them unionizing to get those things. But it's also easy to see people upset with established union folks being greedy.

Am I "dressing left" tonight blake?

blake said...

Lord knows I ain't gonna check, CL.

AllenS said...
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AllenS said...

Why not wait until spring and clean your house then?

Trooper York said...

Because I don't live a bachelor lifestyle AllenS as much as I might with too.

The wife is a nest freak and will be going crazy. We have a party tonight and need everything to be spotless.

AllenS said...

Dim the lights, nobody will notice.

Anonymous said...

Do you have Merry Maids in NY? I use them once in a great while, they do a decent job.