Monday, January 23, 2012

A big announcement!

I have been thinking about taking this blog private. What that would mean is that you would have to be an approved viewer to read it and post comments. It seems I would be limited to about 100 viewers and that would be fine. I doubt I have more than 100 people who come here.

I might want to go private because I don't want certain people to have the chance to mine my blog for things they want to use against me. That might sound paranoid but as you know that has already happened. Since I am about to have a much higher profile I think it might be the smart thing to do.

What do you think?

Please leave a comment about what you think about this or you can email me at if you want to get in depth in our discussion.

I value your input.


AllenS said...

Whatever makes you feel comfortable is ok with me.

chickelit said...

I'm only for it if I get to be a member. :)

You could actually charge admission and create a model for monetizing blogs.

Just my two cents.

Trooper York said...

I would of course want you guys to be among the select 100.

We will be like the Spartans.

(Just not as gay....although not that there's anything wrong with that)

Anonymous said...

I'm fine with this, it's your blog, your choice, I'm just happy to be a part of its commentariat.

Trooper York said...

Thank you Allie.

You can be a Spartan broad.

Trooper York said...

So far it is Unanimous that this will be the best thing to do.

Trooper York said...

I will be changing over at midnight tonight.

Anyone who has a problem registering please contact me at

The Dude said...


Well, perhaps I am being presumptuous. Do we get to film the whole thing in front of a green screen now?


Wait, wrong movie.

Dude, protect yourself and your family. There are some very malevolent forces out there. Not all of them are as weak and pussy whipped as M*ade. Some of them are real ball busters, like that, well, never mind...

Anonymous said...

Whew Trooper, I was afraid you'd move and not leave a forwarding address! That would be sad.

The Dude said...

Wait, is it April the first again?

TTBurnett said...

Sounds fine to me.

I still say Col. Mustard used a wrench, not a candlestick.

Trooper York said...

The thing is that I can be a lot more candid and talk about the show a lot more to a very limited crowd of you knuckleheads.

So you will be in with the "In" crowd so to speak.

Trooper York said...

I think it will be a lot of fun.

le Douanier said...

Presumably you don't realize that there are some passive readers, who don't comment, but regularly read. From that POV, a no eavesdropping zone seems lame.

Just Sayin'

Trooper York said...

Hey passiveness is not valued here dude. Didn't you ever read Teddy Roosevelt? Get in the arena.

But that being said I have no problem with you being in the valient 100.

Any passive readers like you or Terri or others will be welcome.

Oh and I don't care if it is lame.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Trooper York said...

You have to protect yourself from a vindictive cunt with a grudge.

If you don't believe me ask Johnny Stompanato.

Titus said...

Fine by me, but did I miss something?

Trooper York said...


The Giants are going to the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!

The Dude said...

Hey, who gets to be Lana Turner? I have some names I would like to submit...

Chip S. said...

I always associate Members Only with Paulie Walnuts.


The Dude said...

I am thinking of growing the gray hair on my temples out into wings like Paulie - he always seemed like such an even tempered well mannered man... an all around nice guy, know what I am sayin'?

blake said...

I probably wouldn't have announced it.

le Douanier said...

I'm glad that my application wasn't too subtle.

It was a bit disappointing when ZPS went private and denied me access. But, it would have really sucked if my tubes were de-trooperized.

The Dude said...

How would one know if Zachery Paul Socialist went private? Or care?

BJM said...

What Chickenlittle said. I come to read whatever catches your fancy (and that's some fancy you got there) and the repartee/hilarity that ensues.

le Douanier said...


I genuinely missed his end of the year song compilations.

And, there was always something fragile about him. What harm could come from being a little nice?

Anyway, he eventually became un-private.

ricpic said...

chick said...

I'm only for it if I get to be a member.

I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.

--Groucho Marx

chickelit said...

Awright, since you're going to keep posting farewell songs all night it looks like here's the place to ask:

How do we register or just wait until midnight EST and ask at the door? What if there's a mad scramble and only a hundred out of hundreds get in the door? Is this going to be like Studio 54 where it helps to have a hot chick with you? Are you the flouncer?

chickelit said...

Fine ricpic--be that way. You'll miss out.

ricpic said...

Hey chick, I can't joke? Troop couldn't keep me out if he tried, that...that...exclusionist!

Anonymous said...

We have passes, everybody else waits in line, I hope....

Trooper York said...

I think the way it works is you request membership and sign in and then you are good.

We might try it for a while and see how it goes.

I don't want to make it so hard that you can't see get in as fast as you want. So we will have to see what we will see.

Titus said...

Why are you doing this Troop?

What happened?

I am not caught up in all the dirt flinging.

I am more focused on my loaf pinching.


Trooper York said...

The main thing is that it will be a cool way for me to share with you the behind the scenes things on the show that I don't want everyone to know.

Trooper York said...

I am doing this as a prophylactic measure so to speak.

If you know what I mean.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

ricpic said...

Hey Titus, do you use prophylactics or do you sacrifice safety for a more "pure" experience?

Ruth Anne Adams said...

Hi, Trooper.

I'm looking for my engraved invitation to the High Rollers room at the blog.

ricpic said...

Okay, I apologize for that last post. It's the devil made me do it. Course I'll never apologize to Titus. I mean that's a given. Chronicles of wasted time, that's yours truly.

Trooper York said...

Hey you are always welcome at my party Ruth Anne.

Anonymous said...

I'm on the phone offering Trooper cookies for a free pass.

Trooper York said...

You made it in a breeze Allie.

Don't sweat it.

dbp said...

Your blog should serve your real life rather than the other way around, or at least not hurt your real life. It therefore sounds like a good idea to take it "private".

On the other hand and I don't know how important this is to you, but I doubt you got up to almost half a million hits on the 20-some commenters who regularly make their views known.

blake said...

If I had to guess, I would say TY's considerable traffic count is based on people Googling "tits".

Thanks, titus!

Trooper York said...

dbp said....
On the other hand and I don't know how important this is to you, but I doubt you got up to almost half a million hits on the 20-some commenters who regularly make their views known."

That is very true. But as you say the blog is secondary to your life. Most of the regular readers will be able to register and read along. Some will not want to be bothered. I will lose readers. But I never did what you needed to do to be a really big traffic blog.

You know.

Kiss the Instapundits ass.

Darcy said...

Miss Scarlet and I choose the rope. Natch.

chickelit said...

but I doubt you got up to almost half a million hits on the 20-some commenters who regularly make their views known.

Half of those are probably mine so I don't think Troop's page views will take a hit.

OTOH, I do know that majority of hits on my blog, 100-200 per day, seem to be spam. And they mostly all go to one post.

Hey, I got past the flouncer at the door!

Trooper York said...

It's done.

A little early because I wanted to fool those who are thinking they can cut and paste.

Let me know how it works for you.

Trooper York said...

I don't know how it works but eveyone who emails me got an invite.

chickelit said...

It gave me a notice that it was going to invite only but that I had been invited. I had to reload your page to get through but there was no problemo.

Anonymous said...

Damn, you scared me there for a minute! I thought naw, he wouldn't do that to me.

windbag said...

This is fucking cool. Can we swear more, now that nobody but us is watching? How about jackets? Can we get jackets? Cool ones with chains and shit dangling off of them. And we can build a clubhouse and hang pictures of tits we steal from our dad's Playboy collections. Man, this is gonna be fun.

windbag said...

This is so much more relaxed. I like it already. What color jackets are we getting?

windbag said...

Oh yeah, the Mets suck.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Damn autocorrect!

Windbag, just as long as you don't call it the He Man Woman Haters Club, like in the Little Rascals.

Windbag, how about a rum and coke with me?

Ron said...

I'm fine with the blog being private,'re gaining a higher public profile and too many chuckleheads spoil the to speak.

Do we have a secret handshake? A special burger? The TY Themesong? Maybe like "Troopers Only" Jackets....

Think branding!

chickelit said...

Do we have a secret handshake? A special burger? The TY Themesong? Maybe like "Troopers Only" Jackets....

Think branding!

I'm working on a logo/avi. More details tomorrow.

windbag said...

Allie, pour away.

The Dude said...

I meant to write this last night but got called away - PB&J, how about you go fuck yourself, you fucking commie cocksucking rat.

Well, that was rude, but appropriate, I must say. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

There there now Sixty, Allie needs another Commie to cuddle up to on a cold Siberian night. No Red Scare here, you still outnumber us, Iv'e had to resort to wearing my aluminum foil hat,, so as not to be infected;)

I may be victim of Stockholm Syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Windbag, meet me at cocktail hour, too early now.

Anonymous said...

I'm watching youse.

Elisabeth Gorskaya Zarubina

Darcy said...

I love rum and Coke Zero, Allie. But lately, I really like spiced rum more than regular rum. That's probably kind of girly, huh?

Anonymous said...

Darcy, spiced rum, yum., nothing wrong with being a girl :)

I like rum in tea, so warming .

windbag said...

Matusalem rum w/ cream soda is a great drink.

The Dude said...

Well, Allie, you may be a communist, but so far I have seen no evidence that you were ratting this site out to the EBC. The only thing worse than a commie and a lawyer is a commie rat. Don't be one.

Anonymous said...

Windbag, those are two of my favorite beverages, together, perfection!

The Dude said...

Rum and coke is fine, just omit the rum and the coke and make it a 12 year old single malt. I'm good...

Darcy said...

I do like rum, but I'm embarrassed to say that I know nothing about it. I have never tried a "top shelf" rum.

You guys are making me want to. :P

Anonymous said...

Sixty, any Commie rats, I will send to reeducation camp.

windbag said...

Darcy, Start with this rum and go up from there, as the pocketbook allows. Ron Zacapa is great rum. No mixers or ice needed with this. It's just excellent sipping.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A bit pricey, use sparingly

The Dude said...

Mount Gay rum, dark chocolate; incredible length and finish.

What, too obvious?

Anonymous said...

Who needs sex when you can have rum and dark chocolate?

The Dude said...

Why stop at just two, know what I am saying?

Anonymous said...

Too much of a good thing.....

The Dude said...

Yeah, you are correct, leave out the chocolate and rum and we are good to go.

Darcy said...

Alrighty then.

I will *blush blush blush* let you two have some privacy. ;-)

Anonymous said...

HEY! Anybody like Andrew Lloyd Webber tunes? Do you think TTBurnett would deem them listen worthy?

The Dude said...

Let me know when he writes one.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Aw come on, I love his composition of Pie Jesu, I realize several others have composed this as well, as part of the RequiemMass.

OK I'm a sucker for show tunes.

blake said...

Andrew Lloyd Weber is this century's Fernando Sor.

The Dude said...

Bernstein could write a musical that contained actual music. Richard Rodgers could write melodies. Copland, Gershwin, they could write music. ALW - meh - tuneless dreck that just won't stop. Don't even get me started on that Les Mis mess - that's a melody-free zone. TO THE BARRICADES!!!

Not that I have any opinion on the matter, mind you. But coming from the world of opera I find musicals annoying in the extreme.

Anonymous said...

I love Musicals, I like to have a Mount Gay afterwards, puts a smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

Who didn't love South Pacific?

chickelit said...

Allie Oop said...
Who didn't love South Pacific?

Ivy Mike, that's who. Our first H-bomb. Blew an atoll to smithereens.

Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me it was Bali Hai!

Darcy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip S. said...

That was hardly a swimsuit. It was no bikini atoll.

TerriW said...

Hooboy! Came in for my daily dose of the York yesterday and got turned away by the big, burly bouncer. So glad I was able to sneak in through the kitchen.

chickelit said...

That was hardly a swimsuit. It was no bikini atoll.

I heard that one took atoll on the natives.

Chip S. said...

A familiar story. First you have a blast, but then your mushrooming concerns cast a cloud over everything.

Chip S. said...

I love Musicals, I like to have a Mount Gay afterwards, puts a smile on my face.

Has Titus hacked Allie's account?

chickelit said...

Has Titus hacked Allie's account?

She said Mount Gay, not Gay Mount. NTTARWT