Monday, January 16, 2012

Girls, girls don't be haters!

I see where some of my female commenters are dissing the Giants girl.

Don't be haters.

You will sound like the poor Pastafarian.

Nobody wants that.


chickelit said...

I think that's proof positive that Elisha Manning is a woman.

Anonymous said...

At our age we get to hate on transvestites who look better than us.

Ron said...

I wouldn't mind going below 14th street...but not in the West Village!

chickelit said...

Ron said...
I wouldn't mind going below 14th street...but not in the West Village!

I have no idea which "base" that is code for these days, Ron but I applaud your intentions. Keep it up! :)

chickelit said...

BTW, since I've been accused of being a "switch hitter" on Althouse by Ritmo, I refuse to show my true colors.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Dude, you accused me of not believing what I say. How was I supposed to take that?

Anyway, joking or not, I do find the compulsive linking/liking/not-linking/not-liking thing a bit more confusing than the fact that someone might change or reconsider one's opinion every now and then, but maybe that's just me.

Anyway, no hard feelings and I'm sorry if you got caught in the crossfire of the vortex. But thar's an important place to draw distinctions, in the lines of battle, sorry if the fog o' war got ye!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I regret to inform the family here that Chickie became collateral damage in my latest foray.

I need more precision-guided equipment, I admit. But the way he blends into and out of EBL territory, well, I tell ya, it's like he's a danged Taliban sympathizer/Northern Alliance mole!

Ok, maybe that's a bit harsh, but hopefully you get the picture. I need clear lines! I need absolute clarity!!!

I need an IBM tunneling electron microscope. No obscurity tolerated! We will tunnel down to the very last atom to lay out the outlines of what we see!

Trooper York said...

Guys you can do what you want but I would prefer not to discuss that evil person or stuff that goes on over there in the firey pits of hell.

I really value both of you guys as commentors and I hope friends.

I don't want crap from that cesspool to pollute our refuge if it is at all possible.

Thank you.

Trooper York said...

As you can understand from this post:

Tits and ass.

Tits and ass.

Tits and ass.

Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

ndspinelli can tell you there is an old Italian supersition that if you say the devils name he (or she) will appear.

Nobody wants that.

Tank said...


I looked twice.

Could not find the tits in this post.

Help me out.

ndspinelli said...

Tank, you're correct. Trooper has a better rack than this babe.

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...
Guys you can do what you want but I would prefer not to discuss that evil person or stuff that goes on over there in the firey pits of hell.

Sorry Troop. The latest flare-up concerns Andrew Sullivan and goes beyond Althouse.

I oppose Sullivan on the Newsweek article controversy and Ritmo is a staunch defender of Sullivan.

I have long thought Sullivan was a thug regarding his treatment of Palin, but some goes so far as to defend him on that too.

I regret bringing politics here but I thought that the group should hear it from me rather than listen to innuendo.

I will now try to STFU.

Trooper York said...

Chickie I don't want you to STFU.

You can talk about anything you want. I just don't want to ever mention the evil one again if we can help it.

If you mention the devils name they will appear.

That is all it is. No more and no less.

You should talk about politics if you want. I don't censor or delete.

Thanks for all your comments.

Anonymous said...

Cyber human interaction hardly seems human at all, real ife still trumps, thank goodness. We all might be too embarrassed to behave the way we do online , when standing face to face, live in person. I include myself in this observation.

Oh well, maybe that is precisely what draws people to have an online life, along with their real life one, sometimes the two worlds collide, with surprising results.

ndspinelli said...

Allie, I'm reading a novel called 2030 by Albert Brooks. If you're a fan of Brooks you will like this book. You can hear him saying the words he wrote. The book is set in 2030 after cancer has been cured. All of the subplots revolve around that double edged sword. One of the more amusing observations of Brooks is how almost all interactioin is virtual w/ everyone having visual/audio watches..Dick Tracy of the future. One of the problems w/ all this virtual interaction is nobody knows how to handle person to person emotions and even the slightest venting of anger or frustration is seen as hostile w/ police being called.

Your comment made me chuckle as I just read the aforementioned anecdote last night.

Anonymous said...

Ha Nick, that novel seems to have grasped what is happening in todays cyber land. Being fairly new to blogging and more indepth oline interaction than a Facebook format, I'm surprised and dismayed at times at how interactions online , especially when contentious , is so lacking.

I enjoy the usually lighthearted atmosphere here at Troopers, but sometimes real ife emotions do breakthrough and cause a "ripple" in the force.

It's just so much more difficult to "read" folks when not face to face. Maybe it's my hands on, in your face kind of nursing
experiences that makes me dismayed at the way people interact online. I'm learning though, but prefer to be as real online as off, to my own detriment perhaps.

Trooper York said...

Allie you should always be real online. Your real personality will shine through even when you strike a pose to make a point.

For example I always thought Ritmo was a good guy. He likes to strike a pose sometimes but you can tell he is a decent person.

In you case your inate decency and kindness show through even when you try to snark it up. So don't ever worry about expressing true emotion here.

Trooper York said...

Or you can be a bigmouth know it all blowhard like me or ndspinelli.

Whatever blows your dress up.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Trooper, I won't ever NOT be my true self online, I don't have that much self control. :)

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

Just keepin' it real up in here, Troop.

Trooper York said...

I just put up a post that answered that question Sixty.

Trooper York said...

I much prefer to indirect but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Trooper York said...

You didn't have to censor yourself brother. You should do what you have to do.

Don't sweat it my friend.

The Dude said...

Yeah, what I meant to write was - Chickenlittle - what did you suppose would happen? You go over there and nothing has changed. It's not going to change. It's a desert. It's always going to be a desert. Oh, right, I was channeling Sam Kinnison there for a moment. My bad...

But back to my point - as Troop has noted, nothing good comes from that place. It's a vortex that spins bad things. You cannot expect different results just because time has passed.

But enough about that. Let's get back to the picture... mmm, back...

Trooper York said...

You are correct sir!

Darcy said...


But not a hater! Just kind of envious. And now doubly.


chickelit said...

Way to wuss-out with your 10:49 comment Sixty. Fortunately, I read it before it "went down."

ndspinelli said...

The character, Mr. Know-it-all on Rocky and Bullwinkle was patterned after me. I also attended Wossamatta U. in Mooseylvania, Pa.

The Dude said...

Thanks, Chicken, but I just post those long enough for M*eade, EBC's spy boy to make a copy for his "records". They need something to do while wandering around in their TT. Trust me.

My opinion of those brain dead booger eaters is well documented.

Darcy said...

Missed it. :(

The Dude said...

Hold it - who the fuck is M*eade? If I use an asterisk I should delete a letter. I meant F*ckwad. My bad.

Darcy said...

I would love to know the story behind your opinions about places we shall not talk about here, Sixty.

Except that we shall not talk about it here.

Anyway, I'm so out of the loop it's frustrating. 'Cuz I'm a gal, and we must know the scoop or we get pouty! lol

In other news, I am off to Washington, DC in a couple of weeks for the CPAC thingy. Should be fun. I had such a great time last year, although truth be told, most of it was in the pub. I shall make an effort to attend more speeches this year, lol. Definitely won't miss Sarah Palin's keynote speech.

blake said...


Darcy said...
