Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Capt. Lou Albano -- Media Funhouse interview

God bless you Lou!!!!!

May you rest in peace.


Peter V. Bella said...

We need more like him.

john said...

Woody Allen sure looked different than I remember.

john said...

He couldn't have stayed in the ring 2 minutes against Handsome Harley Race and Pretty Boy Larry Hennig.

Or maybe he didn't do tag team. Nevermind.

john said...

For years Verne Gagne railed against those professional wrestlers who were not true to the scientific application of the sport, against those who resorted to cheap tricks, deception, breaking the rules, ostentatious behavior, using illegal substances, and generally denigrating themselves and their livlihood.

He fought for purity in the ring.

john said...

Of course, that purity did not extend to him putting out a contract on Hulk Hogan (only to break his leg) after Hogan jumped ship to McMahan's league.

At 84 Gagne has dimentia and is living in a nursing home. He was still strong enough this year to put a flying combo headlock / figure 4 leglock on a 97 year old fellow patient. Unfortunately it proved fatal for the gentleman.

They did not charge Gagne with murder.

john said...

Reggie Parks, on the other hand, is retired right here in my hometown, and runs a carpet cleaning service. Reggie was known as the wrestler with the iron stomach. They would jump on his stomach from the top of the ropes, he would just laugh. Incredibly strong, but he would usually lose his matches anyway. Often to Handsome Harley and Pretty Boy, who were not above fighting dirty.

I haven't watched wrestling in 25 years.

john said...

So that's enough dust storms for one night. G'night Trooper.

john said...

Sometimes I think I could be Lem.

chickelit said...

Reminds me here of what Clinton could like look if Hillary dumped him and he went all to pot.