Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hey you!!! What are you doing there Soldier?"

"I can see what you are doing."
"Looking at all those posts about Julie Newmar."
"Put that away nobody wants to see that."
"I know something about that and it is not good for you. Well I mean I am still here hale and hearty at 91 because of that, but that is no reason for you to be doing that where we can see it through the computer."
"Don't make me jump through the screen."
"I got a razor bitch."
"Yeah.....I thought so."


chickelit said...

Ha ha! I remember the history of this one back from the day when you used to post stories at the bloggerlady's place!

blake said...

I wasn't doin' nothin' extraordinary.

blake said...

You know what I mean by extraordinary, right?