Friday, October 23, 2009

Hey sorry the postiing is light!!!

But I have been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

We are in InStyle magazine as one of the top websites with a 10% discount coupon and the orders are flowing in.

Also one of the giveaway papers listed us in their "Best of New York" as a great boutique. What's cool about that is they have people standing outside the subway stops handing out the paper for free so a lot of people take them who don't normally read newspapers. So many people who ordinarily wouldn't read about us found out about the shop.

Plus we might have another show filming in the store next week so of course the wife is changing everything around to freshen up the store.

So I will get to the Yankees and why AJ Burnett should have his balls cut off and Soupy passing and all the rest later or maybe tomorrow.
Meantime talk amongst yourselves. Oh and have some soup.


Jason (the commenter) said...

Yay! This is much better than selling half your business for $250,000 and getting maybe ten minutes of air-time on one television show, which isn't exactly positive.

Asante Samuel said...

This is really a sorry assortment of weakass excuses. I believe you are playing for time, hoping the Yanks win tomorrow night so you don't need to comment further on the ALCS.

Tell us again about the superiority of the Yankee outfield, dude

Asante Samuel said...

You're probably a Jimmah Clausen fan, too. Give me a break.

Asante Samuel said...

I'll be too busy to watch the Sunday night game, but I want you to know I'm rooting for you.

TMink said...

The wife and I are tired too. The triplets have their 7th birthday party tomorrow and we have been getting ready for it. And it will be chilly, and it is outside.

I may just get drunk if it bombs.


Penny said...

Hey, Troop. It's OK.

You gotta do what you gotta do.

I think I speak for all of us here when I ask how we might help?

We might be reprobates, but GOOD reprobates!

No one among us would even THINK about fucking a chicken without a head! ;)

blake said...

Sure, he goes off to do whatever and leaves us with rhhardin bait.

Some pal.

Penny said...

Geez, blake?

To each their own!

Rh comes with Vicki! Enough said.

It would be my pleasure to step in here for Troop, and if it gets you a few more hours sleep? You too!

Whining doesn't "become" you, so knock it off!

We're pretending to be a fucking "village" here, so your willingness to go along with the program would be greatly appreciated.


TMink said...

Next thing you know Penny will be saying it is strictly business and nothing personal.


I'm Full of Soup said...

I am docking your pay. You have already used up all your sick and vacation days through 2012!