Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hey look, it's the most popular Halloween costume in Montana

Hey look, Montana Urban Legend emailed me a photo of the most popular Halloween costume out there in sheep country.

Under the Big Sky. Where men are men and sheep are nervous.


ricpic said...

A perfectly good target in the picture and he chooses a sheep.

The only men who get a pass for indulging in this "activity" are lonely Montana.

chickelit said...

Althouse is picking on chickens again.


Michael Haz said...

Which one is Jeremy?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

That does it! I warned you I'd be changing my name dammit. And now I'm going through with it!

Do I have to have this processed through a judge or something?

Penny said...

ricpic, MUL seems to have moved to Brazil well in advance of the olympics. I'm impressed!

Unless I find out he is forsaking his sheep?

Then I wouldn't give a shit HOW good he is on the skins!

Jungle rhythm my ass!

Penny said...

chicklit, Althouse wasn't picking on chickens. She was merely pointing out how best to devour that chickenmeat.

Funny! I got a spell check warning on "chickenmeat".

Wonder what that means?

Fowl alert? Or maybe Foul alert?

Chicken's not REAL meat, idiot!?

Lotsa meat, brought to you by a chicken?

Penny said...

Anyway, I followed the link to Chef John.

I must admit it was all I could do to not order wings in that very moment, but I just had lunch.

Did you watch the technique?


It was something like....

"You find the big end, of the big bone, and give it . just a little . twist."

"And then you pull it out."

"Then you find the little bone, and do the same."

"Twist a little, and pull out"

He goes on to say that what is left, can be eaten whole, and savored. Quickly, no less!

I bookmarked this guy for obvious reasons.

Trooper York said...

Dude you have to change your name to Brazilian Jungle Fever!

Just sayn'

reader_iam said...

Wait--I thought it then was quickly changed to "Brazilian Samba Rhythm." I think Montana Urban Legend--MUL--was safer, though less amusing, than either BJ Rhythm or BS Rhythm. Not that it's any of my business; it's not and nor do I care, either way, beyond getting a brief chuckle out it and the way Former Montana Urban Legend handled it.