Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Celebrity Camel Toe Corner

You don't need any basic instinct to have total recall of the best Sharon Stone scene you ever saw.

She just had to get over her camel toe obsession.


ndspinelli said...

This is a very unique camel toe, conservative suit. But, the sitting pose tells me she was raised by her father or her mom was a whore.

ndspinelli said...

Or both.

Trooper York said...

I think it is called sticky twat syndrome.

Cody Jarrett said...

so meade (at least I presume it's meade) is over at crack's place posting anonymously. I think you've seen some of it, Troop?

Anyway, just for information sake, he's pretending to be Nick.

At least I hope and believe it's meade pretending to be Nick.

Most recently he's going on about "the chicken" telling him what to do.

I only mention it in cause I figured Nick might wanna know. For future reference, or something.

ndspinelli said...

Cody, I'll go over there. I have not made a comment since last week about a drummer, Clyde Stubblefield.

ndspinelli said...

Wow. Despicable. My guess is LSL. We ignored him @ TOOP, and as Haz said, that kills him. They're racing to the bottom, w/o a single friend..just some dogs, which aren't even theirs. It's sorta like a Coen Bros. plot. There just needs to be a murder or 5.

Cody Jarrett said...

I sorta let him think I thought it was you--he started with "my bride" on another comment thread so I ran with that and he went frickin nuts.

He really is a piece of work.

chickelit said...

I just peaked at that Crack thread. The nasty anonymous sounds like Titus pretending to be somebody else. Or it cold be Meade. The person is weight-obsessed which fits Titus' MO.

Most recently he's going on about "the chicken" telling him what to do.

I'm not telling anybody what to do or say, but I can imagine that Titus is still angry for whatever reason.

chickelit said...

I don't get why this happening at Crack's blog though. What is the result of drawing in people like Nick and me by referring to us in cryptic ways? Who benefits from page views at Crack's blog? Who was insane about self-linking?

The Dude said...

El P. Chicken - you didn't peak, you nadired.

As did my father's Corvair.

ndspinelli said...

The fact that he included my wife writing a book says Meade. His dominatrix can't stand it. There have been several articles about my bride. A real nice review out of nowhere from a nonfiction writer, Rebecca Ryan. This woman is a futurist and mostly does consulting but has written a couple books. She lives in Madison and wrote a book called Re-Generation. I've not read it but it was not flattering to Madison and their insular culture. I'm pretty sure Annie saw that review and it probably killed her. When LSL talked about the Seven Deadly Sins it was another giveaway. Ironically, the sin of Envy was shining through. If you remember, LSL was flabbergasted I was pushing Leslyn's book over there.

Titus is way too self absorbed to remember stuff about anyone. LSL was incredulous when I barked @ Titus @ Lem's and he joined in as himself.

ndspinelli said...

chick, The evil couple are also weight obsessed. Trooper pointed that out to over there when I first joined. It was maybe the first time he spoke to me. I'm getting verklempt.

The Dude said...

Twig boy is anorexic? Post menopausal, too, no doubt!

Dammit - now you have me doing it too!

Did I mention that the weather was quite pleasant here today?

Cody Jarrett said...

Chicken, I believe that refers to you and Nick at Lem's the other day. Certain people believed that was a fight.

ricpic said...

Troop, there's no right time to bring this up but in a recent thread you said (if I remember correctly) that your heart is beating at about three times the normal rate. 180 beats a minute versus 60 a minute. Sorry if I'm wrong about the numbers but that's what I recall. Anyway, that shocked me. Is there a timeline for getting your rate down to or close to normal? Also, is there a device out there for home use that you could use to monitor your progress? Were you told that the strict diet should get you back down to normal? Or does the pacemaker itself get you back to normal (regularize and slow the beat) within a certain period of time? Well, that's all I can think of for now.

chickelit said...

Certain people believed that was a fight.

Oh, OK. That was just me launching at Nick for improperly defending Titus.

But you know who notices who is arguing with whom?


Because Inga-gotta-divide-us

It's her raison de twat (silent "t" of course)

chickelit said...

A heartbeat of 180 indicates lots of blockage doesn't it? The heart is trying to work against impeded flow to get O2-rich blood to distant tissues. This is why Borgnine therapy may help. I'm not a doctor doctor though so YMMV

The Dude said...

Blockage? Pay attention, Chicken Man - an avian heart is constructed very differently than a human's.

And ask yourself, who eats more of the others?

chickelit said...

As for the photo--well you can't hate on a woman for looking and sitting that way.

Trooper York said...

I have what is called a-fib which causes thr rapid heartbeat. Thank God I have no blockages. The pacemaker will regulate down after I have the next operation in about two months after I get a little stronger.

Cody Jarrett said...

Inga notices, but hell, I noticed too.

I was afraid someone was gonna inadvertently go one step too far. Cuz I do. Every time.

The rest reminds me of this story about Jean Harlow:

She was at a dinner party and continuously addressed Margot Asquith (wife of British prime minister Herbert Asquith) as "Margot", pronouncing the "T". Margot finally had enough and said to her, "No, Jean, the 'T' is silent, like in 'Harlow'".

Cody Jarrett said...

rapid heartbeat

Having trouble picturing you as a hummingbird, Troopski.

Michael Haz said...

LSL does things that a man with a happy home life wouldn't do. He clamors for attention. He tries to find friends who act superior to him; dogs in his case. He tries to provoke blog fights because they are the kind he can run away from by turning his computer off.

He is not a happy man. Best not to play into his misery, although he'll ramp up the attacks. The shunning is working.

Michael Haz said...

....who WON'T act superior.....

Michael Haz said...

Hang in there Trooper. Mrs Haz had hummingbird heart for a few months after she had valve surgery. She'd get runs of 200 bpm that scared the hell out of us. Ablation brought everything back to normal.

Trooper York said...

Thanks Michael. I know that it will work out just fine.

Having a fib is like you are running a race standing still.

Trooper York said...

I also think Michel Ha.z is right about Crack and Meade.

Commenting on his site only encourages him and Meade's bad behavior. Let him return to his well deserved obscurity.

Cody Jarrett said...

Yeah. I'd pretty much come to that conclusion myself. Plus he's boring as fucking hell. And that PW chick is numb as a hake (to quote an old Maine saying).

Too much negative. It only breeds negative.

TTBurnett said...

Sox Win! Sox Win! Sox Win!

The Boston Red Sox are the World Champions!!!

First time at Fenway since 1918.
We had another unfortunate President then, too.

TTBurnett said...

I mean, who screws up a rundown??

Chip S. said...


Cody Jarrett said...

I wish they'd bring out Bobby Valentine.

Just so we could remember how truly awful he was.

Cody Jarrett said...

Is Fenway on fire?

TTBurnett said...

Fenway isn't literally on fire, but if they brought out Bobby Valentine, they'd stage an impromptu burning at the stake.

TTBurnett said...

From worst to first. All they needed to do was get rid of the carrier of Mets Disease.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'd be fine with burning Valentine. At the stake, grilled, over easy...however.

I despise Bobby Valentine. And to be clear--I hated him before he almost ruined the Sox.

Cody Jarrett said...

Erin Andrews face when Papi said "should I keep it clean" after she handed him the mic.

Chip S. said...

Better wrap Papi'sbat in asbestos just to make sure.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Congratulations Lem

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Congratulations Lem

blake said...


I think you're dead-on as far as LSL and EBL. When the site got boring to me, I just figured she was turning her attentions to domestic bliss. Hardly anything to begrudge, right?

But I'd peek in from time-to-time and see such cattiness and misery--not the stuff of happy people.

Unfortunate, really.

blake said...

You guys may not have noticed, but Erin Andrews is not unattractive.

Chip S. said...

Things never before seen in a World Series:
Game ends on obstruction call
Game ends on pickoff
Runner escapes from rundown

Things seen in three of last ten WS:

Also seen before: Erin Andrews thru a peephole

So good! So good! So good!

blake said...

Hey, Chip--

Why do you use Chen Guangchen as your avatar?

Chip S. said...

I started back when he was a political hostage, while cycling thru some other avys. It proved to be good mojo for him and--to her credit, Hillary--so I kept it.

Also, MamaM digs the shades.

MamaM said...

Also, MamaM digs the shades.

That and more!

chickelit said...


Softly spoken like Trooper York.

chickelit said...

Chip exclaimed: Also seen before: Erin Andrews thru a peephole

So good! So good! So good!

Didn't the the guy who did that do time (instead of her)?

About time.

ndspinelli said...

I'm not a BoSox hater like Trooper. I have too many people I love who are fans. But, Big Papi needs to pee into a cup. He's a juicer.

Cody Jarrett said...

I never paid much attention to Ms. Andrews.

But man--if she was anywhere near as hot as she believes she is--she'd melt the ground around her as she walked.

Cody Jarrett said...

She thinks she's hot the same way a certain midwestern law prof thinks she's an intellectual and brilliant writer.

Cody Jarrett said...

Ortiz isn't a juicer and baseball has drug testing.

Gabe Kapler played 13 years or so. Played for the Sox, Tampa, Brewers etc.

He was one of the most jacked ball players I've seen. Like bodybuilder jacked. Never took gear in his life.

Ryan Braun is scrawny like an old cat with cancer, and he was apparently full of more testosterone than 12 bull elephants (I have my doubts about his numbers based on long personal experience with juicers that's all purely anecdotal).

Ortiz actually lost weight this year--he actually decided to try this thing called conditioning. He managed to increase his ability to get around on the ball and stay healthy for the year.

ndspinelli said...

Cody, I didn't realize you were Papi's agent.

Methadras said...

That's not bad camel toe guys. Sure, it might a little overused, but it looks symmetrical enough to me.