Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Rainbow sockpuppet

Taking a suggestion to start a new thread about sockpuppets, Titus, Inga and the Evil Blogger Lady I have to say it is pretty funny that stupid twat has to start a new post to get people to talk about Titus. Now I remember back in the day there were a couple of posts about him that generated 100's of comments. Now she is lucky to hit 50.

I see where that other stupid twat Inga said that the reason Titus is more at Althouse is because he was banned here. Which could be true I guess. I have only really dropped four people from posting here. Titus. Inga. J. And another guy from my neighborhood who used to post nasty shit about my wife both here and at Althouse. The reason for the banning was always the same. They just couldn't stop from attacking other posters in the most vile and nasty ways. Now even that can be ok for a while if they are funny and the other person can give as good as he gets. But this stuff was just nasty and stupid. Sort of what Titus is doing to Chickie now. That is just boring repetitive bullshit.

I always tend to give somebody the benefit of the doubt and a long leash. In the case of those guys I look like a fool. The same might be said by some about the Crack Emcee. I wouldn't ban him no matter how foolish he might be. He is his own worst enemy. It is amazing how he has deteriorated. Perhaps I might be unfair because I know he is sick. I have been sick and I have become even more of what I was before. I am just less worried about glossing it over and maybe Crack feels the same way. I would never stop someone from honestly stating their views even if they are bullshit. That is what the internet is for after all.

I know for a fact that Titus is a real person. I mean he might not be "Titus" as self described but he is an actual person. It is quite possible that someone might post using his name because that is something I know Meade has done before. So he could pose as Titus or Inga and give full reign to his douchicity while someone else gets the blame. Of course they are fucked up enough on their own that they don't need any help.

When you guys mentioned that Inga has something to say about me I went to check it out. When I read the thread I really had to ask. One moron wanted to know why Palladian didn't post there anymore. Another was asking for Sir Archy. What the fuck do they live under a rock. I mean I know that Titus and Inga live there but I guess there must be a lot of room.


Chip S. said...

A TOP post about Titus? Wow, she's trolling her own Blog of Writerly Perfection.

What's next? A Rule 5 post?

Cody Jarrett said...

A post about what someone on facebook--who follows or is friends with (or whatever the fuck it's called) JaltCoh the Insipid--thought about Titus, who was doing his usual schtick.

Trolling AND letting everyone know that JaltCoh, her dear little bumfruit (what the Aussies call eggs, but it works on several levels) is really important and has a facebook account where he gets people to talk about what his mommy has posted.

I's sick. Actually sick.

I remember once JaltCoh went ape shit because he brought home a gallon of milk that was leaking a little. And some got on him. So he took to twitter in a panic. And he'd keep us updated.


Trooper York said...

She is desperate I think. The numbers are really down and about 50% of her page views are Inga. So she has to get people commenting.

The big problem is that most of the creative people who posted there are gone. So she is stuck with the boring drones and the toadys.

They deserve each other.

Trooper York said...

I wish I could go over there and explain about Palladian but I don't think he would like that and you can be sure they would delete it.

I think Michael Haz and ndspinelli's tactic of ignoring them is really the right thing to do.

Let's see how really desperate she can get.

Chip S. said...

I don't think nekkid selfies will help.

Winter is coming. Look for lots of ski-dress pix.

Trooper York said...

Talk about your boring dipshits. JatlCoh was at the first Althouse get together I went to at "The Waterfront Bar and Grill" on Atlantic. He was supposedly straight. Or at least he was introduced as that. Not believable but hey I was just getting to meet everybody.

There was this young chick at the bar. Looked pretty hot and she was giving him the eye and he seemed to be looking back. So I say why not go over and say hello. Buy her a drink. Leave Mommy alone with her fanboys and go see if you can dip your pen in the inkwell.

He got all red and embarrassed. I offered to go over and introduce him. Not that I knew the girl but there was no doubt she was looking for it. I mean she was sitting in the bar reading a book. Of poetry. She might as well have a sign on her forehead that said "I want to get fucked." A sensitive lady boy like the Althouse spawn would have been right up her vagina.

But he hemmed and hawed and was so embarrassed that it must have been like those times he was locked in the closet when Althouse and Nina were playing spin the fish taco.

He is one worthless dweeb.

The Dude said...


I still laugh about that.

I saw that Palladian comment - they may not live under rocks but they certainly have them in their heads.

I am surprised Meade didn't pipe up and explain what happened. You might think he would feel a pang of conscience, if he had a conscience.

What hags, and now I am writing about them, again.

Bless their hearts...

Trooper York said...

That was also the first time I got to meet Palladian. I said he looked nothing like the way he commented. I was expecting someone like the guy on the Planters peanut jar. You know. Top hat and cane with a tux.

Instead I met a rumpled Burl Ives who kept grabbing the busboys ass.

People never look like the way they write. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Old timey commenter Mortimer Brezney was there. I said to him "Holy shit you are a moolie. I didn't know that."

He took it in good form. Of course he didn't know what I was talking about. That happened a lot with Mort.

Trooper York said...

I am ashamed to say that the absolute worst was the guy who had the same last name as me. Richard Dolan was one of the most pompous jerkoffs I have ever run into and I know a lot of pompous jerkoffs.

He makes Professor Kingsfield look like Shecky Greene.

Cody Jarrett said...

Now, the best thing that could've happened there was Palladian taking JaltCoh home with him.

Trooper York said...

Hazy Dave was pretty cool. I am sure he was pretty high. Must of smoked at least four spliffs before he showed. Took some good photos though.

Trooper York said...

There was some loud mouth old dude with a hat whose name I don't recall. I have often wondered if that was hdhouse. I don't remember. He had hd's personality and views but I just don't know. He was a trip.

I wonder if Palladian remembers.

Icepick said...

I looked at that thread earlier and saw the Palladian comment. I'm not going to get worked up over it. Everybody didn't go over to Lem's, so those folks aren't gonna have any clue what's going on.

The Dude said...

Was he carrying on about offshoring his money to evade taxes and needing an attendant to change his diapers? Did he use the word "baffoon"?

If so, you got yourself a house.

Icepick said...

I also considered posting something about it, but decided Palladian probably didn't want any shit being stirred on his behalf.

Trooper York said...

I agree Ice. Better let it lie. It just makes me laugh though.

But with Inga the official approved voice of the blog what do you expect.

Trooper York said...

I tell you Sixty I often wondered if it was hd. But the guy kept up with the Yiddisher comments and aside of which I was about the only one who understood what was going on. I don't think hd is a member of the tribe. But I could be wrong.

Trooper York said...

It definitely wasn't ricpic because he didn't know the difference between stoop and schtupted.

Icepick said...

I agree Ice. Better let it lie. It just makes me laugh though.

The funny part was that no one in the know, of whom there are at least four people who could comment on the matter, said "Boo!"

The Dude said...

hdhouse is one profoundly dimwitted individual. He doesn't speak English, much less Yiddish.

It wasn't me, either. My Yiddish is okay for a Southern Baptist, and I am old, but I won't wear a hat indoors. I was taught proper manners.

Speaking of which - you haven't banned me yet - what the hey?

If Mort were awake he would say that what you said about him was racist.

Trooper York said...

Because they are toadies and lickspittles of the first water.
They have been pawns of the Evil Blogger Lady from the get go. I am sad to say I include Lem in their number.

I just excuse him because of all those brain cells he gave up to cerveza. It happens to the best of us.

Icepick said...

Okay, Althouse, Meade, Inga and Titus know about the Palladian Screw Job. I know RC comments at both places but I'm not sure if he was at Lem's when all that went down.

And Freeman Hunt knows about it. So make that five people that definitely know about it who didn't answer Rusty's question. Presumably some of them haven't been around, but we know that Althouse and Meade keep track of things on close to a real-time basis.

Funny that they won't mention that proud little moment.

Trooper York said...

Sixty I haven't banned you because we are the same person. Along with Cody Jarrett. Haven't you been following along dude.

Sharpen up.

Icepick said...

Trooper Cody Grit. Okay, I can see how someone with a few pounds of brain damage might think you guys were the same person.

Cody Jarrett said...

Be funny as hell if you did ban him though. Then he could come back as Baron Zegrit.

Trooper York said...

Nobody has the balls to go against Meade and Althouse. That was the whole purpose of the purge. As Nick often says it is the classic bullshit ploy of teachers who can't have anyone else have anything to say.

ndspinelli said...

I love the swan song over @ TOP. I'm reminded of the adage, "Pride comes before the fall."

The Dude said...

Yeah, I need to read more deeply.

Baron Zegrit - I think we have a winner!

chickelit said...

I too wondered about the total lack of awareness regarding Palladian and Meadehouse and the vacuous comment. It's presumptuous to think that everybody saw it go down at Lem's. But I'm not going into that thread to explain it. I think it was conflict bait on Althouse's part and I want nothing to do with it. At least we're all pretty much on the same page about that thread.

It's also telling how Meade's dog posts mostly get ignored.

ndspinelli said...

What ever happened to New Media Meade?

15 minutes of fame-lite.

Trooper York said...

I had always held Freeman Hunt in minimum high regard but it sank even lower after this fiasco. Her comment that I cloaked myself in a mantle of self-righteousness sort of said it all right there. She never supported Palladian in public without having her feet held to the fire. She claimed to have done everything by email. Once the Evil Blogger Lady opened up her comments she basically abandoned Lem's joint and let stand Inga's comments that she (Freeman) left because of the commenters at Lems. Low rent in my book.

I prefer to speak openly where everyone can hear what I have to say. Of course then they talk about this blog being closed. Well of course we are closed. Who would want to deal with Inga and Titus all day long. Which was the original premise of this post.

See how it all ties together.

Trooper York said...

To not even mention in even a way that protected Meade is just low rent.

Say something like: Palladian and Meade had a falling out and he chooses to post elsewhere.

It boggles the mind.

rcocean said...

Interesting to hear about all these people. I don't know about going after Bar Chicks with your mother around. Of course, its easier if you don't take your mother with you.

Ever meet "Simon"? On the internet he comes off a pompous twit. But maybe that's just my misreading him.

The Dude said...

Isn't Meade's blog closed as well? Talk about behaving in a way that might be construed as hypocritical.

Cody Jarrett said...

I mentioned that a couple of times at the Litterbox when the worst of the yabbadabbapoo was going on but no one cared.

But yeah, sweety meadey potato is closed.

The Dude said...

Hmm, I thought CEO-MMP mentioned that.

Trooper York said...

Wait a minute?

You wouldn't talk to a woman because your Mom is there?

Haven't you guys ever gone to a wedding?

Hello! Drunken Bridesmaids. WTF!

Cody Jarrett said...

Oh yeah. Him.

Never mind.

rcocean said...

"Hello! Drunken Bridesmaids. WTF!"

Yes, well that's different.

Cody Jarrett said...

Anyone seen MamaM, btw? It's been at least a couple of days.

Icepick said...

Cody, she commented a little after 12:30 am this morning.

chickelit said...

MamaM's gravitas is missed. I wish she'd weigh in.

Troop, I said something at the Titus thread about Meade vs. Palladian.

Palladian said...

Freeman Hunt was not especially supportive when that Laurence Meade incident happened. She emailed but it was basically just about deleting comments. I got the clear impression that she didn't think it was a big deal.

Trooper, I remember that meetup (September 1st 2007), but I only remember you, Mortimer, Ann Althouse, her son John and that Richard Dolan guy. I had met Richard Dolan before and since he was a lawyer, I stayed away from him.

Jaltcoh was exactly like I thought he would be, prissy and standoffish.

I hardly got to speak to you during that meetup because you were at the other end of the table. I believe I was next to Mortimer, he was much nicer in person than he was as a commenter.

Did you know, for the first couple of meetups, Ann Althouse made me be her "bodyguard"; I had to show up early so that I could be there with her before anyone else arrived. Before that first Brooklyn meetup, she came over to my apartment and then I walked her around the neighborhood before accompanying her to that place on Atlantic.

It still really makes me feel bad, how much I trusted her, and how I regarded her as a friend. But then again, that was all before Laurence Meade came into the picture.

Please, guys, keep this information on this blog only, ok?

Trooper York said...

You don't have to worry. What happens at Trooper York stays at Trooper York.

Trooper York said...

Do you remember the guy with the hat?

I always wondered who he was.

Trooper York said...

I didn't mean for you to do that Chickie. You carry enough of the weight for the rest of us. I know you like to comment over there. Don't jeopardize that over this. We all know where you heart is in this. That is to say you fully support Palladian.

chickelit said...

I also wanted to say that Meade stinks over there. And Althouse too for putting up with the stench.

Althouse maintains a sort of plausible deniability for any sockpuppetry.

chickelit said...

Hatman was just a character archetype--the Christian-bashing angry gay. He wasn't the first one.

Cody Jarrett said...

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

ndspinelli said...

This is feeling like a support group. Or, as my daughter calls it, a comfort group. I guess we're evolving.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You wouldn't talk to a woman because your Mom is there?

Haven't you guys ever gone to a wedding?

Hello! Drunken Bridesmaids. WTF!

It would likely depend on how controlling (ball wrenching) your mother is.

Conditioning and negative reinforcement will stifle anyone.

Cody Jarrett said...

I guess we're evolving.

I'm not against growing a little on a personal level, but I sure as hell don't want to evolve.

At least not that way.

Trooper York said...

Jeez I don't know DBQ.

When I was a single guy I was like a pig looking for a truffle.

Wait a minute...that came out wrong.

Trooper York said...

I bet there will be crickets after your comment though Chickie.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

It still really makes me feel bad, how much I trusted her, and how I regarded her as a friend. But then again, that was all before Laurence Meade came into the picture.

It should make you feel bad, that they treated you this way. But we should feel even worse for her. For allowing herself to be manipulated. Grifter is a very good description of the scenario. They play on the emotional weaknesses of their victims like soul sucking vampires.

Having been in such a relationship for a while, long ago.... similar to what I assume Althouse to be in now, the emotional dynamics are very insidious and hard to explain. Like quicksand....or even slower, you are slowly slowly sucked into a sick sick relationship.

The only hope is to have some strong friends to stand with you and pull you out of the muck and the guts to snap yourself out of it. Face your idiocy and TAKE CONTROL of your life. I was fortunate to have both things.

We should pity Althouse. She is still embracing the quicksand.

Cody Jarrett said...

Indeed, DBQ.

Back in the summer I stumbled on her youtube account and watched a few of the most recent. I was struck by how...beaten she seemed.

That's kinda how my Grandfather looked a lot of the time and it really made me dislike Meade a lot.

ndspinelli said...

Don't forget the vino. And DBQ, spot on about a narcissistic controlling mommy. At least she doesn't have a daughter.

Icepick said...

Hey, this is her secondtime around. And she had a long stretch as a single mother. Let's not cut her slack for her own faults.

Cody Jarrett said...

Sometimes shit happens to people, Icepick.

No one is particularly cutting her any slack. At least I'm not.

But sometimes stuff just happens. And people get taken advantage of. Like that contract you signed with Biggie.

Icepick said...

Yeah, I was a dopey twenty-something getting my first taste of the good life, she was a fifty-something law professor on her second go around. Totally the same.

Look, now that I'm paying attention, it's clear she's been a passive-aggressive shit stirrer and manipulator. The stuff with the meet-ups happened pre-LSL. The big infamous crying jag was pre-LSL. Stuff happened with plenty of the old timers pre-LSL.

now that I'm paying attention, lots of the stuff post-LSL just fits a well established pattern of behavior, only now she has a knowing partner helping her play her games.

Cody Jarrett said...

I don't disagree with your assessment of her character, I think I've said much the same thing (maybe not as prettily though). I just think that Meade's arrival made a lot of things worse, and I think she's lost some of herself.

Cody Jarrett said...

Crack really is unhinged. In his zeal to prove all republicans are racists (or whatever he's trying to prove) he fell for a parody site that put up mock-job on Hannity.

Everything Crackers quoted--didn't happen.

Then again, Piers Morgan fell for a parody site today too.

Icepick said...

The pro-Obama people believe any slander against anyone that opposes Barry Half-White because they want to believe it. They're so convinced of their moral superiority they MUST believe everyone not on their side is a devil. No different than any other personality cult.

chickelit said...

Pagan idolatry never turns out well. Just look what our making Troop into a cult hero did to us.

Icepick said...

I just think that Meade's arrival made a lot of things worse, and I think she's lost some of herself.

I think she's just revealed more of her self, for the most part. There does seem to be some slippage in the last year, but I attribute that to aging not Meade's Svengali-like influence. (I'd mention Rasputin instead, but that's likely to get El Pollo going again.)

Icepick said...

And as a Bucs fan, I scoff at the suffering of Giants fans. You guys have it easy.

Icepick said...

Just look what our making Troop into a cult hero did to us.

Okay, so he's dredged up some pictures of my misspent youth. In return I get lots of cartoon porn and classic jerk-off material. I still count it as a win.

Icepick said...

And earlier today we were discussing William Holden (who did cynicism better than anyone else) and I mentioned it had me thinking of I Dream of Jeannie. The missing piece there was Suzanne Vega.

MamaM said...

I'm here, but I'm not. Thank you for asking. I have lots of thoughts on the topic(s) and would like to have time to form them into comments, but it's read only for the next few days, as I'm out of town attending a conference on, believe it or not, Small Group Dynamics. Early rising is involved, which really puts a crimp in things.

Yesterdays drive took me through miles of farmland (my favorite stretch of the Ohio Turnpike) where where the combines/harvesters were rolling with the hopper trucks lined up at the ready waiting to be filled. The only thing missing was an old guy wearing shorts and riding a bicycle with a doberman trailing behind!

Icepick said...

The only thing missing was an old guy wearing shorts and riding a bicycle with a doberman trailing behind!

He's too busy scything the fields!

blake said...

We all have human frailties. (Well, except EBL who doubtless has bovine frailties.)

It's a tragedy. We can talk about who deserves what—"deserve"'s got nothin' to do with it—bottom line is: Nothing good will come of it for any of us.

Cody Jarrett said...

Bucks haven't been the same since the ditched the tangerine.

I dunno, ip. Maybe I'm seeing something that's not there cuz of watching the stuff in my own family.

Cody Jarrett said...

When I said "Bucks" I meant "Bucs". Damn autocorrect.

Michael Haz said...

Pagan idolatry never turns out well. Just look what our making Troop into a cult hero did to us.

So you're saying the tattoo on my back wasn't a good idea?

Cody Jarrett said...

Friend of mine was so enamored of a web site once upon a time that he had their logo tatted on his back.

Of course, he got pissed at them for something and hasn't been there for 2-3 years. But he does have a really fancy tribal T N on his back.

Which is also the logo for one of the big, mean Mexican gangs in Texas. So he's been told (now that he has it) if he ever were to wind up in the joint they'd get annoyed at a white boy wearing it and would remove it from his body.

The Dude said...

One should only get one's tats while inside. A tramp stamp is never a good idea.

Michael Haz said...

Breaking sports news.

Minnesota Vikings practice was halted this morning after several players reported finding a white, powdery substance on the practice field. Local police were notified. Upon investigation, police determined that the substance was, in fact the goal line. It was disabled and practice resumed.

Darcy said...

Wow, Bruce. That was a cool comment over there.

And FWIW, witnessing the nastiness from her, it is very hard for me to view Althouse as a victim. They are a perfectly suited pair in my book.

Cody Jarrett said...

Geez. Even Darcy.

Who'd a thought I'd be the charitable one on this boat?


Icepick said...

Cody, I do get what you're saying, and there's some other dynamics I'm not aware of, I'm sure. But her behavior does fit a pattern that was there beforehand. In some ways I think she wishes she were a gay man, as she seems to enjoy acting like a stereotypical bitchy queen (in the queer sense) a lot of the time. I think that's part of the reason she likes Titus so much.

ndspinelli said...

"Favorite stretch of the Ohio Turnpike." MamaM must have some great weed.

The Dude said...

Sure, but does she share? Nooooooo...

chickelit said...

It's hard for me to fathom how Althouse could look the other way in the Palladian-Meade controversy, other than the standard "spousal support defense" which is legitimate, but intellectually empty. I mean, after all the good faith commenting Palladian did over the years there, even leavened with a little spite at times. There has to be a little more to it.

Althouse has shown a very adamant stance on actively promoting state-sanctioned SSM, at practically any cost to legal precedent and due process. She's practically a Sullivanist on this point.

Palladian and Glenn Reynolds on the other hand have been firm on their position of getting the State out of the marriage business altogether. Perhaps that's a difference of opinion which gives a reason why she let things happen the way they did.

I hate seeing politics destroy friendships.

Cody Jarrett said...

Cody, I do get what you're saying, and there's some other dynamics I'm not aware of, I'm sure. But her behavior does fit a pattern that was there beforehand. In some ways I think she wishes she were a gay man, as she seems to enjoy acting like a stereotypical bitchy queen (in the queer sense) a lot of the time. I think that's part of the reason she likes Titus so much.

Not bad, IP, not bad.

Would explain her statement the other day (on the facebook) that titus tweaks "the straights"...I don't know any straight people, even ones that have gay children who use "the straights" like that.

Handy for her that Meade enjoys being pegged then.

Cody Jarrett said...

Palladian and Glenn Reynolds on the other hand have been firm on their position of getting the State out of the marriage business altogether. Perhaps that's a difference of opinion which gives a reason why she let things happen the way they did.

Wake me up when Meade goes after Glenn the way he did P.

The Dude said...

Meade sucks Crack, Crack hates Reynolds, Reynolds sends Althouse link love, PROFIT!!!

chickelit said...

Handy for her that Meade enjoys being pegged then.

Are you insinuating that she uses some handheld device?

chickelit said...

Wake me up when Meade goes after Glenn the way he did P.

That's just an internet power imbalance thing.

Palladian said...

When I emailed Ann Althouse to ask her to get her husband to stop posting personal things about me, she basically said that I deserved it because I had betrayed her.

And she likes "Titus" despite the fact that he constantly insulted her husband in the crudest manner?

There's sickness there that I could no longer tolerate.

Darcy said...

If I recall correctly, it wasn't anything like "spousal support defense" exhibited according to Evan in an exchange with her after Meade attacked him.

And Cody, holding her accountable from my perspective does not mean that I don't occasionally feel compassion/pity toward her. I do. Especially knowing how flawed I am.

chickelit said...

Betrayed her in what sense, Palladian. By commenting at Lem's?

Darcy said...

Whoops. Well, there it is. Sort of what I remembered. :)

chickelit said...

Betrayed her in what sense, Palladian. By commenting at Lem's?

Feel free to ignore that because it's really none of my business.

Cody Jarrett said...

To the best of my knowledge, EPR, that's not what pegging means...with the hand held devices.

Trooper York said...

He betrayed her because he was not a boot licking sycophant like Inga or Freeman Hunt.

I think the analysis that the Evil Blogger Lady thinks she is a gay man is spot on.

Trooper York said...

She is one Crazy Cunt.

Which was going to be her original nickname but I figured nobody would quote it so I went with Evil Blogger Lady.

Palladian said...

Betrayed her in what sense, Palladian. By commenting at Lem's?

I really don't know. I suppose it had something to do with that, or the fact that I publicly criticized her decision to trash her commenters.

She's rather emotionally labile, if you haven't noticed.

The Dude said...

Do gay men wear long skirts while skiing? If so, she is good to go.

But seriously, she is nowhere near fabulous enough to be a gay man.

Cody Jarrett said...

As the child of a gay parent, let me assure you that fabulous is a huge minority in queerville.

chickelit said...

I think the analysis that the Evil Blogger Lady thinks she is a gay man is spot on.

Regale us, O blogfather, with an inspired post.

Darcy said...

Last comment on that Titus thread. Althouse sockpuppet. Gotta be.

Remember when Althouse wanted to record Titus's comments and sell the recording? Hahahaha. Only 2 people I can think of might buy it. =)

chickelit said...

Remember when Althouse wanted to record Titus's comments and sell the recording? Hahahaha. Only 2 people I can think of might buy it. =)

Palladian could sell his versions and so too could I. Not for much though because they have no broad appeal. I don't mean that they don't appeal to broads--oh, you know what I mean. You always do.

Darcy said...

Oh, that's right! Palladian did do a Titus recording, didn't he? And yes, his was amusing and so are yours Bruce, but I think of both as poking fun at Titus. I don't think her intent was the same.

And lol. I don't mind being called a broad. Or called abroad. But never broad!

chickelit said...

I don't think her intent was the same.

I think you're right, darcy. And also about that last commenter. Figures it's a "profile not available".

chickelit said...

A profile in slurrage.

Cody Jarrett said...


That "figures it's a profile not available" is the same crap Meade used as part of his quest to make me into a Trooper/Sixty sockpuppet.

Darcy said...

How come you don't have a profile, Cody? Just curious. I clicked.

Michael Haz said...

Pollo, here's an experiment. Copy "Ryan"s comment and paste it as a new comment, substituting "Baron Zemo" for Titus.

Cody Jarrett said...

Cuz over the years I acquired a couple of stalkers. Some people find me abrasive, after all.

Last one came in from the blogger profile and it was simpler to turn it off than build a wall.

Besides...what am I gonna say?

Darcy said...

Ahh. I understand. I've had my email in my profile for years and I think maybe 2 people have emailed me from there. No stalker types.

Cody Jarrett said...

You're a lot nicer than I am though.

blake said...

No stalker types?!

Way to hurt a guy's feelings.

Cody Jarrett said...

Funny, I was going to say "not even blake" but the last time I mentioned his name re stalking someone got all huffy. I don't remember who.

Ooops. Falling off the zen path again.

Cody Jarrett said...

And when the open warfare with Meade started it really seemed like a good idea. Since once upon a time we used to chat a bit. I didn't want everything being connected once he did his bit with Evan.

blake said...

It wasn't me.

Unless you said I wasn't good at it.

That would make me huffy, being called a poor stalker.

Cody Jarrett said...

no, I know for sure it wasn't you, blake.

It might've been the Chicken, in one of his self righteous moods, but I really don't remember for sure.

So many people get cranky at me for so much...and I stopped keeping a notebook years ago.


Darcy said...

Don't be Zen. It's not you, Cody.

And I should blow blake's cover and write that he's far from a stalker - he's one of the best friends I've ever had. But I'll refrain.

It's Friday. I'm heading north for what may the last weekend at the cabin for a while. But I'll think about that on Monday. Friday is my happy day.

chickelit said...

It might've been the Chicken, in one of his self righteous moods, but I really don't remember for sure.

It wasn't me.

chickelit said...

Have fun at your cabin--the lake with the place with the jukebox?

Darcy said...

Yeah. And a DJ on Saturday who plays my songs.

Darcy said...

and thanks, El Pollo.

Cody Jarrett said...

I know it's not me, Darcy, but when both your top and bottom bp numbers are triple digits...ya know?

A person can only be outraged about so much for so long before something breaks. And if I bust a vessel and keel over, it could be quite a while before anyone knew about it, and the dogs would have to eat the cats and my corpse to survive.

On that note--have fun at the cabin.

And I believe that about blake. He seems like that sort of cat.

Darcy said...

Okay, be Zen. Stay with us.

And thanks!

Hope you all have a nice weekend.

The Dude said...

Neither do I condemn thee: go, and zen no more.

Have fun up there - all I can say is summer was way too short this year.

Notes on dbs in a house filled with pets - the cats eat your eyeballs first, the dogs your entrails. With any luck the stench gets bad enough that someone investigates before the animals turn on each other. I don't want to think that far ahead.

I need a girlfriend.

Cody Jarrett said...

No luck on the stench. Far enough out in the sticks that it wouldn't bother anyone.

chickelit said...

There's sickness there that I could no longer tolerate.

All Krankheit und Krankenschwester if you know what I mean or are able to google.

Icepick said...

And Cody, holding her accountable from my perspective does not mean that I don't occasionally feel compassion/pity toward her. I do.

I don't. But then, as I have oft repeated, I'm one mean SOB. Also largely out of forgiveness for actual adults.

Cody Jarrett said...

adult is a relative term.

chickelit said...

Isn't "relative term" an oxymoron?

Icepick said...

Last comment on that Titus thread. Althouse sockpuppet. Gotta be.

Could be. I checked that out before I read today's comments here, and I couldn't believe that one.

And Cody, I don't think it was that people got in a huff over your blake/stalker comment, I believe it was that people got confused about your comment about blake's skills tying knots, which I thought was pretty straightforward.

Icepick said...

And Cody, I didn't define adult for a reason. But someone in her fifties, a law professor with tenure, having raised two children and having been married in the past - that person counts as an adult unless they can prove mental or emotional capacity in a court with standing.

Cody Jarrett said...

Icepick...what would you do without me?

I agree with you in principle.

Okay. So there's a Verizon commercial about a family trick or treating together. Star Wars theme. Father is is Darth Vader and so forth.

Mother is...a wookie.

Is that a shot at Michell?

Because yes, it's a black family.

Cody Jarrett said...

And Cody, I don't think it was that people got in a huff over your blake/stalker comment, I believe it was that people got confused about your comment about blake's skills tying knots, which I thought was pretty straightforward.

That's what it was. I couldn't remember ezzackly.

Cody Jarrett said...

Does anyone know how they make ROV controls so the operator top side can feel weight and so forth?

blake said...


Icepick said...

Icepick...what would you do without me?

I'd talk more with Sixty York or Trooper Grit. Or something.

It's funny, sometimes you remind me of me, and sometimes you remind me of my friend Rob. Now THERE'S a guy that can piss people off!

Cody Jarrett said...

I just don't understand the technology that would allow almost full sensory respond between rov and operator.

Cody Jarrett said...

Cool special about Ballard poking around the Black Sea with Hercules the ROV. Hence the question.

blake said...

Fuckin' magnets, man: How do they work?

It is very cool. I'm assuming there are pressure sensors on the ROV that feedback to the controller and allow it to push back accordingly.

It's probably not that big a deal, either, just a few vectors.

chickelit said...

Is Ballard looking for that inundated city?

Cody Jarrett said...

Two well preserved Byzantine shipwrecks.

LOL blake. It's only a big deal if you don't know how it works, right? Then it's like magic. :)

If you know...*yawn*.

Cody Jarrett said...

sometimes you remind me of my friend Rob. Now THERE'S a guy that can piss people off!

more than me?

more than you?

Sigh. Need to try harder.
Just call me Avis.

Icepick said...

I was riding with Rob once. We were at an intersection waiting to make a left turn. Some guys coming from out right get to the intersection. There are four of them, two in the truck in front and two in the car they're towing behind them with a chain. The guys in the truck, as they're making the turn, see Rob and start screaming bloody murder at him. They swerve into the grass and jump out of the truck and come running at us. Rob hits the gas and we get the fuck out of there.

As best he or I could tell, we didn't know those guys. Rob was NOT pulled out so far that he was interfering with their turn, not even close. They just saw him and decided they wanted to kill him, right there, on the spot, at that moment. He was visibly rattled the rest of the day.

And yes, I believe that he didn't know those guys. That's not the kind of thing he ever kept hidden. He's actually very up front about most things, which is one of the ways he pisses people off so frequently. Every now and then this event still comes up.

So, has anyone ever decided to kill you after just getting a quick glance at you? Because until it's happened to you, you're not in his class.

Actually, this is making me wonder why I hang out with him. Because it sure as Hell sounds dangerous, now that I'm thinking about it!

Icepick said...

As for trying to be as big an asshole as Rob, that's not even anything to aspire to. Seriously, this is like taking up golf in middle age and thinking you're going to be better than Tiger Woods eventually. Not gonna happen!

People like you and me just need to understand that true genius just can't be surmounted. Uh, that sounds really rude....

Cody Jarrett said...

Well you won't believe me now--but yeah, that's actually happened to me. My poor friend Henry was terrified. He was driving. I thought he was going to run people over.

Nothing like that's happened for several years though.

I had a guy try to start a fistfight in Home Depot a couple of years ago. For no reason, he was in line behind me and suddenly started insulting and went from there.

Icepick said...

Shit, Henry is my middle name. Are you sure you're not Rob?

Icepick said...

Alright, if the two of you ever get together, I want to be on another continent.

Cody Jarrett said...

I thought your middle name was Van?

Icepick said...

That's part of the surname, Cody.

And my actual name is Stabmaster Henry Icepick. But I usually just drop the Henry.

Cody Jarrett said...

I knew a guy who's first name was Van.
His last name was Patee.