Saturday, October 5, 2013

Coming Home

While the Super Mario guy pushed me in the wheelchair.

I was so wiped out by the surgery I couldn't do much the last couple of days. Yeah I know. I am a big pussy. But I was very tired.

It felt like they put the pacemaker in with a spoon. It is right over my heart and a lead was fed into the center of the heart to give me a boost if I start to lose rhythm. As a white guy I have never had rhythm so this will be a nice change of pace.

I feel very weak so I couldn't deal. We came home and slept about eight hours straight. I need to take it very easy for the next couple of weeks. But hey that might lead to a lot of blogging. Heh.

I can't begin to thank all of you for your concern, kind words and prayers. Special thanks to ndspinelli. We have only just met but Lisa and I feel we have made friends for life with Nick and Leslyn. They are the best.

It's funny but when the chips are down you get to see who is who and what is what. People I never thought would step up were there to help. I had so many people who did great things. Marco Polo sent food for Lisa and the owner called up his doctor and bullied him into reviewing all of my charts to make sure they were doing the right thing. Montleone's bakery sent trays of cookies to bribe the nurses so they would take care of me. And my car service guys refused to take money when they drove Lisa back and forth and when they brought me home.

It is true that you reap what you sow. I always try to do the right thing and all of the love that flowed back showed me that in some small way I was doing it right

Thank you all. I love you all.

But not in a homo way Palladian so calm down.

Oh and one more thing. That is not my purse. Just sayn'


ndspinelli said...

"I love Bollywood." Is it good to be done w/ your "ET finger."

Chip S. said...

You've got some fantastic real-llife friends, Troop.

Even you, Spinelli.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Glad you are going home. Take it easy.

I left this over at Lem's blog but I want to be sure you see it.

You are probably going to be on a new and restricted diet. Bummer.

When my hubby was diagnosed with diabetes, we had to change a lot of things on our diet too. What can you eat and not eat? If they are the same or similar as his, I can send you some good recipes and suggestions for things that we like.

windbag said...

Good news.

Icepick said...

Nicely done, ChipS. And Nick.

And it's great to know you're back home, Trooper. Hopefully Lisa can start getting her life back on track, too. It sucks being the patient, but it isn't much fun being there for the patient either. It's just a little less dangerous.

ricpic said...

I'm sure the doctors have said this but please please go slow for a while.

Icepick said...

From something I posted over at TOOP, but it seems appropriate to drop it here, too.

Incidentally, Crack was complaining about not getting the outflow of sympathy and cash that Palladian and Trooper got. Well, what has he ever shown anyone in return? I kicked in some money to the Trooper B'day/Get Well/Don't Die on Us fund. I did so because through the years Trooper has shown me kindness and some measure of regard. (He's also mocked me to the point of tears, but hey, he's from Brooklyn and doesn't understand us sensitive Florida boys.) I was looking for something out of an old post of mine the other day, the post I actually consider my best, and there was Trooper's name, first in the comment section. This was from 2008, and Trooper didn't know me all that well (not that we really know each other well now), but he took the time to read and comment on a post near and dear to my liver. (There was a lot of bile in that post.) He's been there for me, the least I could do was reciprocate.

It's one of many kind and generous gestures I've received online through the years. Some of them have been a bit overwhelming (I won't mention names, but if you're reading this you've made two such offers in the last year, and you were recently meeting with a mutual friend), offers that moved me deeply. Offers of friendship have been accepted and cherished. (I'm hoping to meet Annie Gottlieb again this winter, and RcommaI is another I hope to meet someday, preferably sooner rather than latter. I count both as friends in the real world.)

But Sweet Jesus, what has Crack ever offered to anyone other than vitriol? And I say that as someone with a reputation for being angry.

ricpic said...

Crack's posture toward crackers is you say red I say green you say up I say down and on and on. Having served my time in a big city agency filled with Cracks believe me when I say this is absolutely SOP, nothing unique about the "special one" at all. I became a wall, a wall without a single window in it as far as the Cracks were concerned. It was the only way to survive. I could go on about what the only possible public policy is vis-a-vis Crack & Co. but what's the use. Oh, I forgot to add, Crack MUST call every cracker stupid. That's the icing on the cake for that turd.

Chip S. said...

I seem to recall that Crack recently said here that Trooper was the only commenter he liked, which is certainly his prerogative. I don't know what he may have said at TOOP.

But it makes him seem a bit lacking in self-awareness to complain that none of the people he berates regularly has sent him money.

I'm not even clear on what emergency situation it is that he expects to be bailed out from.

Icepick said...

I'm not even clear on what emergency situation it is that he expects to be bailed out from.

He's got a bum back. Which is every bit as serious as being homeless or having one's heart go bonkers.

Chip S. said...

I'd be happy to send him a link showing him how to get an Obamaphone.

The Dude said...

Aw SNAP, I EBT forgot to include an Obamaphone reference in my Cracker blast.

I did almost write something along the lines of "Just have all of your commenters send you a dollar - you will have enough to buy some homeopathic medicine and still have some left over for your cult dues. Oh, that's right, you don't have any commenters - my bad."

The Dude said...

And Troopski, we know that is not your purse - yours matches your shoes and is much more darling than that one.

MamaM said...

He's got a bum back

Add to that...and he's stuck with traditional medicine as his only resource for treatment.

chickelit said...

Meade thinks Crack's heroic, so there's that. And Meade was alway big on contributions so maybe Meadehouse is supporting him.

Chip S. said...

Meade also thinks Dusty Baker is a good manager and fionamcgee is hot.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is a very stylish purse...I mean manbag.

Trooper York said...

Meade is a silly little man that should not factor into our discussions. He hasn't a clue.

His marriage is punishment enough.

MamaM said...

To the whole thing from start to pursey wheelchair finish, I say "Whew".

Michael Haz said...

He just got out of the hospital, for heavens sake. Stop tattling on the other kids.

Michael Haz said...

He just got out of the hospital, for heavens sake. Stop tattling on the other kids.

Cody Jarrett said...

I don't buy that it's not your purse. Although it does look a little bit on the staid side for you.

Iceprick, where did you post that originally? I mean which thread.

I like it. And just so's we're clear--I've never thought of you as someone with a rep for being angry. I just figure you're an ass.

(said with a grin and a wave)

Icepick said...

"I just figure you're an ass."

THANK you! You get me!

It was in El Pollo's thread "A Parable of a Madman". Sorry, can't do the link because of my current platform.

blake said...

Welcome home, paisan.