Saturday, October 12, 2013

Thanks to all!


Thanks guys! The certificate to Cornerstone Healing came in the mail today and I found the Amazon gift certificate in my emails. So thanks again for thinking of us. Lisa really needs a massage and I can pick up some reading materials while I stuck at home on my sick chair.

It is deeply appreciated.


windbag said...

Choose your Amazon portal carefully.

The Dude said...

That's what she said.

Michael Haz said...

You're reading the materials for the articles, right?

Cody Jarrett said...

You need to upgrade your membership at the panda place?

MamaM said...

The sick chair is a bum place to be stuck for now, with "care in the most effective compassionate way possible" needed for yourself until the day comes when you can fulfill your wish to "go out and sit in the sun and scratch my balls like an old dog".

Recovery is one of those deals where it can be difficult to realize healing and daily progress while it's quietly happening. Once you get to the ball scratching in the sun part and the Vitamin D kicks in, the rest will seem like a breeze. A veritable Secret Garden Re-do! Well, maybe not quite a breeze, but easier and better than what went on before, and a far cry from the alternative.

Rest and wait and heal, and don't forget to entertain us mightly while doing so! Like birdies in the cuckoo's nest, we sit and wait!

MamaM said...

Insatiable birdies, I might add, so pace yourself and your heart!

MamaM said...

Rest and wait and heal, and don't forget to entertain us mightly while doing so!

That's mightily...not mightly...though it may be nightly if the day sleeping continues. Hang in there.