Monday, October 7, 2013

What are you disappointed about?

How dare you question me? You need to read me more closely. It is easy to understand. The Queen decides and you should just fall in line. My opinion is the right one and the only one that matters.


I will have to school you. I spit on your views with sanctimonious pomposity! And righteous Flem.

Enough of this. I am sorry I came back to this land even though I am supposed to be one of it's rulers.

OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cody Jarrett said...

I see your newly acquired meds are working well for you.

Or you've been to TOP.

Or both.

Icepick said...

I am sorry I came back to this land even though I am supposed to be one of it's rulers.

Troop, if this is supposed to be about Freeman, I think a school crossing guard theme would be more appropriate.

Trooper York said...

Or maybe a nun. A very judgmental disapproving humorless pompous sanctimonious nun.

Sorry that's how I see it.

It just amuses me when somebody else is getting hit with the eraser.

Trooper York said...

Sorry the meds are working.

Icepick said...

Not being Catholic, I can't really speak to the nun thing except as a cliche thingy that I see in movies and TV shows. But there is a difference: a nun is someone who has gone through somewhat rigorous training and indoctrination, and has some authority through her relationship with God. A school crossing guard is a jerk-wad position that, while ostensibly helpful, really isn't a position vested with much authority, however much the holder of the coveted reflective orange vest might believe it.

Cody Jarrett said...

There's a school crossing guard I know that thinks he's a traffic cop. When there are no kids around he jumps into the street to make cars stop so people can come out of the sidestreet and so forth. Just because he's got the vest.

He stopped a line of traffic where a cop was a couple of cars back one day. Cop stopped by him and they chatted. Guy's been a lot quieter since then.

Wasn't thinking of FH. Missed it.

chickelit said...

We had an entire post here once on crossing guards. Damned if I can find it though. 2009 or so.

chickelit said...

See, the problem with the Queen metaphor is that it usurps someone else's designated role.

Cody Jarrett said...

Thank you, EPR.

Icepick said...

Cody, I'm not even thinking of those guys. I mean when you're in elementary school, and some of the older kids get chosen to be crossing guards to help keep order in the parking lots and with the other kids getting on and off buses, and riding their bikes and stuff. Kind of like hall monitors. That might be more universally applicable.

Cody Jarrett said...

We didn't have any of that stuff when I was in school. They tried the hall monitor once I guess. But some of the other kids just destroyed the little runny nosed bastard they picked and that was the end of it.

Then the little runny nosed kid, who seemed like a harmless little fuck gnashed his teeth and bit the recess ladies breast, and he hit me with a surprise left.

Cody Jarrett said...


As clear as an umuddied lake. Clear as an azure sky of deepest summer. You can rely on me.

Ya know?

Icepick said...

Then the little runny nosed kid, who seemed like a harmless little fuck gnashed his teeth and bit the recess ladies breast, and he hit me with a surprise left.

Um, I think that was, like, some other kid, or something.

Trooper York said...

El Pollo Raylan said...
See, the problem with the Queen metaphor is that it usurps someone else's designated role

Well that's true but I think Palladian will be cool with it.

MamaM said...

The righteous flem thing is a killer--a spit it out then slip on it affair.

bagoh20 said...

Hey! I was a School Crossing Guard (must be capitalized), and I achieved some rank within the service, and you WILL respect me for it.

Many of my brothers and sisters were taken down by heavy spitball fire in the spring of 1969. They paid the ultimate price for your freedom, and the rights you use here completely blind to the gratitude you should be expressing to me in particular, so I can pass it on.

It's a little tight, but I'm wearing my belt and badge right now, so you have my permission to go ahead, but stay between the lines, you bitches, or so help me God, you will feel my wrath.

Icepick said...

Respect his authoritah!

Cody Jarrett said...

Maybe that's been my problem this whole time--a complete lack of respect for any authority.

Not just lack of respect for it, but actual disdain.

chickelit said...

Well you'd never make it in the military, Cody.

blake said...

I always feel like y'all are talking "Justified" or "Breaking Bad" or some other show I don't watch.

Cody Jarrett said...

You're not wrong, Chick.

Although before a couple of serious injuries, I was going to do it. Officer Training and all.

And the disdain for authority is a fairly new thing.

Icepick said...

I always feel like y'all are talking "Justified" or "Breaking Bad" or some other show I don't watch.

We haven't done anything like that since The Big Lebowski meltdown the other night.

The Dude said...

Shut the fuck up, Donny.

Michael Haz said...

Crossing Guard? Okay, but not top of the heap.

Now we in the eraser clapper brigade, we were the Delta Force of after school suck ups.