Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Eight Men Out.

(Atell and Rothstein are discussing the plan to fix the series]
Abe Atell: They say that six or seven guys. I find that hard to believe. But they are willing to fix the series. They will pretend to play but they will throw the game.
Arnold Rothstein: Doesn't surprise me.
Abe Atell: Yeah, but they're the champs.
Arnold Rothstein: You were champ, Abe, you went down for the bucks.
Abe Atell: This is different. I was the champ blogger on the Internet. But I don't have time for those jerks now. They need to bow down and worship me as the Queen.
Arnold Rothstein: Look, champ we don't go for that gay stuff. It is 1919 you big Queen. Listen I know guys like that. I grew up with them. I used to blog and comment with them. I was the fat kid they wouldn't let play. "Sit down, fat boy'. That's what they'd say "Sit down, maybe you'll learn something." Well, I learned something alright. Pretty soon, I owned the game, and those guys I grew up with come to me with their hats in their hands. Tell me, champ, all those years of puggin', how much money did you make from your Amazon portal?
Abe Atell: The honest fights or the ones I tanked? Like the one with Glenn Reynolds?
Arnold Rothstein: Altogether, I must've made ten times that amount betting on you and I never took a punch.
Abe Atell: Yeah, but I was champ. Featherweight champeen of the world!
Arnold Rothstein: Yesterday. That was yesterday.
Abe Atell: No A.R. you're wrong. I was champ, and can't nothin take that away. And those guys are going to throw the game by not showing up. Only Chickie Gandil and that Chip fella are showing up.
I am counting on the rest of them to throw the game. Especially Swede Coleman and Paddy Risberg. It's in the bag.
Arnold Rothstein Fair enough Champ. I have to go. I just bought a new electric razor. I have to manscape.


ricpic said...

Rothstein was a piker compared to Bernanke.

Trooper York said...

Hey a gonif is a gonif.

Trooper York said...

You have to check out "Boardwalk Empire."

The portrayal of Meyer Lansky is right on the money. A tough guy not just an accountant.

blake said...

Say it ain't so, Joe.

MamaM said...

Hey a gonif is a gonif.

...or a ganef , ganev , ganof , gonif or gonof.

One for every vowl choice!