Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Vets storm the barricades and expose the Axis of Evil

Most of us are aware of the protests by the Vets at various monuments in DC and appalling reaction from the media and various pundits. The venomous distaste and caviler dismissal of their protest is not surprising since Obama and his ilk disdain veterans and normal everyday Americans. Unless they are a member of a protected class. Minorities. Gays. Illegal immigrants. That is who he worries about. Not Americans of all races and ethnicities who shed their blood for our country.

Speaking of cunts it is no surprise that the Evil Blogger lady doesn't give a shit about Vets. She always  had oblivious distaste for veterans and was often called on it by AllenS and RogerJ. In fact one of the worst dust ups we had in Bloody Sunday happened because of Inga[s outrageous lies and the contempt that the Evil Blogger Lady had for RogerJ and AllenS when she mass deleted them when they were defending Vets and the military. The Evil Blogger Lady has long had contempt for veterans and the post that Michael Haz pointed me to was more of the same. How anyone would want to associate with this worthless piece of shit is beyond me. Chickie was there showing the flag but I think it is a forlorn hope that you can persuade anyone over there.. Not to say that you shouldn't do it if you want to but they leave me cold.

There was the added entertainment of Inga calling for comment moderation and then deleting it. Perfect. Inga is the real Althouse. Anybody that thought she was a moderate should have their head examined. She has nothing for contempt for these guys that Obama terms terrorists"


Cody Jarrett said...

I've been following the hashtag #1MVetMarch all day off and on. It's been interesting reading. There are reports that they scrambled snipers onto the roof of the WH, and supposedly a few hours ago Barry choppered out of there.

A few days ago Barry opens the Mall to illegals, complete with portapotties. Today the call out SWAT in riot gear for a buncha vets.

Icepick said...

A few days ago Barry opens the Mall to illegals, complete with portapotties. Today the call out SWAT in riot gear for a buncha vets.

It's the direction the elites of both parties want to take the country.

Cody Jarrett said...

Pretty much, IP, pretty much.

You'd almost think Johnny Mac woulda wandered out, they're his people after all. /sarc

Cody Jarrett said...

riot cops seize flag

ndspinelli said...

Time for a Bonus Army to assemble @ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Icepick said...

Cody, I've got a cousin (Second cousin? I never know how that works. He was my mother's first cousin, I don't know what that makes him to me.) who was an Air Force fighter pilot. He got shot down over North Vietnam and ended up in the prison camps.

After he was released, he was the first pilot to get back in the air. (His name was Bud Flesher.) Anyway, I've got no contact with him, and I don't think my mother had had any contact with him since shortly after he got home from Vietnam. (Our family likes to keep the Hell away from each other.)

Nevertheless, in 2008 I decided to see who he was supporting. There are websites where you can look up people's campaign contributions. Turns out Bud had given a lot of money to various Republicans through the years. And that year too he had given a lot. But he didn't give a cent to John McCain. I really wish I knew him so I could ask why that was.

Cody Jarrett said...

I bet there's a heck of a story behind it.

rcocean said...

Loved the Vets storming the Mall. As for Althouse, its ridiculous the way she, like most social liberals, hides behind "respect for the law".

One minute they're supporting - or turning a blind eye - to illegal immigration, illegal drug use, or "civil disobedience" for civil rights.

Next minute they're wagging their finger at conservatives and babbling about "we're a nation of laws" and "the rule of law".


Trooper York said...

You have to understand that Althouse is a complete false flag operation. She pretends to be "moderate" but she is dyed in the wool leftist. Her disdain for veterans, overt displays of patriotism and religion are well documented. She tolerated conservative voices in the comments because they basically built her blog on their comments. She is a disingenuous douchenozzle and an all around evil person.

I don't have a problem with people who are liberal and have no problem stating it like Ritmo or ARM or phx or Robert Cook. That is why I think they would be valuable addition to Lem's joint. Althouse is just an elitist with contempt for her audience and most of us regular Americans.

She is like the kids playing with the scorpion in the bottle at the beginning of "The Wild Bunch."

Trooper York said...

Also let me just say I am very glad that I banned Titus and Inga from this site.

The attacks on Chickie by Titus are just horrendous.

Trooper York said...

Inga and somefeller are Althouse saying what she wants to say but won't to keep a semblance of readership. They are the essences of the real Althouse.

I don't see the utility of engaging these morons. Michael Haz policy of ignoring them seems best to me. Just sayn'

Cody Jarrett said...

I have doubts. A lot of that post reads like Meade. Then again I've always thought Titus was initially created by Annie anyway.

It's one of the reasons she was so hot to do that audio recording of 'the best of titus'.

Now Meade's taken over the reins. Which makes sense, since he's taking it up the ass these days.

Cody Jarrett said...

The Titus attack on Chick, obviously.

Trooper York said...

It is funny how that cunt Inga kept whining about how no body came to her aid but when somebody else gets vile stuff said about them she shuts up.

What a worthless piece of shit.

chickelit said...

I've only been to the WWII monument once--last year as a family. It's just absurd to think someone could put a fence around it or even block the entry points. It's like putting a fence around Stonehenge.

chickelit said...

It is funny how that cunt Inga kept whining about how no body came to her aid but when somebody else gets vile stuff said about them she shuts up.

I tried to help her by pointing out the futility of her pointing to one person and ascribing it to the group. So I used the now stereotypical (for me) Palin effigy photo. I don't collect them as Titus asserts. I did this knowing full well that Titus might show--and he did!

I will never be anything but indifferent to Inga in the future. After what she did to spinelli, I should have ignored her.

Here's a technical question for you internet sleuths:

Who controls the comments in poll comments, for example this one. Does Althouse have deletion privileges? I think I noticed something fishy there.

chickelit said...

I don't see why Althouse carries on this charade about deleting Mary. She has Mary's ISP address; reader_iam knows who she is and where she lives. When I met Althouse and Meade that time in Madison, they both acted very suspicious about "Mary" and mention of an ongoing lawsuit was made.

It's possible that Mary is a manufactured troll whom Althouse uses as a foil. I'm not saying I'm sure of that, but it solves a lot of mysteries. It's almost certain that Althouse would strongly protect such a secret. I don't why she should mention an ongoing investigation/lawsuit 2 years ago and then not act on actionable information. It certainly suits her blog hits to keep the shtick rolling.

chickelit said...

And Troop, for all the animus they accuse you towards them? They dished it back your way that day. Especially Meade. I wish I had worn a wire.

My kids were with me though and they were bored out of their skulls. They really had no clue what we were talking about.

Trooper York said...

I have no doubt they had a lot of shit to say. They just don't have the balls to say it out in front of everybody. That's why the insist on emails to Meade. They want to hide who they really are.

Meade gave you a taste with what he did with Palladian.

Althouse likes to be above the fray and pretend like she is the one being persecuted. Isn't it funny that her comment section on that vets post sounds exactly the same as the post that closed the closing of comments? And who is in the middle of it? Inga.

I know some people think Inga is a sock puppet mostly saying it is Meade. It could be or not I don't care. I think she is the perfect embodiment of the "Real Althouse" that both of us met in person.

Now that people like me, spinelli, DBQ, Sixty, Cody, ChipS, Chip Ahoy and so many others are not there who are they going to point to as the bad faith troublemakers?

It is too laugh.

Trooper York said...

The pivotal moment for me was the second commenters get together that both Palladian and I have mentioned before.

She came and hour late and said she was thinking about not showing up because not enough "interesting" people were going to show up. Then proceeded to dis several commenters specificly including Titus and downtownlad. She wanted to know if we thought she should ban Titus who was deep into his toilet humor stage at that time. I was taken aback. If she could talk about other commenters like that behind their back what was she saying about me? I was wary from that day forth and gradually I have come to the conclusion that she is indeed the "Evil Blogger Lady."

chickelit said...

I know some people think Inga is a sock puppet mostly saying it is Meade. It could be or not I don't care. I think she is the perfect embodiment of the "Real Althouse" that both of us met in person.

I agree with that.

chickelit said...

I think Inga aspires to be Althouse but of course lacks most everything.

I'm glad there places where she does not go.

Trooper York said...

It is endlessly amusing that in forcing out many of her old conservative commenters that Inga has become the symbol of her blog.

I think they deserve each other.

chickelit said...

Althouse on Inga (paraphrasing when I met them): "I just don't get Allie Oop...she just

Meade was silent or nodded.

Trooper York said...

That's it!

Proof it is Meade.

Althouse loves the gays so she must of married one who just wants gays.

Now it all becomes clear.

Trooper York said...

See what you missed out on Palladian? You were in there first. Instead of a struggling artist you could of be doing your art in Madison and instead of renting dogs you guys could have rented out Latin busboys.

Kismet baby!

chickelit said...

My question about the poll comments has to do with the authenticity/identity of Titus. I hope someone can answer it.

chickelit said...

I don't hold a real grudge against Titus. I'm just struck by how he predictably responds to certain cues. As a scientist, this has implications.

Trooper York said...

I don't understand what you are asking Chickie. Is it tracing the IP numbers that you are talking about?

The reason I stopped commenting on that poll was just for that fact.

Trooper York said...

I think that Titus is a real person. He contacted me through facebook when I closed the blog to get an invite. His facebook persona is too elaborate to be a sham.

On the other hand the late lamented Maxine Weise was generally considered a construct. So who knows?

Trooper York said...

I think that Titus is a real person. He contacted me through facebook when I closed the blog to get an invite. His facebook persona is too elaborate to be a sham.

On the other hand the late lamented Maxine Weise was generally considered a construct. So who knows?

chickelit said...

I'm only looking for whether Althouse can delete comments from Poll comment threads. I suppose I can google it.

Trooper York said...

I don't she can and I don't think she did. I don't think she cared much about that particular poll.

Palladian said...

Unless they are a member of a protected class. Minorities. Gays. Illegal immigrants. That is who he worries about. Not Americans of all races and ethnicities who shed their blood for our country.

It's not about those classes at all. It's about using those supposed classes as political tools. The idea that there is some sort of unity among gay people or black people is ridiculous, a total fiction.

I'm gay and a real liberal and yet I'm about as unprotected as you can get. It's not about what you are, it's about what you can do for a politician.

Palladian said...

Althouse once confided to me that the reason she so dislikes "Mary" is because "Mary" is a former student who, after trolling Althouse's blog for a while, showed up at her front door early in the morning and scared the hell out of her.

I don't know the details of that "visit", but it certainly seemed frightening. After years of reading "Mary's" comments, it's pretty clear that she's mentally ill. As much as I dislike Althouse, I certainly don't blame her for trying to keep "Mary" at a distance.

Palladian said...

I believe that there's a real person behind "Titus" as well. A total dumbshit asshole of a person, but a person all the same. He once emailed me and told me that he is HIV-positive.

Palladian said...

It was his revelation about being HIV-positive that made me seriously loathe him, because if that were true or false, either way it would make him a huge liar.

There's something so stunted and disgusting about him, persona or otherwise, that makes my skin crawl.

Palladian said...

Inga is just stupid and needy. If you've been on the internet for a while, you've come across women like her.

I've never understood the great interest in sparring with her. She never seemed worth reading, let alone getting into flame-wars with.

MamaM said...

She tolerated conservative voices in the comments because they basically built her blog on their comments.

Plus some of those voices were a lot more fun and responsive than the dry sticks and loons that show up from the other side. Some may have even seemed like people one could enjoy and feel somewhat close to, except no, that won't do. What happens if they get sick or die or encounter hardship? To much pain. Remember the reason given for why there was no dog growing up? Because it's too hard when they die.

It is endlessly amusing that in forcing out many of her old conservative commenters that Inga has become the symbol of her blog.

It's not like there weren't plenty of opportunities for Althouse to catch a clue, while the Oop/Inga was doing her gatekeeping. It goes beyond amusing to sad for me, as I at one time, very much appreciated Althouse's playfulness and intellect. Now, what comes up whenever she's challenged, pressed, annoyed or frustrated sounds young, not like the voice of a 60+ year old, thoughtful woman.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Please refer to her as ol dirty EBL. Because she is ol dirty EBL.

blake said...

Sitemeter reports less than 300K for the lawprof's blog.

If true, that's a massive drop. She has not had a sub-300K month in the seven years Sitemeter has records available. If it levels out there, she'll have reduced her blog traffic to sub-2006 levels.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Palladian, you are right about Inga. As for Titus, he is damaged.

Cody Jarrett said...

I have no doubt inga and Titus are real, I just think there are times the real person isn't writing the posts.

Didn't someone say commenters don't make the blog or something, btw?

ndspinelli said...

Titus has provided enough info for me to fairly easily ID him. However, I do not use my skills to curiously or nosily investigate people, just not my style. The only 2 people I have done some limited background on is EBL and Inga, because both crossed the line w/ me. When folks gave me their names, emails, phone#'s, etc. when they were helping our bartender here, I like to think they understood that. I will NEVER betray a trust or act nosily, because as I've said, I am not nosy, one of the many ironies of life. Trust is one of the most precious commodities. I understand that. My clients knew that was always in the bank.

Chick, There are no lawsuits involving Althouse in the CCAP system. I'll check the Fed system when I get back to my office. Almost certainly a lie, but we'll know by this afternoon. I'm @ a motel in Eau Claire, on my way back from a weekend in a double wide w/ my trucker/biker/gun totin nigger hatin'/whiskey drinkin'/Four wheelin'/good hearted/Mama'boy/ relative. There was no cell service, no water, outhouse, @ his rural Minnesota retreat. His property is literally 30 feet from the Wi. border, in Mn., north of Danbury, Wi. It must be for some reason.

This guy is a hoot. He was a Hell's Angel. He had his own Peterbilt and drove over the road for about 15 years until an accident put him in the hospital for 3 months. His legit biz was hauling meat, mostly in the Midwest. However, he also transported guns for the mob. He claims only guns, no drugs, but I question his veracity on that. I think he's not much of a drug user but I met some Hell's Angels @ his old man's funeral back in the 80's and they certainly were. The funeral could have been a scene in a Coen Brother's flick. This guy was from a very conservative fairly affluent family. His dad never worked after age 45 and mom never worked. They bought him his truck and lots of other toys. He was an only child. At his old man's funeral were his Shriner buddies doing their marching processional and his son's Hell's Angel buddies doing their Harley swirling processional. If only the Shriners had their little scooters it would have been perfect. Famiglia!. This guy has a good heart and has always been very kind to my kids and myself and bride. His mom died earlier this year and he gave us 5 figures. It was the kindness, not the $'s that said it all to me. He got to know Eyetalians from Boston, NYC, Chicago and New Orleans. He said I'm one of the few he knows that aren't mobbed up.

The Dude said...

Troop wrote "Now that people like me, spinelli, DBQ, Sixty, Cody, ChipS, Chip Ahoy and so many others are not there who are they going to point to as the bad faith troublemakers?"

Well, she could follow the lead of her hero the magic negro and blame Bush.

Bush causes untold trouble in this world.

Cody Jarrett said...

So Crack has a new youtube video up, a new song he's been working hard on for a few weeks. He says Sixty is the big inspiration behind it. And he's actually sounding pretty melodious with his rap on this one too. It's pretty funny and worth the watch.

watch it here

Icepick said...

Titus has provided enough info for me to fairly easily ID him.

I assume most people who have had a long online presence have given away the game. I really don't think it would be that hard (though possibly somewhat time-consuming, depending on the method chosen) to figure out who I am. Unless you are a total construct, and carefully done, I just don't think hiding is all that feasible. Nevertheless, no reason to make it easy for the bastards.

Icepick said...

However, he also transported guns for the mob. He claims only guns, no drugs, but I question his veracity on that.

What's the likelihood that the mob would let him pick and choose his own cargo? I mean, as a small independent contractor-type? Seems slim to me.

And Cody, is that intentionally funny, or unintentionally funny, wrt the Crack video?

Cody Jarrett said...

President Stompyfeet has sent people (essential government employees, natch) out to put the barricades back up around the memorials. Be really funny to see one of those trucks that runs around here collecting scrap metal for the junkyard to go collect the damn things.

Cody Jarrett said...

Jus' watch it yo

Icepick said...

Jus' watch it yo

Well, with THAT kind of endorsement....

Icepick said...

"I get it by the cow-wow"

Man, somewhere, Shakespeare's ghost is thinking, "Damn, wish I'd written that!"

Icepick said...

Speaking of EBTs, here's another example to file under "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished".

Icepick said...

Also, Cody has pulled back ahead of my in the Asshole rankings.

The Dude said...

The Y*nkees hats seem right in keeping with that demographic.

Cody Jarrett said...

Wait...there's an actual ranking system?

What is this, college football now?

Icepick said...

What is this, college football now?

Yes, but it's the stupid old system with no playoff system, so at the end of the year we're likely to end up in different bowl games with a split championship.

Icepick said...

Great, I'm going to have that fucking song in my head all day now, Cody. Thanks a lot!

ricpic said...

Hey, you can't be oblivious of someone or some group and at the same time find him or them distasteful! It's me out here, Sixty, there's a word for tha...I got's CONTRADICTORY!..or a contradiction...or something. There's a better word and I can't think of it and Sixty, he's scoopin' out them bowls, can't be bothered, the man's occupied dammit!

ricpic said...

Hey, does Palladian or spinelli believe Titus about being a big moneymaker in some corporation? Just asking. Personally I'm agnostic on that question. I mean a guy, gay or human, can be all effed up and still have good moneymaking skills. AmIright? I put that human in there to rile Palladian. :^(

Michael Haz said...

I have no idea what Crack posted, and no inclination to find out. There's no upside in it for me.

In the same way, I have no inclination to interact with Inga, beyond the usual desire to type "Shut the fuck up, Donny" in my Lebowski voice. I admit to telling myself the same crude joke about her husband's last words whenever I see that she's commented at Lem's or at Althouse.

I had several email exchanges with what's her name regarding things on her blog over the past few years. My lasting impression is that she is an arrogant, condescending twat, and not nearly as smart as one would expect of a professor.

She may think of herself as a moderate, but in her environment Castro is a moderate, Trotsky is a progressive, and Pol Pot is a crowd control specialist.

Thank goodness Trooper makes this place available for us to hang out. Lem's is looking increasingly like the Althouse Annex.

Michael Haz said...

@ricpic - I have previously expressed my skepticism about Titus' earning ability. He poses as a highly paid consultant of some sort, possibly in HR, and once quoted the fee his employer charges for his services at $150 per hour.

That number makes no sense in terms of how he has described what he does and how he lives. It would mean that he is paid at the $75K per year level, highly inconsistent with how he claims to live.

Icepick said...

I have no idea what Crack posted, and no inclination to find out. There's no upside in it for me.

Actually, Haz, there is. But I'd stop watching after about a minute, just because otherwise the tune will get stuck in your head.

But Cody's right, this is worth you watching.

Icepick said...

He poses as a highly paid consultant of some sort, possibly in HR, and once quoted the fee his employer charges for his services at $150 per hour.

My employer was charging $180 an hour to clients for my services back when I was an actuarial analyst. That was when I started, and I was only bringing home $43,000 a year at that time. My numbers did go up in the three years I did it, but not wildly so. They were charging about $220 an hour for my service by the end and I was just under $50K a year. So his billing rate number isn't all that impressive if he is working for someone else.

Icepick said...

Charging $150 an hour is commensurate with a salary around, and possibly under, $40K a year. Which isn't very good in the Boston area.

Cody Jarrett said...

Yeah. No way he's affording the rare clumper or whatever kind of dog he claims.

Icepick said...

Yeah. No way he's affording the rare clumper or whatever kind of dog he claims.

That depends on how much his SO gives him for allowance.

The Dude said...

Mary McCarthy, long Lillian Hellman's political adversary and the object of her negative literary judgment, said of Hellman that "every word she writes is a lie, including 'and' and 'the'."

I have used that quote when referring to Titus - it is silly to consider anything he ever wrote as factual.

Cody Jarrett said...

I thought the boyfriend was some sort of cambodian bicycle messenger?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am not ol dirty EBL, I know it is easy to call her just EBL, but she is old and dirty too.

rcocean said...

"She may think of herself as a moderate, but in her environment Castro is a moderate, Trotsky is a progressive, and Pol Pot is a crowd control specialist."

Good one MH.

rcocean said...


I like no College playoffs. Why do we need to play a whole bunch of games to find some mythical number 1?

I just enjoy College Football for what it is.

ndspinelli said...

Icepick, He hauled meat legit, for meat packing outfits in SD, ND, Mn. and Texas. The hauling guns was just side biz. I'm tough to bullshit, give me a little credit.

ndspinelli said...

Hanging meat carcasses made it unlikely some donut eatin' cop was going to slip and slide, bob and weave, through that cargo.

ndspinelli said...

Althouse has no civil suits pending or ever, in Federal or State Court; the latter being the most likely venue for any action involving Mary.

ndspinelli said...

Assuming a fact not in evidence, that being a dead husband.

ndspinelli said...

Remember the LPN.

Cody Jarrett said...

The LPN that has a nursing masters from Marquette?

Michael Haz said...

Nick - was the domicile located on a lake in Waukesha County?

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Haz said...

I have never understood the Mary thing. Perhaps I missed some of her comments, but she seemed (to me, at least) to be bright and aggressive. Probably a conservative. Skilled at taking apart Althouse's postings.

For some reason I thought that she was a former law student who had a beef with Althouse dating back to those days.

Didn't AllenS think that she lived up the road form him?

Icepick said...

I like no College playoffs. Why do we need to play a whole bunch of games to find some mythical number 1?

Uh, if you play the games, it isn't a MYTHICAL number one any more.

Icepick said...

Haz, Mary has threatened to call the police in other states to report spousal abuse. She has threatened to call child services in other states to report child abuse. All because she didn't like the fact that people pushed back against her. She isn't some harmless person that just gets into scraps on the internet.

Icepick said...

Icepick, He hauled meat legit, for meat packing outfits in SD, ND, Mn. and Texas. The hauling guns was just side biz. I'm tough to bullshit, give me a little credit.

No, my point was that it sounded like he was an independent contractor regarding his work for the mob. And in that case, once they get their hooks in him, are they likely to worry about his scruples regarding hauling drugs?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The Dog Whisperer Merde thought I was Mary. He is not all that bright, you know.

I thought Mary was a former Althouse student too, which could explain the animosity. Spending hours in the same room with ol dirty EBL can apparently do that to you.

ndspinelli said...

Mary is from Rice Lake and apparently was a student. She is as wacky as Annie is narcissistic, thusly the water/oil dynamic.

Michael Haz said...

Mary has threatened to call the police in other states to report spousal abuse. She has threatened to call child services in other states to report child abuse

Whoa. I did not know that.

Interesting how Inga's behavior mimics that in some ways, especially contacting commenters employers and spouses.

ndspinelli said...

No lake residence was found. A foreclosed condo sold @ a Milwk. County Sheriff's sale was. I've not spent any money, only if she comes back @ me or my family will I do so. This is just superficial research already finding lies.

Michael Haz said...

Sounds like her story about living in a home on a lake in Waukesha County may be false, along with nearly everything else she has said about herself.

rcocean said...

"Uh, if you play the games, it isn't a MYTHICAL number one any more."

Of course it would be mythical. If you go with 4 week 16-team playoff, how do choose the 16 teams except by some subjective criteria?

Then you need to seed them - more subjectivity. Then you get the usual crap shoot of injuries, luck, bad officials.

Cody Jarrett said...

But it's still not mythical, it's become tangible.

MamaM said...

Interesting how Inga's behavior mimics that in some ways, especially contacting commenters employers and spouses.

Interesting is one of the benign words used to describe individuals who exhibit personality disordered behaviors.

Personality disorders are a class of social disorders characterized by enduring maladaptive patterns of behavior, cognition and inner experience, exhibited across many contexts and deviating markedly from those accepted by the individual's culture. These patterns develop early, are inflexible and are associated with significant distress or disability

Key word: inflexible

MamaM said...

Assuming a fact not in evidence, that being a dead husband.

Next thing you know, the conservative plumber next door will show up missing, with a good possibility he'll be found in DBQ's bed.

The Dude said...


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Next thing you know, the conservative plumber next door will show up missing, with a good possibility he'll be found in DBQ's bed.

LOL. My very own conservative plumber would not find that very amusing. We are already pretty crowded in bed both of us and two cats both trying to take their slice of the bed out of the middle. A spare plumber would be just a bit much.

MamaM said...

Laughing here too. Though I wouldn't be at all surprised if your plumber may have served as the prototype for the one in the other story.

Michael Haz said...

I wouldn't be at all surprised if your plumber may have served as the prototype for the one in the other story.

Fifty Shades of Wrenches.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ MamaM...Yep. That's what I thought too. First of all she had to invent a man. A plumber for some reason and then make him conservative. No self respecting plumber would associate with a liberal loon like Inga. It's bad enough dealing with sewage and getting paid much less on your own time.

The Dude said...

I just read that the Washington Redskins want to change their name - they want to drop the Washington because it is embarrassing.

Cody Jarrett said...

100, bitchez.

when I want milk...I buy it by the cow-owwww

The Dude said...

I am watching Giulietta Masina in "Nights of Cabiria" - she is a firecracker.

Michael Haz said...

Where is the posting that has photos of dogs? Because apparently that passes for "writing" these days.

The Dude said...

If it's not at Trooper's joint, then I ain't lookin' for it!

Cody Jarrett said...

Tod Browning's Freaks is going to be on TCM...I think Saturday night.

Great flick. Gooble gobble baby.

TTBurnett said...

Reading all this gives me another reason to like Facebook.

ndspinelli said...

The blonde narcissistic dog is getting long in the tooth.

blake said...

Freaks ruined Browning's career.

Trooper York said...

I started a new blood pressure medicine this morning and it pooped me out. I took it first thing and before you know it I was napping all day. Which means I won't sleep all night.

This recovery bullshit is a hard job.

TTBurnett said...

Consider the alternative, Troop.

TTBurnett said...

Freaks is still pretty shocking. It's hard to believe it was made, and it could never have been made again, certainly not today.

It has become overused, however, as an allegory for you-know-who, apt as it may be in places.

Cody Jarrett said...

I wish I could see the footage that was cut and lost.

I saw it for the first time a few years ago when TCM first aired it. Have watched it every year since.

Cody Jarrett said...

TCM is actually having 5 Browning movies Saturday night.

Cody Jarrett said...

And the John Ford Grapes of Wrath is also on Saturday (afternoon), followed by Dr. Strangelove.

Every once in a while TCM just hits it hard.

MamaM said...

Reading all this gives me another reason to like Facebook.

Because Facebook is so much truthier?

Less connected to reality?


The best part of this post is the guy in the picture. The one wearing shorts and sporting two artificial legs to replace the flesh, bone and blood it cost him to follow through on his oath to support and defend.

Hell, I don't know where this is going. What I do know is how good it felt to see someone clearly and firmly stand up to the political BS and calmly tear down those walls.

Trooper York said...

Just remember that is just someone who Althouse doesn't care about and who thinks is wrong.

Just sayn'

rcocean said...

Facebook - still haven't figured out the attraction yet. Or why its better than blogging.

One good thing about the whole Lem's new Blog is that I discovered a great new blogger: Chip Ahoy.

He's often oblique but never dull.

chickelit said...

Wise MamaM said...The best part of this post is the guy in the picture.

It reminds me of this one. I hope it becomes as iconic.

chickelit said...

Just remember that is just someone who Althouse doesn't care about and who thinks is wrong.

Troop, Althouse is just a typical academic in that respect. Many of them still are indifferent to veterans and veterans affairs.

What odder is that she has reminded her readers that both her parents were veterans in WW II. Come to think of it, has she ever written or published anything honoring her parents' memory? I know there was that aborted homage to her father's vinyl LP collection...

TTBurnett said...

The advantage of Facebook is not having to deal with the insane. Marys and Ingas get nowhere near you if you don't want them.

You won't be able to meet new people as easily as in the former blogosphere, but at this point in my life, I've met about all the new people I can stomach.

You may take any forthright political stand you want on Facebook. Many do. You may have people pissed at you, too, but you can ignore them, or make your posts private. Hmm...sounds familiar.

Basically, Facebook is a good tool to keep in touch with people you know IRL. People in my little world mostly put up stuff about their kids or cats—often indistinguishable except for the pictures—news and opinions about the Catholic Church, a certain amount about church music, flutes and other mostly classical music, and that's about it. Oh, and I do follow a few science FB-ers, mostly space and astronomy. I can't get enough of Emily Lakdawalla or Pamela Gay.

So, that's my boring, little online life these days—which is the same as a zillion other boring, little online lives—except, of course, when I stumble in here, a privilege reserved for we few, we lucky few....

TTBurnett said...

Chickelit: She has written appreciatively about her mother's service in WWII, and the fact her parents met, I believe, in the Army.

She has written some odd things about her father, but nothing specific, as I recall, about his service. I read Althouse faithfully from the fourth month through part of 2010. After that, I wuz GONE!

MamaM said...

He's often oblique but never dull.

Yes, I loved his post on the Vet event and this comment on those carrying the barriers: The marchers look like a train of leaf cutter ants carrying them.

Resolute: marked by firm determination, admirably purposeful, and unwavering.

Trooper York said...

I don't have the patience for Facebook. And I don't want to reconnect with people I used to know. There is a reason why we are not in each others lives anymore.

I only read facebook to read my wife's post on her page. Otherwise I never look at it for weeks at a time.

Trooper York said...

I much prefer blogging. I love the little group we have here and I must admit I am enjoying commenting at Lem's place. The mix of people make it interesting. I think it has a lot of potential if he shakes it up and gets rid of the deadwood.

Or if Lem turns it over to someone else to administer and just becomes a contributor.

Trooper York said...

Somedays I don't feel like writing a post so I like to throw out comments. That's when I enjoy it the most.

I also have to admit I like to comment at the Macho Response. I think Meade and I are the only ones commenting there these days.

He seems to have really turned out Crack.

I really misjudged him (Crack). As I have done many times before. Add him to the list.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is a bit of insanity Troop. When you are on the same page as Harry Reid and Lindsay should really pause a bit. Sort of like finding your self going the wrong way on the interstate at 3:00 a.m.

Cody Jarrett said...

I asked crackers what college he went to that justified his opinion Ted Cruz isn't a smart guy.

But I like reading crack begging Meade for a call....

Cody Jarrett said...

And I confess, I get a little thrill every time I wind up in the axis of evil.

Methadras said...

Cody Jarrett said...

I thought the boyfriend was some sort of cambodian bicycle messenger?

I always thought he was an Indian Hog Farmer.

Methadras said...

Althouse is a leftist. I've called her as much, you can't be academe like she is and not be one and know where her bread is buttered. Oh, she may throw out insights of veering right now and then, but that only eludes to her being a little too sauced, walking up from her head nod behind the wheel and swerving back left in a panic.

That said, she has shown herself to be a very spiteful, vindictive and nasty individual. Her shitting on vets is symptomatic of the leftist boomer she is and her distaste for the military overall. She can have her blog, but she's pretty much screwed it over because like all leftists, she can't keep her secret hatreds down for the count for to long and they will come out eventually.

The fact that she kept the lunatic drunk black widow nurse around is telling. Very telling. I would question the authenticity of lawnboy and that entire relationship. Dubious people doing dubious things.

ricpic said...

Troop, if that high blood pressure medication is knocking you for a loop maybe it's not the best one to take. There are a whole slew of high blood pressure medications (I'm on lisinopril) so don't be shy about asking the doctor to switch or at least talk to him about how difficult the one you're on is to deal with. Or maybe it's the dosage. They often have to do trial and error on the dosage.

I'm sure you've thought of doing the above. Would you deny me the pleasure of being a nudnik?!

ndspinelli said...

ricpic, Thanks for continuing to expand my Yiddish vocabulary. I might be ready for the Catskills next summer.

The Dude said...

Dear ol' dad called me a nudnik back in the '50s. For a Mississippi boy, from Yiddish he knew!

Is the Troopinator complaining about sleeping all day? Or just sayn'?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ol dirty EBL is not that smart and is definitely not ethical. You start with that premise and everything else makes sense.

Palladian said...

After I started having so many problems and so much stress after I was evicted, I became hypertensive for the first time in my life. Despite being quite fat, I never had a problem with it. I now take Diovan, though I had to temporarily stop because it's too expensive. I didn't have any problems with it, but as I'm a walking side effect from other medication I'm not sure I'd notice.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'm sure there's a joke there, Palladian.

I suppose I'll pass though. Cuz I like yiz.