Wednesday, October 9, 2013

GIve up cracker!

Geraldine: What you see is what you get.
Geraldine: Why are you stupid crackers not surrendering. You lost bitches. Give up. You know it is all over.
Geraldine: By the way visit my blog and give some money. Why? OBAMA! THAT'S WHY!


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Cody Jarrett said...


Looks just like him actually. Funny I never noticed it before. Good eye, Troop!

The Dude said...


Yeah, asswipe, we get it, but that was nearly a year ago. Get over it.

I think we need more chirbits around here so we should take up a collection to get Chick a new iPhone.

Who's (whose) in?

Cody Jarrett said...

He needs one? I missed it.

Sure, I'd go for that.


The Dude said...

We need a point person - where's the Nickster?

Cody Jarrett said...

If Chick wants it he can be in charge of collecting his own fundages can't he?

Trooper York said...

I would be happy to contribute.

MamaM said...

The Jester needs to set up a fund for the exercise of free will.

Most European royal courts hired jesters to perform at palace parties and celebrations...Added to their wit, most had developed several additional performance skills — they played lutes and flutes, danced, juggled, told jokes, did acrobatics and pantomime, ropewalked, performed tongue twisters, yodeled , sang and did vocal tricks.

chickelit said...

It's true that I lost my iPhone in a boating mishap.

It's true that financial circumstances still don't allow me to replace it at the moment. I think this will change sooner than later. There are other people hurting worse than I am is my point.

And I can chirbit, I just can't get the audio quality as good as it was with the iPhone. Apparently the microphone in the iPhone 5 is much better than the ones supplied in older MacBooks. Maybe someone could suggest a cheap but decent plugin microphone that is compatible with a MacBook.

The Dude said...

Okay, Royal Chicken, but I wanted to put that idea out there.

What we could use around here is a community organizer!

blake said...

The Devil made me do it.

The Dude said...

Or we could chip in to buy Trooper a Jets hat!

Icepick said...

Hey, Trooper, you haven't mentioned the extra gift we got you.

rcocean said...

Flip Wilson was one of those odd guys who looked better than some women in a Whig and a skirt.

Same with Dustin Hoffman.

Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon OTOH...

Michael Haz said...

Or we could take up a collection to buy Crack either this or this.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Come on, accusing anyone of being Merde's bitch is just mean.

There is only one person who plays that role.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

This image seems to fit you two better...

Cody Jarrett said...

Except they aren't chained together and they aren't equals.

Troop's a good guy with a big heart who brings people together.

Crackers is a mean spirited little bridge troll who seeks to keep everyone divided.

Big difference. I'd rather be more like Trooper, even if the big hearted thing isn't really in my nature--it's the better way to be.

Don't give Crackers so much credit.

The Dude said...

Evi is Crack's bitch. Get a room, you two.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty, all fired up!

Sorry I am not joining you in the Crack Attack.

Hey, Merde only has one bitch. And they occasionally borrow the neighbor's dog (and possibly Inge) for who knows what.

The Dude said...

Yeah, fired up. Whatever.

You love Crackers, that's your choice. You always have, always will. That's also your problem, not mine.

Michael Haz said...

It's time to move along. The Crackers meme has been worn out this week. Leave it alone for while.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I guess I am Crack's bitch...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty, here is a card for you...

Cody Jarrett said...

The Crack Attack?

Did you friggin' read the bullshit he's been spewing?

And I didn't attack him at all until he'd shivved me in the back. A couple of times. So fuck that noise Crack Attack.

Cody Jarrett said...

I mean jeez Evi..LOL.

You're a wonderful example of cowhood and all...but jeez.


Cody Jarrett said...

When I mentioned that blacks were grieving for Trayvon, one white guy made noises about Martin's family, raising money from his death, and then immediately started shouting "Fuck you". I personally saw this guy bragging about how badly he wanted to shoot a black person, and no one else called him on it, before I'd said anything. I'm not even sure if anybody else said anything after I did. It's just a normal way for the group to look at things, I guess. Blacks don't grieve for their children like white people, fuck you.

Just today.

For the record: I never bragged about how badly I wanted to shoot a black person. I was responding to the thread at Lem's Litterbox (h/t Sixty) about the black teens who beat the old man to death and said something about carrying a gun to be able to maybe defend a person in that situation.

Since apparently only black people do that sort of thing and only whites are the victims (in Crack's head)'s an easy jump..right? I dunno. But it's not what I said. And I don't appreciate the way it's being twisted.

Michael Haz said...

Besides, Crack just never could get over Darius Rucker singing college pop music and then switching to country. The horror, the horror.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I certainly do not agree with everything Crack says. I am not sure what is the deal with his obsession over Romney, Mormons and Glenn Reynolds--did they steal his dog as a kid or something? I share his...shall we say skepticism of new age crap. I disagree with him on the tea party, although I agree Republicans are generally hamfisted.

But overall I find TMR entertaining. I am a fan.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Let's get back to talking about Merde and his unnatural urges...

MamaM said...

no one else called him on it,

Can't call someone on something that wasn't said. Also hard to find a stalker that isn't stalking.

Saying I don't agree with Crack and Inga's method of personal pain and rage management through use of discounting, denial, delusion and drama, isn't an attack on either one of them. Examples of both of them resorting to the behaviors listed are numerous.

When 5 (or more?) commenters at three different sites have been accused of stalking by the same person, the majority of the problem is not with the person being accused.

Same with the all or nothing charges in which all acupunturists are said to be quacks, all mormans cultists, all whites racist. Those type of statement denote a problem with the person saying them.

Icepick said...

LOL at Haz's gift ideas, and the Radius Rucker comment.

Evi, not only did the steal hiss dog, they put it on top of a station wagon full of Mormons and drove right through Tennessee listening to Yani and Kitaro.

Icepick said...

Darius, damn you autocorrect, DARIUS!

Cody Jarrett said...

I really hate the Apple autocorrect. I changed to the new OS for my lappity toppity box and the new mail program uses the same autocorrect as the iOS.

I was trying to type McConnell in an email yesterday and it kept changing it to McDonnell. Even after I did the manual override thing.

Sorry Apple--on some things, you're not actually smarter than I am.

Cody Jarrett said...


So now I have to aspire to being as big hearted as Trooper, stoic as Sixty, smart as Chick and Chip, consistent as Chip, pretty as Darcy...AND as wise and zen as MamaM.

I better go pack a lunch, it could be a long siege.

Thank God I have asshole covered.


MamaM said...

Today's fortune for you CodyJ, says "Humor and Perspicuity are in your favor".

MamaM said...

I'm still puzzling over the mystery of why one person gets a stick up the ass card and not another.

Maybe it's a color dealy. Maybe the Cow only had one stamp.

The Dude said...

As time has passed I have learned that the wisdom MamaM possesses is something I can recognize, aspire to, but in all likelihood, never approach.

And I am way too emotional to ever be considered a Stoic.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The stick up the ass card can apply to us all. Feel free to circulate it.

blake said...


And don't know...pedantic as me?

Eh, I got nothin'.

Icepick said...

Thank God I have asshole covered.

Better uncover that thing to poop, or you'll end up with a blockage.

Cody Jarrett said...

Thank you, MamaM.

T'is a nice thought.

Trooper York said...

Poor Crack was over at Lem's crying that nobody loves him.

I feel bad for the guy.

It's like the guy who got arrested for bashing that Chinks window with his motorcycle helmet. It was a shame how bad he messed up that helmet.

You have to feel bad for him.

ricpic said...

I have to respectfully (I'm always respectful) disagree with rcocean:

Dustin Hoffman in drag didn't fool me. Didn't attract me even a little.

Tony Curtis on the other hand....

ricpic said...

Nobody loves me either. Do I complain? Of course I do!

ricpic said...

Did you notice that all those cyclists that bashed the chink were schvartzes? I did. Can't get nothin' past me!

ndspinelli said...

One smart Jew!!

ricpic said...

Not that smart. How smart do you have to be to understand dog bites man?

ricpic said...

The chinks don't join cycle gangs. Between work and the gambling parlor there's no time left other than for a hurried bowl of rice and a standing screw with me love you long time.

Trooper York said...

The chinks do belong to a cycle gang. It is just there is a rick shaw attached.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Poor Crack was over at Lem's crying that nobody loves him.

Which thread was that?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They haven't used rickshaws in years, they do Honda motor scooters now.

Trooper York said...

The thread about Bill Diblassio's wife getting a crooked job like Michelle Obama did.

He has a long diatribe where he is upset that youse guys sent me something when I was sick and that nobody cares about him.

The Crack Emcee said...

Cody Jarrett,

The Crack Attack?

Did you friggin' read the bullshit he's been spewing?

So says the man with the gun who couldn't wait to kill some black kids until I spoke up.

Man, you guys even play mindfuck games with each other!

And hey Sixty - did you talk to Freeman about my slave ancestors, asshole?

And sorry, Michael Haz-been, but I live in Utah:

I not only own a Book Of Mormon but I've read it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Cody Jarrett,

For the record: I never bragged about how badly I wanted to shoot a black person. I was responding to the thread at Lem's Litterbox (h/t Sixty) about the black teens who beat the old man to death and said something about carrying a gun to be able to maybe defend a person in that situation.

You're a liar. You are a bald-faced liar. You told us the caliber and specifically said how hungry you were for the potential opportunity.

Shit, Cody, before that I'd never heard of you.

And I realize, since I decided to lay into you idiots as you have me, you're all going to give our history together short-shrift (which especially makes Trooper an asshole right now) I've never been squeamish about hardly anything these fools said.

The whole point of my campaign is to make you numbnuts get an idea of how it feels.

That's a RESPONSE.

To what?

Oh I don't know:


Yeah, I think that could do it.

And, finally, fuck you Troop. As soon as I heard you were ill I came over. I told you I wasn't going to mingle because of Cody and Sixty being assholes.

Fuck money - have you so much as said "Hey" since I've been down?

You fat fucking ungrateful racist joking spewing hypocrite.

And oh yeah - Meade told me say that, dick for brains.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Dude said...

Ooo - angry black cripple bein' all angry!

Meditation would help, just sayin'.

The Crack Emcee said...


Oh go eat your pork rinds,...

Michael Haz said...

Crack- you're commenting is just a poorly done parody of 1970s Black Panther rhetoric. And it is every bit as toothless and tedious as it was then.

The Dude said...

Wow - that was a top notch retort there, Cracker. I must say your writing skills are undiminished.

Michael Haz said...

I think Crack and Inga are the same person. Cringa.

The Crack Emcee said...

And what are you, Michael Haz?

What are in it for? Who are you in it for?

You bitches cry for country and hate those that built it.

You hang with sick fucks like Sixty and think you're rebels - well you are, but Confederates.

I like, too, how it's always the same crew:

You, Pollo, Sixty, Cody, and now Troop.

The White Man's Wall Of Shame, you are.

Stand tough guys - on principle!

I'll be back to laugh at you when you're truly "done".

The Dude said...

By "back" do you mean that thing you spend months lying on?

You are crippled by hatred and stupidity.

The Crack Emcee said...

Just like yo mamma

Cody Jarrett said...

Crackers, you're just precious. Doesn't it bother you that you've become a caricature?

The Dude said...

I will admit she hated to sell your mother. That was a sad day in her life.

Unlike you your mother could pull a train. Or something.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I never do confederate in the civil war re-enactments. Of course, all they have me do is pull a cannon.

MamaM said...

The stick up the ass card can apply to us all. Feel free to circulate it.

That card's not my style, Evi, though the look on the woman's face causes a smile.

I'd prefer one with more of a "Sorry to hear that stick up your ass is causing such pain. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help." message.

Sending that card to Sixty and not Crack, seemed a tad discriminatory to me.

Cows do not see in only black and white. However, the distribution of rod and cone cells in the cow's retina does not allow them to perceive colors in the same way that human beings do. No one can describe accurately how cows see colors, but the distribution of the rod and cone cells in the retina indicate that they can discriminate, on a less precise level than humans, between colors such as red and green, blue and yellow, and of course black and white.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty gets mad when I defend you. I am not sure why you are all pissed off at Trooper for.

And it was a low blow suggest you are Meade's bitch. Meade is Ann's bitch.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

There are a lot of butt hurt going around right now. And a lot of folks with sticks up their asses.

Cody Jarrett said...

He acts that way, Evi, because that's what and who he is.

Michael Haz said...

And what are you, Michael Haz?

Happy. Unwilling to blame others for what may have happened to me. Self reliant.

chickelit said...

My best guess is that Crack will keep this nonsense up until we pay him to go away.

chickelit said...

Because I sense that's what he really wants and not truth, justice, or understanding.

chickelit said...

He's like a nuisance lawsuit.

chickelit said...

Crack, how much do you reckon each white person owes you?

Ballpark figure

The Dude said...


chickelit said...

Sixty, I still want to see the bill he's preparing.

The Dude said...

Synova thinks I am like c-fudd.

Damn - if I had any respect for her that might make me change my ways.

The Crack Emcee said...

We'll find out soon enough,...

blake said...

Know reparations
Know peace

The Crack Emcee said...

That's a big difference between me and you political pickers:

No sense of timing,.,..

The Crack Emcee said...

That should've been political "pikers".

I could blame the mistake on the computer's editing feature, but for this crew:

The White Education System let me down!


Michael Haz said...

My best guess is that Crack will keep this nonsense up until we pay him to go away

Nah. Just ignore him. It's the attention that he craves.

Cody Jarrett said...

So you can roll around on the floor in your "condition" but you can't go out and look for work?

Cody Jarrett said...

When did Synova say you were like C-fudd?

That's bullshit. And yeah...if I had any respect for her...yeah.

Cody Jarrett said...


Although in Crack's case it's more like NO PIECE NO PEACE.

Seriously dude. You're in more dire need of a blow job than any white man in history.

Chip S. said...

What this thread needs is a musical interlude, and I've got just the thing: a memorial to a fallen soldier that makes its listeners want not to fight.

Ravel was pretty sharp.

The Dude said...

Thanks, Chip S - at the end of that was a link to this.

That's one of my favorite pieces of music, not a great recording of it, and Lenny is being Lenny the showboat, but it gets the job done. The dissonance that is created in the middle is resolved in the end.

Methadras said...

El Pollo Raylan said...

It's true that I lost my iPhone in a boating mishap.

It's true that financial circumstances still don't allow me to replace it at the moment. I think this will change sooner than later. There are other people hurting worse than I am is my point.

And I can chirbit, I just can't get the audio quality as good as it was with the iPhone. Apparently the microphone in the iPhone 5 is much better than the ones supplied in older MacBooks. Maybe someone could suggest a cheap but decent plugin microphone that is compatible with a MacBook.

October 9, 2013 at 7:45 PM

Chick, try here

chickelit said...

Good thing I never lived in a slave state, crack. I might owe you a fortune for your misfortune.

The Crack Emcee said...

Chip S.,

A memorial to a fallen soldier that makes its listeners want not to fight.

That should work great for you guys into the shutdown.


Chip S. said...

Sixty, that's also a fave of mine. Have you heard Hermann Scherchen's version? I esp like his take on B's 3rd symph. Crazy fast, you keep waiting for the orchestra to fly apart. But lotsa brio.

Chip S. said...

Whatevs, man.

Cody Jarrett said...

Is Ravel the one who wrote the music for the left hand?

The Dude said...

Ravel and others.

Ravel wrote his for a pianist injured in WWI, the war to end all wars.

Cody Jarrett said...


Stupid as it may be--I really like that, since I saw it on a MASH episode where Charles amputated the man's hand and it turned out he was a concert pianist. The raw fury and the discordant, yet melodic sound drew me in.

I always intend to buy a version but never know which one to get.

The Dude said...

Ugly site about left hand music.

LvB Consecration of the House.

The Crack Emcee said...

Cody Jarrett,

Stupid as it may be--I really like that,...

You're stupid - it fits.

The Crack Emcee said...



The Crack Emcee said...

Fucking jackass with a pipe in his pants.

I grew up in the ghetto and never had to carry a fucking gun.

Fucking pussy.

Cody Jarrett said...

Thanks for the link, Sixty.

Cody Jarrett said...

From the most recent Baby Crackie post at The Pussy Response:

This is true. Ever since Cody Jarrett was talking about his gun at Lem's place, and how badly he wanted to shoot someone black - and nobody white said anything because TRAYVON - I haven't considered him (or them) too bright. And I no longer feel as willing to try and get comfortable amongst them. Some of you might've noticed.

At some point, it starts to get comical. He's like one of those little yippy dogs.
But only if the dog's had it's nuts cut out, like his wife took his.

chickelit said...

Michael Haz said...
Nah. Just ignore him. It's the attention that he craves.

You're right. I'll try harder to avoid him here in the future. You all have permission to stomp on me if I falter. Lem's is a different story because I have a theory about what he's trying to do there and I want to see if it plays out.

chickelit said...

@Cody: don't mistake any future silence as deafness.

The Dude said...

You are welcome, Codes, and I am with E. P. Rayon - do not mistake my ignoring the impudent brat having a tantrum for agreement with his idiocy.

Cody Jarrett said...


You (and of course Mr. Haz) aren't wrong, and I should probably try it myself.

Feel free to remind me should I stumble.

Cody Jarrett said...


I'd invite Sixty to remind me should I forget...but I'm afraid at how literally he might take "stomp on me"...


The Dude said...

Hey, the worst I could do is call you Meade. No one wants that.

Cody Jarrett said...


Methadras said...

The Crack Emcee said...

And what are you, Michael Haz?

What are in it for? Who are you in it for?

You bitches cry for country and hate those that built it.

You hang with sick fucks like Sixty and think you're rebels - well you are, but Confederates.

I like, too, how it's always the same crew:

You, Pollo, Sixty, Cody, and now Troop.

The White Man's Wall Of Shame, you are.

Stand tough guys - on principle!

I'll be back to laugh at you when you're truly "done".

I gotta laugh at shit like this. As if you are the forlorned and tormented man of old looking for revenge and justice for his people for the ill will done to them in the name of slavery. Getting shit for building the south and yet forgetting that it nearly tore this country apart and yet impugning the sins of the fathers onto the sons which is a sin unto itself.

Newsflash you deranged lunatic, we aren't slave masters, we never experienced slavery, we have never seen it outside of pictures, books, and retellings by ex-slaves. Maybe you are crying about not getting your 40 acres and a mule, but we aren't the folks to go after for that. I get that slavery was a horror show. That it's utter brutality pretty much built southern cotton kingdoms on the back of slave labor. That successive judgments against blacks like Dread-Scott and southern expansion like the Louisiana Purchase pretty much sealed the deal to keep slavery going for as long as possible, but it has stopped. The problem is, you aren't stopping. And you are living in a country that in like part was built on the back of slave labor, but that was over a century and a half ago, yet here you are trying to get us to walk in your shoes, yet you were never a slave. And collectively, this slave guilt that you try to project onto the rest of us doesn't fly because it can't. It has no wings because slavery no longer exists in this country.

And lest you forget, this country has spent the better part of $15 trillion dollars on blacks in the last 50 years (which is a hell of a lot more than they ever produced for free during the entire tenure of slavery.) trying to make up for the horrors of slavery and what do you get in return? Mostly large bloc voters for and by the singular party that had them as slaves to begin with and it's all legal. Re-enslavement, it's what's for dinner and you keep bellying to the table to remind us of the collective stupidity of nearly 13% of the population that falls for this shit.

You're anger is directed in the wrong direction. Look within the enclaves of your skin color since you are hanging your hat on how much melanin someone can be angry by and remind them to stop taking the graft and grist of those that keep them there. Let's see how far that goes and come back and let us know, asshole.

You know crack, it really isn't paranoia if they are actually after you, but you see, you never tell us who is after you, but now you are making me do it. It's on you, asshole.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Anyone calling anyone Meade's bitch is way out of line.

Unless they are talking about ol dirty EBL

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Of course Meade is really ol dirty EBL's bitch.

Cody Jarrett said...

You've said that, Evi.

And I guess I'm way out of line. Oh well.
Have a nice evening.

Cody Jarrett said...

Interesting though, Evi, how there's no comment from you about what else might be out of line.

MamaM said...

Bullshit is bullshit, regardless of whether it's Crack, or Inga, or Althouse herself serving up the stinking cow pie.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cody, I do not agree with all of Crack's rant. I also do not agree with all of yours. And I know neither one of you agree with all of mine.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I do not dig the dog pile on Crack. I do not agree with everything he saying. People say crazy shit out of anger. Did you ever do that?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

We all have done that.

Even Sixty.

Cody Jarrett said...

Never mind, Evi. Just never mind.

I get it. Crack is allowed to say whatever he wants, lie about whoever or whatever--and you'll never say a word about it.

Way to be taken seriously.

Cody Jarrett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cody, I am an equal opportunity slammer. I go on his site and I leave comments there when I agree or disagree. Crack can hold his own.

So can you.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

And if he lied about you, I will defend you. Show me where he did it.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I have been both attacked and complemented by Sixty. Sometimes in the same day.

I roll with it. Shit, sometimes I deserve it.

Cody Jarrett said...

Has Sixty ever gone on three different sites (at least) and repeated over and over that you absolutely drool over the idea of gunning down black children?

Whatever, Evi. I'm done with this. I'm about to say something that, at some point, I'll wish I hadn't said.

And for me--that's something.

Enjoy your crack party.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I asked him to show me proof you said that. I have not seen it. That is unacceptable to accuse someone of that, unless it is true.

I am not defending false accusations.

Trooper York said...

Crack never got over when they cancelled the "Little Rascals."

chickelit said...

Sixty Grit said...
Synova thinks I am like c-fudd.

Damn - if I had any respect for her that might make me change my ways.

I learn different thinks from you two so I only see differences.

chickelit said...

A Reasonable Man compares Chip S's blog to Crack's: link


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I do not like denouncing friends. I will denounce behavior.

MamaM said...

For whatever else Cody Jarrett may or may not have said, this statement is crystal clear:

Here's the thing, Crackers:
I don't go looking for people to hurt or kill.

I've never hurt or killed someone just because they were a certain color or gender or orientation.

I never would and never will.

On the other hand, there are many documented cases of black youths attacking and killing white people simply because they're white.

Defending yourself (or another) against such an attack isn't racist or evil or even wrong.

That you'd try to spin it otherwise tells us a great deal about your soul.

Posted by Cody Jarrett, August 23, 2013 at 3:25 PM

rcocean said...

"Dustin Hoffman in drag didn't fool me. Didn't attract me even a little.

Tony Curtis on the other hand...."

Damn Ricpic, I just said they were better looking than *some* women... a low bar indeed...of course some guys are attracted to anything in a skirt.

No offense, but using the word 'attract' and Dustin Hoffman in the same sentence kinda skeevs me.

Cody Jarrett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cody Jarrett said...

Chick for your TL --I emailed crack as soon as the news hit here. At the time I was still trying to be friends and didn't know how much he came here or lems.

So he knew half a day or more prior.

The Dude said...

Cows are stupid. That's why I eat hamburger.

Michael Haz said...

You people who obsess about Crack Emcee here and at Lem's need to let go of it. You're letting him live rent-free in your brains. It's a cult.

Focus on something worthwhile, like how the Giants totally suck.

Cody Jarrett said...

I remember a guy named Haz engaging a few times...



Michael Haz said...

Not obsessively, Cody. Not for hours on end, day after day.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'd imagine it's a little different, Haz, if he's on at least three sites repeating over and over (remember that line about repeating lies until they become truth) how you're just drooling with anticipation at being able to shoot black children.

I'm fairly sure that might make even you want to argue with him.

Michael Haz said...

No Cody, I'd ignore it.

First, I wouldn't go looking for what was posted about me, second, I'd presume that people who read that nonsense would take it for nonsense, and third, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of engaging, since that's exactly what he wants.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cody, if he is accusing you of racism over that statement Mama M posted that is flat out wrong.

Michael Haz said...

If he stood on a soapbox one three different corners and delivered his rants, do you think any passers-by would take it seriously?

The internet is just a street corner where some bring their soap boxes and rant.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sixty, you are what you eat.

Michael Haz said...

I mean, if you argue with a crazy person standing on the street corner and do you turn out to be anything but anything but someone crazy enough to argue with a crazy person?

Not winning.

Cody Jarrett said...

Mr. Haz, I wouldn't say I went looking. After all--he came here.

And I glance at the threads over Lemmie's Litterbox (h/t 60), was there too.

And I honestly don't know how many people take him seriously. My common sense tells me not very many--but my common sense also told me that once Annie and her lapdog revealed what they really are (or a part thereof) that just about everyone would abandon them, and while they've taken a hit, now that they've got the comments back, things are picking up over there with many of the old crowd drifting back in (that's not to be confused with Chicken, who just likes commenting there for his own reasons, and it's not a value judgement).

I'm not discounting your point, Mr. Haz. It's just annoying as hell. And my default is "fight", no matter how zen I try to be.

The Dude said...

The problem is it is not really a fight. It's just pixels on a screen, and no damage is inflicted, no gains made, and if nothing else, we lower ourselves to the level of the attacker.

We do, however, learn who our friends are. Evi is not, Synova is not, Lem, nope, but we kind of knew that. So fuck them. They are beneath contempt.

Haz is of course, correct, and sometimes I fail to find something more constructive to spend my time on. That is my own failure, and I own that.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cody, I am sorry. I consider Crack a friend, and I am not apologizing for that, but I do not however like false accusations. If he did that to you (and it sure seems that way) that is wrong.

As for you Sixty, you are what you are. You have in the past attacked me for no good reason other than you being off your medications. You do not consider me a friend? I will have to live with that.

Cody Jarrett said...

I just wanna be everybody's friend!

I'm just a big ol' golden retriever!

Okay not really.

And yeah--to echo Sixty and as I've said before--I get caught in the drama which is why I have to avoid drama traps.

Thanks Evi, btw. I don't expect you to abandon Crackers, I was just surprised you hadn't figured out what I was annoyed by, since he was repeating it over and over.

The Dude said...

I don't take medications, so fuck off, you stupid cow. But you might want to get your bovine spongiform encephalopathy looked into.

Stick with Cracker, you'll do fine - he is an excellent role model. Your site will prosper.

You two seem like peas in a pod - thin skinned, delusional, pathetic.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cody, you are right to defend yourself. For what it is worth, I went over to TMR and told him not to accuse you without an actual link and quote. I have not seen one. That makes me think one does not exist. And even if out of anger to the Spokane outrage you lashed out, your follow up makes it clear you are not what Crack is contending.

Sixty you are a piece of work. Pull that lathe out of your ass sometime and wash it off.

ndspinelli said...

Clemenza and I are going into the city to buy some clean mattresses.

ndspinelli said...

But, w/ the bed bug epidemic you all might want to reconsider going to the mattresses.

Michael Haz said...

Leave the mattresses; take the cannoli.

chickelit said...

Pull that lathe out of your ass sometime and wash it off.

That should work up a lather.

Cody Jarrett said...

Spin cycle, Chicken.

chickelit said...

I sense a ripple in the cohesive force of Trooper unity.

Sometimes people's words appear to be like data outliars and that gets me suspicious of motives. Otherwise why work up a lather?

Really, I'm worse than spinelli in that department.

chickelit said...

The having suspicions I mean.

The Dude said...

I do not understand your anal fixation, Evi, but whatever floats your boat.

bagoh20 said...

"Pull that lathe out of your ass sometime and wash it off. "

I like that. It has a certain richness of texture and absurdity. And since I have a few lathes around here, it's close to my heart, but not via my anus.

I will steal this high quality insult for later use.

Cody Jarrett said...

It's like a rock tumbler, Chix.

Little by little the rough edges are ground off until you're left with nothing but prettiness. And dust.

Cody Jarrett said...

And btw, Chicken was pretty spot on. Troop tried to be nice to Crack. Crack responded badly. There was a big scene, and someone left. In this case...Trooper hisself.

Where's Trooper? He wasn't watching Thursday Night Football was he? Because if he did--the Bitter Lesbian must've tested that new device in his chest.

chickelit said...

Methadras said: Chick, try here

Cool. But will those little thingies plug into a Mac laptop? It's the MacBook laptop mic that's shitty, not an iPhone's.

The Dude said...

Hey Evi - I just read what you posted on Cracker's site - that was a good thing you did there. I take back what I said about your spongiform.

MamaM said...

It's not just "pixels on a screen" anymore than "words are just air coming out of the mouth" or books are "ink on paper".

What we say matters. When an employer is contacted or someone's spouse is on the receiving end of a warning email by a vindictive commenter they've never had contact or relationship with, pixel exchanges become personal and real.

Crack twisted what Cody Jarret said to create a lie that suited his purposes. Holding Crack accountable for he's said and done is not the same as obsession or letting him "live rent free" in the brain. While ignoring may feel more comfortable to some, it's not what moves things forward.

As I've said before, the only thing that resolves personal conflict is Truth and Grace. When neither party is willing to speak truthfully and extend grace, relationship breaks down and resolution is not possible. That's the bottom line.

The anger being expressed here and at Lem's is a sign something is off. Passing it around from one person to the other isn't the solution, but neither is ignoring it or acting as if it's not present and vibrating.

What Evi did was cool for a cow, as she said where she stands and invited truth, while extending regard for all parties involved.

The Dude said...

You are correct, MamaM - I guess I meant it wasn't a fight in that no one gets punched.

Your examples illustrate that a blow need not be landed to inflict damage.

Evi did good. I didn't. All I can do is apologize and try not to get all stirred up. Again.

MamaM said...

Evi did good. I didn't. All I can do is apologize and try not to get all stirred up. Again.

Who knows what Evi would have done if you hadn't gotten stirred up. It takes a lot to mooove a cow! Beside that, they're used to standing in manure,

The Dude said...

Sadly manure is more than hoof deep over at TOOOP.

Chip S. said...

Everything MamaM says I agree with. But I also would like to offer my own speculation about what this blowup has really been about.

I don't think I ever commented in any Trayvon Martin thread at TOP, and I know for sure I've never done so at Lem's. This was for two reasons: (1) I had nothing to add to what other people were saying, and (2) some of the people who I o/w would've agreed with took things too far for me. I did put up a post on my own widely-ignored blog making clear that I thought the trial was a complete travesty, but I saw no reason to piss on the corpse of Trayvon. While he was clearly not a completely sweet and innocent child, I thought it was wrong to speculate about the degree to which he was a "thug".

But there was, at least at TOP, a lot of talk about Trayvon being an obvious thug, rather than a kid who was at an early stage of a bad path. These statements were made with a degree of certitude that couldn't have been based on a body of hard facts. So I am not surprised that Crack would've taken offense at them.

Specifically, I recall reading a few comments at TOP along the lines of, "One less thug in the world. No loss." (I stress right now that I'm paraphrasing, not truly quoting. But that's the gist of what I remember.) That kind of stuff was over the top, IMO. And I speculate that it's the kind of thing that made Crack highly emotional about related issues.

To be clear, the evidence is that Crack severely twisted what Cody actually wrote. If Crack manned up and apologized for that, I think everything might be cool. But I also think that maybe the rest of us could try to imagine the emotional reaction a guy like Crack--who might've been able to see some of his younger self in Trayvon--would have to the tenor of comments like the ones that I paraphrased above.

Mostly I blame Obama, who clearly and deliberately used this case to inflame racial passions for his own perceived political advantage. We've had here just a very small taste of the bitterness at large thanks to the motherfucker in the White House.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'd only say, Chip, that the thread where the supposed comment was made was regarding the two kids that beat the old man to death, and tangentially the other "justice for Trayvon" attacks that went on for a couple of days.

I don't know as I got into much Trayvon discussion anywhere (except on Jeralyn Merrit's discussion board (not her blog site, she opened up a discussion board just for the case). I pretty much stayed there for that whole thing.

But that whole mess...there's a reason some people were (to paraphrase your post) talking about Trayvon as a thug. He was one. He wanted to be a bigger one. There's a shit ton of stuff that wasn't allowed to be brought up. Including how his own father, Tracy, was involved with getting (or trying to get) the kid a gun (there's a certain nickname Tracy has in certain circles. It stands out).

(*In the interest of providing footnotes, I'd direct you to the Conservative Treehouse, who despite being nutbags, did a lot of really good work. There were many Freedom of Information requests filed by the people from there, and many hours of on the ground sleuthing. Early on a lot of what O'Mara knew came from there, and even Bernie himself mentioned them in court, oddly enough. And full disclosure, I didn't and don't post there. Well, not anymore. I got banned after the first couple of days because I argued with the owner of the site. Hey--he was wrong, what can I say?).

Chip S. said...

Cody, I should have said specifically that the TOP comments I referred to weren't made by anyone who comments here.

I'm not naming names b/c (1) I'm unwilling to do a search to find the specific comments and (2) the person or persons I'm thinking of can't defend themselves here.

Trooper York said...

The thing is we can disagree here with out slashing each other the way that is the norm at TOP and increasingly TOOP.

Even people who were bitterly at odds like Tim and Palladian can sometimes find a little understanding and iron out their differences enough to be at least civil if not friendly.

Trooper York said...

I want to congratulate and thank Sixty, Cody and Evi for working it out. It takes a big man to apologize and good man to accept it in the spirit in which it is given.

I am very sad to say that Crack is neither of those things.

Trooper York said...

I think in the end we have flogged this dead horse enough. We got a lot of comments here and we got Lem some comments at his joint. I don't know if that is a good thing but it is what it is.

I agree with Michael Haz that it is best to leave Crack to his rants and let him return to his well deserved obscurity.

He has earned that.

Cody Jarrett said...

Nice to see you awake, Troop.

Is today the day they're letting you start move your other arm around?

Cody Jarrett said...

And Chip, I got that. Or think I did anyway. I was mostly idly speculating about myself. You know how it is.

" I like the fish? I can't remember. Did I have the fish last time we were here? Was it good? I did? It was?"

You know.

Icepick said...

I was thinking we really needed a Son of York, and there he is....

Icepick said...

ChipS, your recollection of Martin/Zimmerman threads is largely correct, save one thing. At least one person making some of the worst comments HAS commented here, though infrequently and not in some time.

Icepick said...

M/Z threads at TOP, that is.

And TOOOP? I think that is taking things too far.

The Dude said...

Of course it is - I didn't want to invoke the name nor summon the proprietor.

Trooper York said...

The new meds they gave me yesterday made me very sleepy. I had a dream that the Giants lost another game.

How fucked up is that?

Trooper York said...

I can't really move it until next Friday when they check if the device is set right.

Luckily I have a lot of practice doing stuff with one arm and hand. All those hours at the Japanese panda porn site has come in handy.

So to speak.

blake said...

It takes a big man to cry.
It takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.

Methadras said...

El Pollo Raylan said...

Methadras said: Chick, try here

Cool. But will those little thingies plug into a Mac laptop? It's the MacBook laptop mic that's shitty, not an iPhone's.

Oh, I misread that. I'm sure there are tons of USB mics for the Macbook. I'll see what I can find.

Cody Jarrett said...

If I was choosing one I'd just browse the top rated ones on Amazon and pc mag dot com.

Cody Jarrett said...

I was thinking we really needed a Son of York, and there he is....

between this and the TOOOP stuff...


The Dude said...

It takes a lot to laugh,
It takes a train to cry.

That's for Haz.

chickelit said...

Trooper York said...
The new meds they gave me yesterday made me very sleepy. I had a dream that the Giants lost another game.

Read the labels on the pill bottles and tell what they're putting in you.

chickelit said...

Luckily I have a lot of practice doing stuff with one arm and hand. All those hours at the Japanese panda porn site has come in handy.

"One-armed man who come in handy like Rolling Stones album."

Don't ask me to make sense of it. I saw it in a fortune cookie.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Thank you Sixty. I am sorry I stated you have a lathe up your ass.

chickelit said...

The new meds they gave me yesterday made me very sleepy.

Don't such meds contraindicate your Borgnine therapy?

Icepick said...

Come on, Cody, the Bard is always welcome.

Icepick said...

Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lowed'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.

Icepick said...

See, it's got yer discontent getting burned away by the warmth of York, and big tits. What more could you want? That Shakespeare dude was a genius!

The Dude said...

Apology accepted, Evi. I'll switch to bacon now.

Michael Haz said...

I was promised there would be no Bob Dylan on this blog.

Icepick said...

I'm happy there was a good resolution to prior arguments, but the lathe up the ass line is a keeper.

Cody Jarrett said...


With all the love now flying willy nilly like butterflies in spring, I feel a trifle guilty about the ground beef I'm about to eat.

And I wasn't knocking Mr. Shakespeare, IP. It was that the "Son of York" followed so closely behind the TOOOP and all that came with it. Most of which I confess--I'm too tired to understand.

blake said...

I didn't make any promises.

Wintertime's comin'
The windows are filled with frost
I went to tell everybody but I
Could not get it crost
I wanna be your lover, baby
I don't wanna be your boss
Don't say I didn't warn ya
If your train gets lost


I must've cried a million tears
At least ninety-six
I cried me a river
And an ocean just for kicks
Listen to the thunder
Dark clouds fill the sky
Well, it looks like rain
And I hear a train
But I'm not gonna cry

That's better.

Cody Jarrett said...

Dammit, I want this thread to go over 200.

BTW, Evi, I'm insulted you'd even think I'd delete posts after the fact.


Icepick said...

Let's not go over 200, because trying to view comment threads longer than 200 comments becomes quite inconvenient on my phone.

chickelit said...

Are we close to 200 because wouldn't want to be the one to push it over.

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