Friday, October 9, 2009

Thank God this isn't last week when I was on the Freeway!

Last week we were in LA and driving on the freeway. This is what it looked like! Not confusing in the least. Right.
Thank God I just have to walk four blocks to the store! That I can manage.


Peter V. Bella said...

It's not the walking to the store that's hard. It is the stumbling home late that makes life tough.

ricpic said...

The great adjustment to California driving is that no one yields -- ever. That means that when you're driving on the right lane of the freeway dawdling along at a mere 70 MPH and you spy a car on the on ramp going say 50 MPH you only have two choices: slam on the brakes or speed up to 90 in order to just barely edge out the on ramp car which WILL NOT YIELD at the entry point. It's very exciting, California.

Anonymous said...

There's a place like that in Atlanta, called spaghetti junction. I hate places like that. Green Acres for this old boy.

chickelit said...

I'm sure places like NY and NJ pioneered those kinds of nightmares but they're all just crumbling infrastucture these days.

blake said...


Those things are great. Take you anywhere at lightning speeds.

And, no, we don't like to yield, or anyone else to yield either. The answer is ALWAYS go faster.