Thursday, September 10, 2009

Its all there in black and white.

"Hello...hello is that you Trey? I can't hear you...where are you?'
"I am on my cell Selina....I had to go to Washington DC."
"But Trey you can not leave town without informing me....look I dyed my hair for you...I am a blonde tabby cat now.....ppppuuuuurrrrrrr."
"I am sure it looks wonderful Selina but I have important business in the seat of government. I will be visiting many historic monuments."
"That is as may be Trey...but I went to a lot of trouble and my monuments look pretty historic if I say so myself ....I even made the carpet match the drapes...."
"Trey.....Trey....are you still must be a bad connection....oh well.....I guess I will just shave instead.....everybody loves a shaved cat..... or even better a shaved pussy.......ha, ha,ha."


ricpic said...

If you just inched one of those spaghetti strings off her shoulder her beautiful dug would pop out...aaahh.

TMink said...

Now THAT is a nice send off to go march on Washington. Although, my progress may be somewhat slowed if I think too much of this post.
