Saturday, October 3, 2009

Yo no habla espanol perro yo conoce un poccisimo douchebag!

So as I said pretty much everyone we met downtown was Mexican. Except strangely enough the dude who owned the fabric warehouse who was a Jewish dude from Borough Park. Him I could talk turkey, so to speak. Or maybe pastrami, well you get my drift.

Anyway all of the workers were Mexican dudes and they were jabbering away to each other as they worked. Now I don't speak Spanish really, but I understand a lot. A whole lot. So I knew what they were saying and some of it wasn't nice. You see they weren't too fond of the lady we were with. So I went up to them and my best Puerto Rican accent I told them I understood what they were saying and maybe they should think about how they talk about customers when business sucks so much. I mean the owner guy told me he had to lay off half his work staff. The guy who was the worst loudmouth almost shit himself right there. He apologized and disappeared for the rest of the time we were there.

The owner guy only wanted to talk about Brooklyn and Coney Island and stuff like that. Small freakin world.


Peter V. Bella said...

Ya see that is why they are here. In Mexico they would be out on the street for talking trash about customers. Here they can just jabber away and no one is the wiser; until one person steps up to the plate.

Good for you Troop! Kudos!

blake said...

That's really dumb.

Speaking Spanish is more common than speaking English here.

ricpic said...

Trooper dice los cojones grandes!

Palladian said...

I have a white friend that regularly terrifies trash-talking Chinese waiters and shopkeepers by snapping back at them in Cantonese.

TMink said...

Good to hear from you Palladian! A late, nerdy college friend of mine used to trash talk the waitresses at Chinese restaurants in a similar manner. The guy was pale nordic white, which made the whole situation more fun for everyone.
