Monday, February 13, 2012

We are holding a vigil for Whitney Houston.

Blaze up mothafucker!


The Dude said...

So wrong, and so funny at the same time. Cook it if you got it.

Trooper York said...

If mocking dead crackheads is wrong I don't want to be right.

Trooper York said...

That was a Teddy Pendergras song I think.

The Dude said...

Never get in a car with a guy named Teddy, just sayin'.

Chip S. said...

That was a Teddy Pendergras song I think.

"Spoonlight Beomes You"?

ricpic said...

WH is an example, no more and no less, of what Saul Bellow called "the whirling lives" of inner city or ghetto or under class blacks. Underneath the glitter and the insane money that's what she was and never escaped from. She led the standard chaotic, whirling, self-destructive life lived by a thousand Tyeeshas and Tawanas and Taneekas you pass on the street if you're unfortunate enough to live where there are a thousand Tyeeshas, Tawanas and Taneekas to pass.

Yes, I admit it, I tired of vibrancy.

blake said...

So...who's next?

The Dude said...


I mean if this place is going to be EBC Jr. we have to keep track of celebrity death groupings.

All I know is if I were Abe Vigoda or Ernest Borgnine I'd sleep with one eye open.

rcommal said...

If mocking dead crackheads is wrong I don't want to be right.

Two sides of the coin.

OK, so I was wrong.

You really are, in truth, more into this.

Hey, baby, it's all OK.

I have this to comfort to me: link.