Thursday, February 23, 2012

What did you give up for Lent?

So what did you give up for Lent? Lisa gave up cursing. I gave up rage. I am calm and taking things one day at a time.

What did you give up for Lent?

I gave up rage for Lent?

But Christmas isn't that far away.


chickelit said...


john said...

Thinking up good comments.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Titus what did you give up? You might find this funny.

Anonymous said...


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Here is the reciprocal to you might find this funny.

AllenS said...

Toilet paper.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
windbag said...

If I give up putting up with dipshidiots, that doesn't count, does it?

ndspinelli said...

Sex w/ monkeys.

chickelit said...

I thought you were going to say "stalking pandas", Nick.

ndspinelli said...

I "stalk" for a living. The Good Lord wouldn't expect that sacrafice, although his son was a commie.

blake said...


ndspinelli said...

Thanks, Blake. It didn't look right but I had to pee.

blake said...


Nick, I wasn't correcting your spelling, I was suggesting I was giving up sacrifice for Lent.

ndspinelli said...

Then it was a twofer, dude.

Chip S. said...

I gave up cruel neutrality.

I'm just gonna focus on the cruelty until Easter.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip S., nice one.

TerriW said...

Wheat and sugar, though my husband said that doesn't really count because I've been going down that path anyways since I had to take my mom to the ER for bad diabetes complications.

My kids gave up caramel. They gave up chocolate last year but were not interested in doing *that* again. Heh.

Last year, I was on "internet fast" from 8am to 8pm. Painful at first, but I came to be happy I did it.

And my husband's an atheist.

Anonymous said...

Terri, plenty of people coming to the realization of just how destructive wheat and sugar are to our health.

My fasting blood sugars were heading toward the pre diabetic stage, now that I've cut out all wheat and sugar and most starchy vegetables they are completely back to normal.

I always recommend reading the book Wheat Belly, by Dr. Davis.

blake said...

I'm reading Wheat Belly but not finding it very convincing.

Here's an interesting rebuttal at a paleo blog:

Anonymous said...

Well she could be a heretic among Paleo followers, none of which eat wheat, or legumes, limit nuts.

I can only speak for myself and a few of my friends that have cut out the wheat. We all have had weight loss and in my case better a lipid panel, better fasting glucose levels, and improved CRP.

It only makes sense that limiting any high glycemic food will improve blood sugars and correct what comes part and parcel with high blood sugars, Metabolic Syndrome.

blake said...

She's not pro-wheat, she just thinks the guy's focus on wheat is incorrect.

I think I agree. I've done the whole "don't eat dairy" and "don't eat wheat" thing on the strength of various anti-whatever groups and never found any amazing health benefits.

Low carb generally, sure. I've been doing a low carb/high carb rotation successfully. I'm just not sure wheat is such a villain.

It would kind of appeal to me if it were, because the Wheat Belly dude appears to be blaming the wheat that evolved as the result of Norman Borlaug's efforts, and Borlaug, of course, is the guy who saved the world.

Anonymous said...

Blake, I never cut out dairy and I still eat legumes , but sparingly. Basically I cut out wheat and sugar because of my family history of diabetes of both my mother and father. I am the only one of four siblings that doesn't have diabetes.

Low carb is an ideal way of eating for me, I'm not an athlete so I don't carb cycle, but I do occasionally have a higher carb day, just to shake things up.

blake said...

I can easily believe that some people have sensitivities to wheat, sugar, dairy, etc.

I can also easily believe that they write books about the evils thereof.

Pyschs do that, too. Freud was sex-obsessed so that's what his therapy was about.

Actually everyone does that about everything. Heh.

windbag said...

Cave man diet: if you can hunt it, fish it, pluck it off a tree or bush, or pull it out of the ground, then eat it.

blake said...

Sea urchin seasoned with nightshade, anyone?